A Thousand Forests in One Acorn. Valerie Miles

A Thousand Forests in One Acorn - Valerie Miles

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She seemed to even perceive the translucent quivering of the dragonflies over the stillness of the ponds. And down below, in the Lake of Disappearances, something or someone—Ardid partly knew, and partly guessed—skimmed the surface of its waters with invisible fingers. “How grand and mysterious, how tranquil and terrible a night can be . . .” she thought. Then she realized that her eyes were covered with a shining dampness that awoke distant memories. Achingly she broke away from that reverie, and turned back to her friends:

      —The King is born, Ardid said, drying her tears. May we live to see his greatness! Wake him, and may all the bells of Olar ring at once.

      And so it was done, and the King’s birthday was celebrated with a pomp and splendor never before known.

       Translated by Lisa Boscov-Ellen


      1948, Los Abel, Destino (novel).

      1953, Fiesta al Noroeste (La Ronda y Los niños buenos), Afrodisio Aguado (novel).

      1953, “La pequeña vida,” Tecnos (story).

      1954, Pequeño teatro, Planeta (novel).

      1955, Los cuentos vagabundos, Ediciones G.P. (stories).

      1956, Los niños tontos, Arión (stories).

      1957, El Tiempo, Mateu (stories).

      1957, “El país de la pizarra,” Molino Carville (children’s story).

      1958, Los hijos muertos, Planeta (novel).

      1960, El saltamontes verde / El aprendiz, Lumen (children’s stories).

      1960, “Paulina, el mundo y las estrellas,” Garbo (children’s story).

      1960, Primera memoria, Destino (novel).

      1961, A la mitad del camino, Rocas (stories).

      1961, “Libro de juegos para los niños de los otros,” Lumen (story and photography).

      1961, Tres y un sueño, Destino (children’s stories).

      1961, Historias de la Artámila, Destino (stories).

      1961, El arrepentido, Rocas (stories).

      1962, Caballito loco / Carnavalito, Lumen (children’s stories).

      1963, El río, Argos (stories).

      1964, Los soldados lloran de noche, Destino (novel).

      1964, Algunos muchachos, Destino (novel).

      1965, “El polizón de Ulises,” Lumen (children’s story).

      1969, La trampa, Destino (novel).

      1971, La torre vigía, Lumen (novel).

      1971, Obra completa, Destino (anthology).

      1983, “Sólo un pie descalzo,” Lumen (story).

      1990, La virgen de Antioquía y otros relatos, Mondadori (stories).

      1991, El árbol de oro y otros relatos, Bruño (children’s stories).

      1991, “Sino espada,” Compañía Europea de Comunicación e Información (story).

      1993, De ninguna parte y otros relatos, Fundación Ferrocarriles Españoles (stories).

      1993, Luciérnagas, Destino (novel).

      1994, “La oveja negra,” Destino (children’s story).

      1995, “El verdadero final de la bella durmiente,” Lumen (children’s story).

      1995, El árbol de oro y otros relatos, Lumen (children’s stories).

      1996, Olvidado Rey Gudú, Espasa-Calpe (novel).

      1997, Casa de juegos prohibidos, Espasa Calpe (stories).

      1998, Los de la tienda / El maestro / La brutalidad del mundo, Plaza & Janés (stories).

      2000, Aranmanoth, Espasa-Calpe (novel).

      2000, Todos mis cuentos, Lumen (children’s stories).

      2002, Cuentos de infancia, Martínez Roca (children’s stories).

      2003, “Tolín,” Iberautor (children’s story).

      2008, Paraíso inhabitado, Destino (novel).

      2010, La puerta de la luna, Destino (stories and articles).

      2011, Las Artámilas, Fondo de Cultura Económica (stories).



      1989, School of the Sun, translated by Elaine Kerrigan, Colombia University Press (novel).



      1947, Finalist for the Premio Nadal for Los Abel.

      1952, Premio Café Gijón de novela for Fiesta al Noroeste.

      1954, Premio Planeta for Pequeño teatro.

      1959, Premio Nadal for Primera memoria.

      1959, Premio Nacional de Literatura for Los hijos muertos.

      1959, Premio de la Crítica Narrativa Castellana for Los hijos muertos.

      1965, Premio Lazarillo de Creación Literaria for “El polizón de Ulises.”

      1965, Premio Fastenrath for Los soldados lloran de noche.

      1976, Children’s Book of Interest from the Ministerio de Cultura for Paulina.

      1984, Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil for “Sólo un pie descalzo.”

      1995, Premio Cuidad de Barcelona for El verdadero final de la bella durmiente.

      1997, Premio Ojo Crítico de Narrativa for Olvidado Rey Gudú.

      1998, Named a Member of the Real Academia Española (seat K).

      2001, Premio Ciudad de Alcalá Arts and Letters for her writing career.

      2006, Internacional Terenci Moix Award for her literary work.

      2007, Premio Nacional de las Letras Españolas for her body of work.

      2008, Premio Extremadura a la Creación for best Literary Career of an Iberoamerican author.

      2008, Premio Quijote de las Letras Españolas.

      2010, Premio Lorenzo Luzuriaga de las Letras.

      2010, Premio Averroes de Oro a las Bellas Letras.

      2010, Premio Cervantes.

      2011, Premio de la Crítica de la Feria del Libro de Bilbao.

      2011, Honorary Doctorate from UIMP.

       (Spain, 1927)

      Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, the son of Rafael Sánchez Mazas—who was a writer too and a founding member of the Falange Española—and the Italian Liliana Ferlosio, was born in Rome on the fourth of December, 1927, where his father worked as a correspondent for the newspaper ABC. That was where he lived his first years.

      Back in Spain, he enrolled in the Jesuit high school San José de Villafranca de los Barros. He started off taking preparatory courses to get into the Escuela de Arquitectura, but he ended up attending

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