Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Girls in Grades K - 5. Thomasenia Lott Adams
Mathematics Gender Achievement Gap
Mathematics Gender Achievement Gap
Exploring the Mathematics Gender Achievement Gap
Evidence Pointing to a Gender Gap in Mathematics
Evidence Challenging a Gender Gap in Mathematics
Considering the Impact of Teachers’ Mindsets
Perceptions About Girls in Mathematics
Tying Belief, Bias, and Stereotype to Perception
Unearthing Perceptions About Girls in Mathematics
The Classroom
The School and District
The School-Home Connection
Possibilities for Girls in Mathematics
Honoring Diverse Ways of Doing Mathematics
What Actions Does the Teacher Take to Engage the Girls in Learning Mathematics?
What Is the Evidence That the Girls Are Actively Engaged in Learning Mathematics?
How Does the Teacher Challenge the Girls to Think Critically About the Mathematics?
Fostering Classroom Discourse
What Actions Does the Teacher Take to Engage the Girls in Learning Mathematics?
What Is the Evidence That the Girls Are Actively Engaged in Learning Mathematics?
How Does the Teacher Challenge the Girls to Think Critically About the Mathematics?
Planning for Hands-On Learning
What Actions Does the Teacher Take to Engage the Girls in Learning Mathematics?
What Is the Evidence That the Girls Are Actively Engaged in Learning Mathematics?
How Does the Teacher Challenge the Girls to Think Critically About the Mathematics?
Using Questioning to Boost Understanding
What Actions Does the Teacher Take to Engage the Girls in Learning Mathematics?
What Is the Evidence That the Girls Are Actively Engaged in Learning Mathematics?
How Does the Teacher Challenge the Girls to Think Critically About the Mathematics?
Using Formative Assessment
What Actions Does the Teacher Take to Engage the Girls in Learning Mathematics?
What Is the Evidence That the Girls Are Actively Engaged in Learning Mathematics?
How Does the Teacher Challenge the Girls to Think Critically About the Mathematics?
Considering Context for Tasks
What Actions Does the Teacher Take to Engage the Girls in Learning Mathematics?
What Is the Evidence That the Girls Are Actively Engaged in Learning Mathematics?
How Does the Teacher Challenge the Girls to Think Critically About the Mathematics?
Modeling of Mathematical Power
What Actions Does the Teacher Take to Engage the Girls in Learning Mathematics?
What Is the Evidence That the Girls Are Actively Engaged in Learning Mathematics?
How Does the Teacher Challenge the Girls to Think Critically About the Mathematics?
Conveying Teacher Expectations
What Actions Does the Teacher Take to Engage the Girls in Learning Mathematics?
What Is the Evidence That the Girls Are Actively Engaged in Learning Mathematics?
How Does the Teacher Challenge the Girls to Think Critically About the Mathematics?
Planning for Positive Practices for Girls Studying Mathematics
The Classroom
The School and District
The School-Home Connection
Priorities for Teaching Girls Mathematics
Making an Impact
Using the TQE Process as a Guide for Inclusiveness of All Students
Teacher Beliefs
Teacher Knowledge
Encouragement for Girls in Mathematics
Resources to Encourage Girls in Mathematics