Special Handball Practice 2 - Step-by-step training of successful offense strategies against the 6-0 defense system. Jörg Madinger
- Offense/Team (10/40)
- Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/50)
- Offense/Small groups (15/65)
- Offense/Team (15/80)
- Sprint contest (10/90)
Training unit total time: 90 minutes
Equipment required:
- 1 coordination ladder
- 2 small vaulting boxes
- 8 cones
- 4 small gym mats
- ball box with sufficient number of handballs
TU 1-1 Warm-up/Stretching (10/10)
- The players crisscross the court.
- One player has a ball and decides which move all players should do next (hopping, running backward, jumping with one foot, sit-ups, push-ups...).
- Afterwards he passes the ball to another player who now also may choose a move.
Subsequently, the players perform stretching exercises together; one player chooses an exercise which the other players must do as well.
TU 1-2 Coordination run (10/20)
Basic course:
- Each player should run through the course 3 times in a row with an intensity of 60 to 80%.
- Afterwards, the players may take a short break before they do the course 3 more times in a row, but now with an intensity of 100% during the individual exercises.
- At the end of the coordination ladder,
- Afterwards, the players repeat the course at the next small vaulting box (F, G, and H), but now they should run to the left once they have landed (G).
- As soon as he has finished,
TU 1-3 Ball familiarization (10/30)
- After the dynamic piston movement,
- They pass the ball to the left.
TU 1-4 Offense/Team (10/40)