Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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      Finding aids:

      [0419] Raymond Leslie Buell Papers, 1915-1984 (bulk 1920-1946), MSS61465

      Location: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Room LM 101, James Madison Memorial Bldg, Washington, D.C. 20540-4680

      Description: Buell (1896-1946) was an educator, lecturer, and publicist; active in international affairs. Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, statements, writings, subject files, and other papers relating to Buell's career as a writer and speaker on international affairs, to his travels, and to his activities with the Foreign Policy Association and the Republican Party. Correspondence with American Mercury, Lawrence Dennis, Institute of Pacific Relations, Walter H. Judd, Alfred M. Landon, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry Robinson Luce, Henry J. Taylor, Burton K. Wheeler, Alexander Wiley, and Wendell L. Willkie,. Subject Files on Communism, Dumbarton Oaks proposals, and Nazism.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0420] John Allen Buggs Papers, 1939-1964

      Location: Amistad Research Center, Inc., Tilton Hall, Tulane University, 6823 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118

      Description: The papers of John Allen Buggs (1915-1974) document his career as an educator and school administrator. The collections consists of 4,000 items or 3.2 linear feet. There are 2,560 pieces of correspondence, 46 multi-page reports, 240 general single-page reports, 25 essays, and approximately 1,000 general items such as financial reports, bulletins, pamphlets, invitations, announcements, photographs, newspaper clippings, contracts, lists, press releases, and biographical sheets. Within the papers is a collection of "hate literature" from neo-Nazi, anti-Communist, Jewish, and African American organizations.

      Finding aid:

      [0420a] Robert Johns Bulkley Papers, 1886-1967, MS 3310

      Location: Western Reserve Historical Society, 10825 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

      Description: Robert Johns Bulkley (1880-1965) was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer and businessman who served as a United States Congressman (1910-1914) and Senator (1930-1939). Bulkley was an ardent supporter of the New Deal. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, notes, reports, certificates, personal and miscellaneous printed items relating to Bulkley's personal, political and business activities. Series I: Correspondence, 1886-1967; undated, contains correspondence relating to the anti-Catholic publication The Menace, to proposed anti-miscegenation laws, and to allegations by the Harvard "Veritas" association concerning Communist influences and Dr. Ralph Bunche. Series II: Non-Correspondence, 1893-1965; undated, contains speeches and other materials relating to Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1937 attempt to reform the federal judiciary; speeches and public documents of Alexis Carrel; speeches and public releases by William E. Borah in 1931; a typescript copy of "The Truth About the New Deal" by H. A. Nickel; various proposals in pamphlet form for a Federal Reserve System; and a speech by William F. Buckley, Jr.

      Finding aid:

      [0421] William C. Bullitt Papers, 1813-1998, bulk 1909-1967 (MS 112)

      Location: Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, 128 Wall Street, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520

      Description: In November 1933, Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union. In August 1936, Bullitt became the U.S. ambassador to France. Contains correspondence with Frank Altschul, Styles Bridges, William F. Buckley, Jr., William Henry Chamberlin, The Christianform, Council Against Communist Aggression, René De Chambrun, Max Eastman, Charles Edison, James Forrestal, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, Sisley Huddleston, Edward Hunter, Walter H. Judd, George A. Judson, W. F. Knowland, Alfred Kohlberg, William L. Langer, Isaac Don Levine, Clare Boothe Luce, Eugene Lyons, Douglas MacArthur, George W. Malone, Joseph R. McCarthy, Raymond Moley, Robert Morris, Karl Mundt, Nicholas T. Nonnenmacher, Arthur W. Radford, Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr., Robert A. Taft, Dorothy Thompson, George Holden Tinkham, James P. Warburg, and Albert C. Wedemeyer.

      Finding aids:

      [0422] Bunin family papers, 1795-1962, Coll. 90075

      Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010

      Description: Family of Boris Ivanovich Bunin, Russian émigrés in France and the United States. Writings, certificates, photographs, postcards, and miscellany, relating to social conditions and rural life in Russia before the Russian Revolution, Russian émigré life in France and the United States, and activities of the right-wing Russian émigré group Mladorosskaia Partiia in France between the two world wars.

      Finding aid:

      Finding aids to photographs (90075 - 10.A-V):

      22 prints of members of the right-wing Russian émigré group Mladorosskaia Partiia in France between the two world wars, undated.

      [0422a] Oral History Interview with Col. Laurence E. Bunker [oral history]

      Location: Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, 500 W. US Hwy 24, Independence, MO 64050

      Description: Interview conducted in Independence, Missouri, on December 14, 1976, by Benedict K. Zobrist. Subjects discussed include John Chamberlain, Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Douglas MacArthur, Harry S Truman, Military Intelligence Digest [i.e., Foreign Intelligence Digest], and General Charles Willoughby.


      [0423] Papers of Colonel Laurence Eliot Bunker, USA, Aide de Camp to General MacArthur, 1943-1977, RG-45

      Location: Archives and Library, MacArthur Memorial, 198 Bank St, Norfolk, VA 23510

      Description: Laurence Eliot Bunker (1902-1977), a former personal aide to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, was a member of the editorial advisory committee of Robert Welch's American Opinion magazine; a member of Americans for Goldwater; and a member of the national advisory committee of Billy James Hargis' Christian Crusade.

      Websites with information:

      [0424] Dean Burch Papers, 1964-1973, FM MSS 142

      Location: Arizona Collection, Arizona State University Libraries, P.O. Box 871006, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006

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