Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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8 But when the disciples saw it, they had indignation for it, saying, ‘To what purpose is this waste? 9 This ointment might have been sold for much money, and given to the poor.’ 10 When Jesus heard it, he said to them: ‘Why do you trouble this woman [deflecting blame,] for she has wrought a good thing upon me. 11 There will always be poor among you, but me you will not always have.’”! (You should know that; and in this particular situation; the word ‘indignation,’ means: “righteous anger aroused by something unjust.” Then there is where Jesus becomes so self-centered in his response that he thinks he’s the only one in this lifetime who has to worry about death. Go figure that one.)

      And there you have it: one of those peculiar secrets that “they” would prefer you not know about. However, should you find yourself in need of a tourniquet in order to stop the spiritual bleeding, gwad help you because it only gets worse. In fact, things get much worse. But know ye this, about that: it’s always darkest just before the dawn.

      What was it again Jesus said about this, and that Judas and the apostles saw in him, as well as did most everyone else of the time, even to the point of stringing him up? Oh! That’s right. It was his duplicitous ways. See St. John 15:25 where he said of it: “So it will come to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law: ‘they hated me without cause.’” (And you thought James Dean was original in Rebel Without a Cause…)

      However; and of all things; hating you without cause? Oh contraire, dear Lord. The people of your time had their reasons. Words, after all, not only harbor an “unspoken power,” but bear consequence. And because they do, I give you Matthew 15:17. This being where the son of God said: “Do you not understand that whatsoever enters in at the mouth goes into the belly, and is cast out into the airy draft? 18 But those things that proceed out of the mouth, they come from the heart and corrupt the man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: 20 these are the things which defile a man….”

      So there it is for all the world to herald—that which you never suspected! Not only that, but in all its hypocritical glory, too. And, it doesn’t matter if you agree with Jesus so as to defend his actions or not. All because they are disingenuous in nature, and are what they are no matter how you feel about them. He even said as much. In the end, you have Christ violating everything he ever stood for by selfishly doing unto himself, and not as he preaches. That is why I now, give you Matthew 12:37. This being where he further said of it, or confessed, as is the case here: “By your words will you be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

      So yes. The people had their reasons, if not a cause. This is even truer of those that were paying attention. It’s all akin to the public official who strives for the highroad his entire political career, as well as in his personal life, only to commit a felony related crime just before retiring because he feels owed more than a simple gold-plated pocket watch. Then, while heading out the door of his local bank with sacks full of money in each hand, the people heard him say, as he exited the building, “You ain’t gonna have my indigent ass to kick around anymore because I’m retiring and retiring in style. But all you poor sons-a-bitches are forever. And don’t give the teller no trouble for having wrought a good thing upon me neither.”

      Yet, this is exactly what we find Jesus doing here. Furthermore, no deity, not even one calling himself Jesus Christ the son of God, is above his own laws. Otherwise—he cannot be who or what he says he is! And yes. This book is all about proving it. Not only that, but in collaborative spades. See Matthew 12:27 where he said of it: “All things are delivered unto me through my Father: and no man knows the Son, but the Father; neither does any man know the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.”

      Yes. It would seem that everyone has their secrets, and that every closet, no matter how ornate the door, has its skeletons. After all, what does anyone really know about anybody, other than what they choose to show you? You know, just as declared by Jesus in Matthew 12:27. Not only that, but in collaborative spades.

      Now that we fully understand one another as to the exact nature of this book, and the biblical truth for which it represents, please turn your KJV of the New Testament Bible to Matthew 20:15. Here, you will find that Jesus said: “Is it not lawful for me to do, what I will, with my own people?”

      That is a rather curious choice of words from he who has other ideas about things. You saw them bunched up like unexpected speed bumps in the middle of the expressway. I am, of course, referring to where he said: “Is it not lawful for me to do, what I will, with my own people?”

      Let me guess: he’s Jesus in the heat of exalting one of those one-verse-wonders for all the world to witness, and can therefore do and say whatever he wants. Right? Well, I ask you: would not the ride have been made patently smoother and more secure had the son of God actually said, “Is it not lawful for me to do, what is in the best interest, of my own people to do?”

      Ahhh… Now we see how words have the power to influence perceived meanings. What you all your life believed to be religious black and white as carved into stone suddenly becomes a more transitory shade of Etch-askectch gray, forcing you to confront those things you always thought you knew to be true. As a result, questions of the mind begin to appear. Queries of the heart start to manifest themselves like unspoken whispers riding the tumultuous winds of a hot restless night. Finally, posers reach up and tug at your soul, as if an unruly child took hold of your sleeve. Yet, this is only the beginning of your journey towards spiritual introspection. And what you find when you arrivare a vostro destino, will change everything! I guarantee it.

      So why did the son of God say what he did in Matthew 20:15 regarding “what he will,” the way that he did? To glean a peek at the answer, we need only read from the following assortment of scripture. And yes. It has everything to do with the son of God hording forgiveness. That’s right: hording forgiveness. This being where he stated, albeit for edification: “Go, and declare unto the gentiles, ‘In hearing you will hear, but not understand; and seeing you will see, but not perceive. [Why?] Because you are but Godless ignorant dogs that lap insufferably at the table of Christianity. Besides that, salvation is for the Jews.’”

      As you will see; and in short order; these for now undeclared passages are right on the money, one hundred percent accurate. Otherwise, I would have never juxtaposed them over what I have, the way that I did. All I ask is that you stay the course, and give me time to prove it. After all, when it comes to changing that which defines our current world of religion, nothing is easy or you can bet that someone more ancient and wiser than I as seated in the Lotus position from atop his or her mountain would have done it a long time ago. To further secure my position, I give you not the birth of Jesus as Lord and Savior, but the whole reason for his inception. And yes. It has everything to do with salvation being for the Jews. See Matthew 1:18 thru 24 where the Angel Gabriel is telling Joseph about the impending Immaculate Conception. That’s because he then says in verse 21: “Mary will bear a son, and you will call his name Jesus, because he will [what?] save his people from their sins.”

      Ah huh.

      What we discover, then; and as per the “other” Jesus; is that he is intentionally concealing something. Ah, but he is spiritual grasshopper. Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to say what he did in those verses, the way that he did. Just what that something is, as you now know, concerns the act of hoarding forgiveness from the ill-mannered and ill-bred masses of the world (meaning, all non-Jew heathen as gentiles that have their rotting corpses heaped together in segregated plots) as declared in Mark 4:11, 12 and 13. Why? Because of St. John 4:22, is why. This being where; and just as written in Mark 4:11; he doubles down on one of those peculiar secrets as disseminated from on high, albeit for edification, saying: “You [addressing a Samarian woman at a water well as ignorant heathen] worship what you know not. But we [meaning the twelve apostles gathered with him representing the Hebrew nation] know what we worship, [why?] because salvation is for the Jews.”!

      So yes. There it is in full living color for all the world to witness as wrought from the sins of the heart to the proudly defiant lips, as further cast from the belly into the airy draft. An act of which, defiles the man. After all, we know that he is violent, disorderly, unruly, uncontrolled, uncontained,

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