Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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of the Bible; they heaped these non-Jew gentiles together in fleshy mounds of putrefying humanity for the wildlife to pick over. Ah, but they did. How else do you dispose of foul smelling corpses, such as those found in varying stages of decay, that have been left to rot? See Ezekiel 39:17 where God said of it, albeit for edification: “Speak to every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field. Assemble yourselves and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you. Even a great sacrifice…that you may eat flesh and drink blood…19…you will eat [the fat of mankind] until you are made full, and drink blood until you have become drunk….”

      As for Judas, the story goes on to say that he wept in agony regarding his involvement with the church, and hung himself out of remorse. Right again? Well… What you should know about this, here and now, is that this part of the story is not entirely correct. In fact, quite the opposite is true. That is because Judas celebrated his victory over Jesus by bagging himself a magnum of Champaign, a rental tux, some party girls, and pointing the chrome plated grill of his newfound ride in the form of a stretch limo towards Vegas.

      What’s this? Did I just see your thought bubble say that you doubt it because the Bible states as much, as written in Matthew 27:3 thru 10? Oh ye of little faith. Not only is this true, but Jesus went with him so as to join the party. Not only that but did so just as soon as his father resurrected him. Ah, but he did. It’s just that you don’t know about it, is all. Why? Because of extensive revision as performed throughout the ages, is why.

      Then there’s the out-and-out banning of certain biblical books that had the audacity to show up to the grand ball of religion, uninvited. However, these now defunct works are fodder for another book altogether. As it is, we will only be concerning ourselves with the most popular literary work of antiquity in the world today: the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible and its revisions. Still; and shockingly; that is more than enough to work with.

      Truth is, there’s a lot you don’t know about when it comes to the act of biblical revision, just as intended if not deliberately taught and enforced by the church. However, that too, is about to change. Not only that, but in transformational spades. The days of believing what “they” want you to believe when it comes to God, the Bible and religion, are over. All because the truth will set you free by liberating the radiance of your abraded soul. Furthermore is that, you can bet the church will take that statement to be an affront. That’s just how they roll. Why? Because they see themselves as the keepers to the keys of one the greatest frauds ever perpetrated against the human race since its inception as a big-brained species, is why. Moreover is that, not only do they know it, but that they further see themselves as some kind of guardian to the flame of spiritual truth along with its eternal secret if only because theirs is the fuel that supports its combustion.

      To an immutable truth, ‘re-ligion’ has forever been holding humanity back by keeping it mired in its own sickness. Ah, but it has. When the truth of this matter finally manifests itself, you too, will recognize it for the rough and slouching beast that it is. I guarantee it. This, just as sure as the taking of hundreds of millions of innocent lives since its inception as a social illness, isn’t proof enough. You know. That commercial religion is indeed, some kind of spiritual disease: a pox of the soul, if you will.

      Regarding this, did you know that religion is responsible for more killings than all the wars America has ever fought, since it was a ragtag collection of thirteen colonies? This is absolutely true. What follows are the U.S. War Departments numbers for its officially listed dead. For the American Revolution of 1775 - 1783 it was 4,435 dead. For the War of 1812 it was 2,260 dead. For the Mexican War of 1846 - 1848 it was 13,283 dead. For the Civil War of 1861 - 1865 it was 558,052 dead. For the Spanish-American war of 1898 it was 2,446 dead. For WWI of 1914 - 1918 it was 116,708 dead. For WWII of 1939 - 1945 it was 407,316 dead. For the Korean Conflict of 1950 - 1953 it was 33,651 dead. For the Viet Nam Conflict of 1957 - 1975 it was 58,168 dead. For the Gulf War of 1991 it was 293 dead. At the time of this writing, we are still involved in a military conflict in the Middle East. But know ye this, about that: what ever it’s tally it still won’t make a dent in the math.

