Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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to sound by way of the final and or seventh sign of the seventh seal, the mystery that is God will be finished….”

      Did I forget to mention that Soul Trap would endeavor to answer the great mystery, behind this grand enigma? It will. All of which, is something that no person to date has been able to do, to include the secret behind the number 666. Why? Because even they don’t know, is why. Nonetheless, I must warn you: to disclose the ostentatious mystery behind Revelation 10:7, as well as that found lurking behind the number 666, will be to change the essence of everything we hold dear concerning God and the Bible; if not our idea of religion. Then there is what we choose to believe about our inner selves, as defined by that choice. It’s because of this, that the truth we seek will transcend expectation. Moreover, you will know it when you see it, even despite “their” best scholarly efforts at revision. I guarantee that, too. Not only that, but in spades of assurance.

      In order to better understand the nature of what Jesus chose to keep from us by way of his words as expressed in the form of a verbal doubt, we need only reiterate. Doing so will allow the light of truth to burn that much brighter, as it smolders below the conscious reading level. And yes. It has everything to do with the spiritual grit required to “open up and turn the page.” With that, I would ask that you revisit St. John 14:6. This being where Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life….”

      He goes on to say in St. John 5:31, albeit for edification, that to brag on yourself concerning this is to commit a treachery against the very truth you say you champion: “If I bear witness of myself [meaning, to brag on yourself,] my witness is not true.”

      He then challenges us to uncover evidence that would impeach him of this particular transgression. See again, St. John 18:23. This being where he said of it, as wrought for elucidation: “If I have spoken evil by telling you an untruth about my virtues, or bragged on myself regarding them, then present that evidence.”

      Therefore; and because we are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God as professed by Jesus in Matthew 4:4; even as cast from proudly defiant lips into the airy draft, I give you that which binds his words. It comes to us by way of a peculiar admission, as per the “other” Jesus. See St. John 8:18 where he then said of it, albeit for edification: “Behold! I am one that bears witness [brags] of myself….”

      As incredulous as that statement is, the situation goes from bad to worse. How? By way of self-incrimination, is how. Hard to believe I know, given the supposed nature of whom we are dealing with, but true nonetheless. And yes again. It has everything to do with all those duplicitous things that Judas, as well as the people of that time, saw in Jesus. See St. John 8:14 where the son of God then; and on top of everything else; went and said of it: “Although I bear witness of myself, my witness is true….”!

      I understand the scope of your spiritual astonishment. I really do. After all, who hasn’t been there and done that, at least once in their life? Your perceived truth of a deity that does “what he will” has been shattered. All for a God who would ask of his followers what he himself would never do. Otherwise, he would have never said what he did, the way that he did, over what he has, allowing for a smudge of this caliber to be exposed. Not even by mistake.

      As for the ellipses following some of those verses, they cut short his cryptic excuses as to why he chose to contradict himself. I challenge you to read them yourself; and for as many times as it takes; to see that, yes: they do indeed, do just that. And yes again. They are not only a bunch of “Yeah but” excuses, but bad ones at that. Why? Because him they will not always have, is why. And it’s this, that he believes gives him an unwritten permission to operate outside even his own laws. And yes. This is why he said what he did in Matthew 20:15 regarding the words, “what I will.”

      So how could all this be true you ask, in that, Jesus is secretly trying to get something over on us? To glimpse the Cerberus standing guard over the eternal fires of knowledge like so much red meat at a fresh kill, we need only gaze back at all those fleeting, off-colored intangibles concerning religion that have unknowingly infiltrated our lives since childhood. We all have them. They prove themselves out in those people that have died, and come back to life. We know this to be true by the stories they tell, concerning their trip to the “other side.” What surgeons have done is to put highly visible objects in the operating room near the ceiling that are easily viewed form above, but out of sight (and mind) from below. This way, if the person has a true out of body experience, they should be able to recount it with the artifact in mind. To date, not one person who has died and come back has been able to do that in order to validate their experience. Not even when hovering above their bodies near the ceiling, for prolonged periods of time.

      Therefore, we need to investigate this mystery further. After all, no one is accusing these people of fabricating such grandiose stories, so something special must actually be happening to them. But then, what could it be? Moreover, why is it that every last one of these experiences is highly religious, if not spiritually inspired? Could the Bible actually be telling us the truth about God, heaven, and hell? I will let you be the judge. But of this, you can be sure: the mind is a powerful thing, made even stronger when embraced by what it chooses to believe. Ah, but it is. Not only that, but with biblical proof to come, I might add.

      Let us, therefore, begin with a guy who died for several minutes while on the operating table. He tells of how he engaged in a conversation with, of all people, Moses. He then talks about feeling an undisclosed presence behind him. He asks Moses who it is, and Moses tells him that it’s I AM. The man then starts to turn around to look, but Moses stops him, telling him that no one can look upon the face of I AM and live. (Well, all except for Moses, it would seem. But even that’s not true, as you will discover next for yourself.)

      Now, as for the verse that binds this story as an off-colored intangible that most likely, and unknowingly, infiltrated this guy’s life from cradle to grave; and in this case back again; I give you Exodus 3:13. “Moses spoke to God, saying, ‘Behold, when I come to the children of Israel, and say to them that the God of your fathers has sent me to you; and they ask me what his name is, what will I tell them?’ 14 Then God said to Moses: ‘I AM THAT I AM. Thus will you say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you.’”

      Next, we have Exodus 33:18 as wrought for elucidation where we learn that not even Moses, was allowed to look upon the face of I AM, putting a crimp of truth in this guy’s otherwise plausible experience. “Moses pleaded, saying, ‘I beseech thee, O Lord, to show me your glory.’ 19 God replied, saying: ‘I will make my presence to pass before you. As I do, I will proclaim my name before you. 20 However, you cannot see my face, for no one will see my face and live. 21 ‘Behold! There is a place near me where you will stand upon a rock. 22 It will come to be that, when I pass by you, that I will put you in a cleft of that rock, and will cover your face with my hand. 23 Then, when I remove my hand, you will see my backside only: but my face will not be seen.’”

      All this, and not one person in all of recorded history ever reported the same experience.

      There was another guy who died in a car wreck when his vehicle flipped and rolled over into a shallow bank of water, pinning him on the murky bottom. Medical records indicate that he ingested something like a liter of mud into each of his lungs. The surgeons later saved his life on the operating table. He talks about how, in death, the Earth opened its mouth up, and swallowed him whole. He goes on to say that he knew he was in that place called sheol, and begged God that if he were to give him a second chance, he would forever change his life around. (As you will learn, the vow doesn’t have to make sense it just has to progress. Why? Because if we live in anything in this life, it’s a universe of change, is why. To be more succinct: we live in a universe of entropy where all matter, to include life, exists in varying states of decay as guided by the arrow of time belonging to the second law of thermodynamics.)

      For the correlation, albeit for edification, I give you Numbers 16:28. That being where Moses said to the congregation, “Hereby you will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these works, and that it has not been of my own accord. 29 If these unrepented men among you die an ordinary death, or are in any way visited by a fate common to all men, then the Lord has not sent me. 30 But if the Lord creates something new, and the ground opens

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