Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Girls in Grades K - 5. Thomasenia Lott Adams
Girls in Grades K–5
Copyright © 2019 by Solution Tree Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Adams, Thomasenia Lott, author. | Wenzel, Taylar (Taylar B.), 1981-author. | Childs, Kristopher (Kristopher J.), 1982- author. | Neff, Samantha (Samantha R.), author.
Title: Making sense of mathematics for teaching girls in grades K-5 / Thomasenia Lott Adams, Taylar B. Wenzel, Kristopher J. Childs, and Samantha R. Neff.
Description: Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018042847 | ISBN 9781945349782 (perfect bound)
Subjects: LCSH: Mathematics--Study and teaching (Elementary)--United States. | Arithmetic--Study and teaching (Elementary)--United States. | Girls--Education--United States. | Sex differences in education--United States. | Mathematical ability--Sex differences--United States. | Academic achievement--United States.
Classification: LCC QA135.6 .A38 2019 | DDC 372.7/2--dc23 LC record available at
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Solution Tree Press
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Cover Designer: Jill Resh
Text Designer: Abigail Bowen
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We dedicate this book to each and every girl studying mathematics in classrooms around the world—and to the teachers who empower these girls.
As I mature, I realize that my journey on this planet is limited and meant to be immensely enjoyed. What gives me the most joy is family: my husband, Larry; our sons, Blake, Philip, and Kurt; and our children of love, Georges and Diana. I must also express gratefulness for my father (in memory), my mother, and my seven siblings and their families. I am also thankful to loyal and trusted friends, mentors and mentees, an awesome church family, and wonderful coauthors. I truly appreciate Juli K. Dixon and Edward C. Nolan, the D and N of Dixon Nolan Adams (DNA) Mathematics. They are cornerstones of support and give 100 percent all the time to Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching.
—Thomasenia Lott Adams
The opportunity to share my passion for education would not be possible without the love, support, and sacrifices of my family. My husband, Brian, and our children, Julia, Connor, and Jake, are always at the heart of my inspiration and happiness. I am also extremely thankful for my DNA Mathematics family, who is positively impacting the experiences of teachers and learners of mathematics every day. I am honored to be a part of such a dynamic team.
—Taylar B. Wenzel
This book is dedicated to Kyndall and Kyla. You are my inspiration for all that I do. I will continue to work tirelessly to make the world a better place for you. To my lovely wife, thank you for supporting and believing in my dreams. To my mom and dad, thanks for all that you have instilled in me. To the Childs and Harris families, I love you all.
—Kristopher J. Childs
Many thanks to my husband, Jason, and our children, Ashton, Brennon, and Aubrey, for all your enthusiasm and support as I pursue my passion in engaging teachers and students in mathematics. None of this would be possible without the experiences and interactions I have had with my DNA Mathematics family, colleagues, and each student I have taught. Most importantly, Mom and Dad, you have taught me to persevere and given me the confidence to believe I can do anything. I am blessed to have all of you in my life; thank you.
—Samantha R. Neff
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Elizabeth Gehron
Mathematics Interventionist
Idyllwilde Elementary
Sanford, Florida
Vernita Glenn-White
Assistant Professor
Stetson University
DeLand, Florida
Ashauna Lindo
Virtual School Facilitator—Mathematics
Aldine Virtual School
Houston, Texas
Shauna Paedae
Mathematics Teacher on Special Assignment
Escambia County Public Schools
Pensacola, Florida
Stephanie Reddick
K–5 Mathematics Coordinator
Atlanta Public Schools
Atlanta, Georgia
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