      The total number of dead then becomes (4,435 + 2,260 + 13,283 + 558,052 + 2,446 + 116,708 + 407,316 + 33,651 + 58,168 + 293) = 1,196,612 officially listed U.S. war dead. It’s here we find that (60,000,000 average killed by the Catholic church during the inquisitions with a typical date ranging from 1180 A.D. to 1650 A.D. for a total of 470 years,) where (60,000,000 ÷ 1,196,612 total U.S. war dead) = a ratio of 50.14:1.

      To put this whole thing into proper perspective, you would have to take each of those wars listed that America has fought since its inception and fight them yet again—another fifty times each! This, mind you, just to equal the murders committed by the Catholic church during their reign of terror formerly known as the inquisitions. The Catholic church slaughtered all these people over a little something they called heresy. According to the Franklin Dictionary the word ‘heresy,’ means: “To have an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma.” The word ‘dogma,’ means: “Tenet or code of tenets.” In other words: the Catholic church took it upon itself to relieve the world of all these people if but for no other reason, than they disagreed with church policy. All of which, mind you, isn’t even getting into the Catholic crusades where countless millions of Muslims died. Then there is the Thirty Years War where the Catholic church squared off against the Protestants in Europe, as they once again vied for dominance during one of the longest continuous wars in modern history that saw another bout of countless millions dying in vain under the guise that is religion.

      As for how many Gandhi’s, Einstein’s, Louis Pasteur’s, Galileo’s, Abraham Lincoln’s, Nikola Tesla’s, Martin Luther King’s, Thomas Jefferson’s, or Mozart’s (among many others) the church has robbed the world of, we will never know. All we can do is to speculate. Yet, this is but the tip of the iceberg.

      Here is the math as it relates to the ratio of 50.14:1.

      (4,435 x 50.14) = 222,371

      (2,260 x 50.14) = 113,316

      (13,283 x 50.14) = 666,010

      (558,052 x 50.14) = 27,980,727

      (2,446 x 50.14) = 122,642

      (116,708 x 50.14) = 5,851,739

      (407,316 x 50.14) = 20,422,824

      (33,651 x 50.14) = 1,687,261

      (58,168 x 50.14) = 2,916,544

      (293 x 50.14) = 14,691

      All we need do now is add these numbers together to finalize the truth of what the Catholic institution of religion did through official church policy, where (222,371 + 113,316 + 666,010 + 27,980,727 + 122,642 + 5,851,739 + 20,442,824 + 1,687,261 + 2,916,544 + 14,691) = 59,998,125 or rounded up we get 60,000,000 dead. And because the inquisitions lasted four hundred and seventy years, means the church murdered people at the rate of (60,000,000 ÷ 470) = 127,660 a year—for 470 years! Or (127,660 ÷ 12) = 10,638 people a month—for 470 years! Or (10,638 ÷ 30) = 355 people a day 24/7—for 470 years! Or (355 ÷ 24 hours) = 15 people an hour around the clock nonstop—for 470 years! These numbers, especially if you are a Catholic who is now only beginning to comprehend the scope of your association with that particular religion, should just break your heart if not rip it out. Can you imagine the outrage today, if something like this were to happen again? Oh! That’s right. We have radicalized Muslims running around acting out on the emotionally charged negatives of religion.

      Ah huh.

      It is here that we are going to put the Catholic inquisitions into a different light altogether. Did you know that the average human body holds some, six quarts of blood? It does. And there are four quarts to a gallon. Knowing this, we learn that the Catholic church has a lot of innocent blood on it’s hands, where (60 million people average x 1.5 [to get to gallons]) = 90 million gallons of blood!

      To bring such horrific bloodshed into proper perspective, it would take a reservoir a half mile by a half mile measured at knee deep, to hold that ninety million gallons of blood. Here is the math. A mile is the same as 5,280 feet, where (5,280 ÷ 2 [to get a half mile]) = 2,640. The formula for figuring the capacity of a rectangle is: length x width x average

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