Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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x W = 2,640) which then gives us (6,969,600 x AD of 1.75 ft.,) where (12,196,800 x C of 7.5) = 91,476,000 actual gallons of human blood.

      These numbers include countless men, women, children, and yes, even babies. So why would the Catholic church murder innocent children, and babies? You can chalk that one up to the sins of the parents, if only to justify it. Besides, what were they going to do with so many of them, having just turned them into sad little orphans? To baby-sit every child whose parents they killed would require resources they weren’t prepared to deal with. All of which, would defeat the purpose of their existence as they saw it. Besides, the more of “them” they killed, the more power and wealth they usurped through a process called: inheritance.

      Even when Spanish Inquisitors pushed the sharp end of their swords through the skulls of children, they first blessed the blade, and baptized it in holy water. Why? Because although by our standards they were heartless bastards, by theirs, they were anything but. To a truth, all children under the age of reason, or seven years of age take your pick, received this blessing so as to ensure that their little souls would cross the great divide of the hereafter safely, and enter into the kingdom of heaven. All others, especially those eight years or older because by then they were old enough to know better, had no such luxuries afforded them. No. They simply had a sword thrust through their skulls. And yes. This is how religion justifies itself.

      Damn third graders anyway.

      Should the revelation of this finding fail to bring the truth of the situation into sharp focus, nothing ever will because you are just that kind of Catholic. All I can say about that for now is: the exposure of this discovery, when revealed, will lay waste to what has always been a spiritual battleground for hearts and minds, as wrought through bloodshed and misery. All of which, isn’t even touching on the Catholic church’s dealings with the nazis during WWII. Or how IBM helped to show the nazis a better way of keeping track of all the Jews they slaughtered via the use of computerized punch cards. And the reason both IBM and the Catholic church involved themselves with German nazis, knowing full well they were hell-bent on killing as many people as it took to ensure their bid for world dominance? The correct answer is to tell you that it was all about greed, with every last bit of it owing to the preservation of said establishments through an increase of control as wielded through power and money. (And yes. You would be right to suspect that there is yet more proof to come.)

      However, we need to continue with our search for the truth regarding Judas Iscariot, and his relationship with the son of God. Let us begin Luke 15:11 where Jesus said of himself in a parable, albeit for edification: “A certain man [namely God] had two sons [one of which, the begotten, is Jesus. The other, as for now, will remain anonymous because he is not germane to this particular story. But know ye this: he’s as real as Jesus ever was. It’s just that the church decided you didn’t need to know about him, is all. (Imagine that.)] 12 And the younger son [again, referring to Jesus] said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that are rightfully mine.’ So he [God] divided unto them [both Jesus and his elder brother] their inheritance. 13 Not many days thereafter, the younger son gathered his inheritance together and took his journey [in a fancy stretch limo] to a far country [Vegas] where he wasted it on riotous living [with Mr. Iscariot and his newfound friends.”]

      We know this scenario to be correct because of the more prominent synonyms for the word ‘riotous.’ They are: “violent, disorderly, unruly, uncontrolled, uncontained, lawless, mutinous, rebellious.” To gain a finer insight into this whole affair, try replacing the word ‘riotous’ in that passage with those I have included to see what happens to your perception of Jesus in that verse. Believe me when I tell you that it will change. And it was this, ladies and gentlemen, that he did with his ethereal inheritance as bequeathed him by the Almighty, and did it sober? Gwad help us.

      Now, regarding the million dollar question set to burst forth from your lungs while held at an all-time operatic high concerning how I know that Jesus is referring to himself in that parable, I give you that which binds. See Luke 15:22 where we find that the prodigal son has finally; and at long last; found his way home. This being where he continues with his parable, albeit for edification, saying of himself: “Therefore the [elated] father said to his servants [meaning, angels,] ‘Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. 23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, drink, and be merry. 24 For this is my son who was dead, and is now alive. He was lost, and is now found.’”

      Just so you know, there’s only one way anyone can return from the land of the dead without having become a zombie as found stumbling around within the crosshairs of the church, be they the son of God or no, and that’s if someone greater than you resurrected you. As for why Jesus chooses to wield parables the way that he does so as to conceal their true nature and or meaning, I give you Matthew 13:13. This being where he said of it, as wrought for elucidation: “I speak to you in parables because, in seeing I do not want you to see, and hearing I do not want you to hear, neither do I want you to understand.”

      Many people “interpret” scripture, read into it, actually, not only what they want to believe, but what they want you believing, as well. This, they do, even if it means having to run counter to the intent of the message. Example: many folks, to include those in the clergy, take the above passage to mean that Jesus is saying he is more or less forced into speaking in parables because we are simply too unenlightened to discern the enigmatic nature of the message for ourselves. The accepted decree, therefore, becomes that he is protecting us from our own innate ignorance just as they must, also. This is what I call championing a one-verse-wonder. And yes. Religion is replete with these types of things so as to further the appearance of credibility. This being true, then, that the ruling sect has determined we are too ignorant to think for ourselves when it comes to religion and the inscrutable nature that is God and the Bible (especially when you’re guilty of thinking outside the box of accepted decree,) I ask you: what becomes, of Genesis 1:26? That being where the Almighty said of his ultimate creation: “Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness….”

      By the way: the word ‘likeness’ is a noun. According to Webster’s Dictionary, it means: “Resemblance; a copy.” Or, as is the intended case here according to Genesis 1:26: to be “god-like.” As far as that goes, see I Corinthians 11:3. “I would have you know that, the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”

      Again, the Bible says that man himself is godlike. If you doubt this, see what happens when we read that passage without its inherit confusion. “I would have you know that, the head of every woman is man, and the head of every man is Christ, and the head of Christ is God.”

      So yes. The Bible is telling us that mankind is a lot like God. I would ask that you keep this in mind for the foreseeable read. Why? Because it’s integral to the grand mystery as it unfolds, is why. For anyone born with a superfluous ‘X’ chromosome, you are more “god-like” than you know. Ah, but you are. (Just you wait and see.)

      However, this is where I must take you on a little detour. The reason I do this is important, if only because I need to show you what I mean about the church saying that Jesus is forced into using parables for the sake of our own ignorance, as hard as that might be to comprehend (self-inflicted oxymoron.)

      I once; and yes, a long time ago; had a discussion with a pastor during a “Wednesday Night Youth Bible Study Session” about this very subject. Even after all this time, I still remember it like it was yesterday. After he explained to me that Jesus had to do this in order to shield us from our own ignorance, it occurred to me to ask him the following: “If God isn’t hiding something; and because he’s omnipotent; then why can’t he rephrase his parables in way that we can all better understand them?”

      He just stared at me. It was one of those incredulous looks regarding the nerve I had allowing me to even question such a thing. After a bit of awkward silence that made me more than uncomfortable (that’s because, at the time, I was too young and naive to even know that I was actually challenging the establishment of religion,) he told me to only come back when I was ready to exercise my faith in God wholeheartedly, and do it by accepting the Bible as the true and complete word of our Lord and Savior. This incident,

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