In The Beginning. Rose Brooks Deal

In The Beginning - Rose Brooks Deal

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born in another country? What talents do you possess, that could be a contribution to the betterment of another country?

      ______ Yes

      ______ No

      4. If you were born in another country, would you have like to have been born in America ? What talents do you possess, that could be a contribution to the betterment of United States ?

      ______ Yes

      ______ No

      After answering the questions and discussing why and who are you? We will proceed with the course. Please feel free to refer back to what you have written to see if it correlates with the workbook.

      Many women were taught by their family members, love ones, etc. being born a woman was something of a disgrace. Many young girls were taught the same, being born a girl was a mistake (you were a mistake!), girls are made to believe, girls are not as competent as boys. Statements such as these have hurt many women and caused them to dedicate themselves to proving they are equal to a man.

      Women God does not make mistakes, and there is nothing wrong with being born a woman. Hebrews 13:19-22, vs 21, comments God has made you perfect in every good work to do his will. God made us to do his will; the opinion of foolish men means nothing. When negative comments are made about women, cast them out of your mine and replace the thoughts with Hebrews 13:21,working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

      Understand we were placed here for a reason, that reason is to do God’s will, other comments made about you (being born a girl was a mistake, You were a mistake!, girls are not as competent as boys) are all stumbling blocks to prevent you from running the race for God and excelling in your career.

      Hebrews 12:1-3 states, therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

      Think about how God feels about stereotyping? Genesis 1: 22, stated, God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and the rib, which the Lord God hath taken from man, made he a woman (Eve the very first woman created by God) and brought her unto the man. God took the rib from a man’s side to create woman (Eve)).

      God knew this type of chaos would occur, so with this, the first woman, Eve was taken from Adam’s side, she was designed especially for Adam (a woman designed especially for a man !). At this point, we can conclude women are equal to men and women were designed to be a help to men.

      Woman (Eve) was not taken from below the waist of man, but from the side of man, her purpose is to be at his side, to assist. Women are designed to assist. Women are equally intelligent and are designed to assist men in any and every situation. An example would be as follows:

      If a man and a woman were to collaborate with another business for the betterment of their organization, the woman has to be equally competent as the man and possess equal physical capabilities as the man. This would be the only way all of the requirements for the betterment of the organization could be met.

      II. Physical Differences

      There are several differences between men and women, which include the following:

      1.An average man is taller and heavier than an average woman.

      2.Men have more bodily hair than women, especially on the chest and extremities

      3.Women are more sensitive to sound than men

      4.Men are 30% or more stronger than women, especially in the upper body.

      5.On average, girls begin puberty changing approximately two years before boys.

      6.Men have larger hearts and lungs, their testosterone levels are higher and cause them to produce greater amounts of red blood cells

      7.Differences in intake and delivery of oxygen translates into some aspects of performance: when a man is jogging at about 50% of his capacity, a woman will need to work at over 70% of her capacity to keep up with him.

      8.Female fertility decreases after age 35, ending with menopause, but men are capable of making children even when very old.

      9.Men’s skin has more collagen and sebum, which makes it thicker and oilier than women’s skin

      10.Women have a greater body fat percentage than men.

      11.Men and women have different concentrated levels of hormones. Men have hormone levels of testosterone. Where as, women have hormone levels of estrogens and progesterone.

      12.A male brain has 4% more cells and 100 grams more brain tissue than female brain. But does not incorporate the amount of intelligence in it.

      13.In men, the second digit is often shorter than the fourth digit, while in females the second tends to be longer than the fourth

      14.Men have better distance vision and depth perception, they usually have better vision in lighted environments. Women have better night vision, they see better at the red end of the light spectrum, and have better visual memory (, 2012).

      The anatomy of male and female will be discussed in the Human Anatomy and Physiology section of this workbook.

      God’s ways are unrivaled, even though a woman is created in the likeness of God, she is created is made wholly and entirely opposite of man. How could that be, only a God could create two beings that are so alike but totally opposite of each other. This opposite make-up enables a woman to be a help meet, have you ever heard someone say “that couple fit together like a puzzle.” It is as if what he lacks, she provides and vice-versa.


      If married or in a relationship, do you work toward meeting the needs of your spouse or “better half” ?


      ________ No

      Something To Think About:

      The bible laws apply to men and women, the bible laws do not differentiate between man and woman.

      In the Physical Differences Section, question 10 states the following:

      Women have a greater body fat percentage than men. Does this assist in explaining why women have such a problem with weight gain? Provide a comment on how you are handling your weight below.







      In the Physical Differences Section, question 12 states the following:

      A male brain has 4% more cells and 100 grams more brain tissue than female brain. This does not mean the male brain has more intelligence than the female brain. Do you ever ask yourself how you developed into being such an intelligent woman? What areas do you excel in over everyone else? Please list 3 areas below and be ready to share with others.


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