Sex Rules!. Janice Z. Brodman
href="#litres_trial_promo">Readin’, writin’ and…sex?
Land of the free, home of the party!
World’s most romantic country?
Ya gotta love Sadie Hawkins Day
What’s the most beautiful part of a woman?
I’ll always be true to you, darling, in my fashion…
Meetin’ in the Garden of Eatin’
For the woman who wants to have it all
Foxy Lad(y) or Dress for Success
Who wears the nose rings in your family?
The World’s best-dressed choirboys…
Somewhere in this world you’re a perfect 10...
Pull yourself into prettiness…
Somewhere on this planet, you’re the perfect hunk...
Better start workin’ on that tan…
Four letter words even Grandma wouldn’t mind…
The family that eats together…
It’s wonderful, it’s paradise…
“Normal sex.” Clear what it is, right?
Think again.
India, Ghana, Tunisia, Mali…dozens of countries, hundreds of cultures, and everywhere I go, people are curious.
“What do they wear in Ladakh?” they ask.
“What’s the food like in Ghana?”
“What do they do for fun in Suriname?”
Just one thing they never ask—because they figure sex is the same everywhere.
I know better…
I learned about weird sex at Harvard University. Not from a dirty old professor or horny undergrad, but from Tozzer, the Harvard Anthropology Library. I sat, drowsy and bored in the dim, silent Tozzer Reading Room. What demon convinced me to take anthropology? Pentadactylism…avunculocal…durophagy… Who makes up this crap?
Suddenly, my eyes shot open.
Hey, I’m from New Jersey. I know about weird sex. But…
Husbands who fret if their wives don’t have enough lovers…? Teenagers required to take as many sex partners as possible…? Societies where all agree that every man should have a male lover…?
It was a goldmine of screwball sex, flipped-out mating. All hidden