Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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And any healing process worth its salt first requires the right information. No one I know, or have ever heard of, for that matter, ever built anything worth having without first acquiring the proper knowledge. So shall it be for us, too. That’s just the way it is in a universe whose arrow of time progresses according to laws of entropy. As far as that goes, I am of the opinion that the death experience is a very common thing, highly personalized and tailored to the individual as based on their own life experience that all creatures, both great and small, go through in order to ease the dying process: a final trick of the mind before it dries up and withers away, if you will.

      Moreover is that, death is the one place that operates outside the normal boundaries of time and space, where all of eternity in a place of bliss is just a thought away. That is, right up until the individual actually goes into the light and “crosses over,” whereby effectively rendering the act of returning impossible. The reason for this kind of two-stage event, I suspect, is because key areas of the body are fighting the good fight. It’s only when they have sent the death nail signal, does the individual cross over into their own personalized version of the afterlife where time is anything but we believe it to be. But even that, is not forever. Why? Because it only seems that way, is why.

      The only reason we don’t know any of this beyond speculation is because no one has ever been able to come back from that far down the line, if only because there is nothing to come back to. So yes. There is a kind of clinical death allowing people to come back because there is still something viable cooking in the oven to come home to. Then there is the kind of death that is eternally permanent because the structure that houses life is broken asunder, leaving it nothing to work with. And yes. This fate awaits us all, where everyone alive on planet Earth today will be dead in the next hundred or so years, whereby forging their own afterlife experience. And this is a big part of why I wrote Soul Trap. See Romans 8:6. “To be carnally minded (worldly or earthy) is death. To be [what?] spiritually minded is life and peace.”

      As for those who continue to doubt their own unbelieving eyes regarding what they read, I would ask that you follow along using your own personal edition of the KJV Bible. Use keynotes to highlight those verses under consideration, for a deeper self-examination. This way, there can be no denying the truth of the situation. You know the truth for which I speak, and the Bible refers to. It has everything to do with what we choose to believe whether it be in this life, or the one to come. Yeah. That one.

      Above all else, it’s paramount that you trust in yourself, and not what someone else would have you believe. The difference is day and night, wrong and right. And, should they at all accuse you of not being qualified to think matters of this nature through for yourself…

      By the way; and for the duration of your journey; I have arranged a window seat for you. I don’t want you missing the parallax view, as you put behind you, the power of misconception. Letting go of notion as if it were fact is empowering. In other words: what works for the goose is good to go with the gander. To better position it for the overstuffed goose, where does the Bible say that seeking the truth is off limits? I have searched, but cannot find it. As for the more slender gander, if such a request does exist, covertly hidden somewhere in its vast pages in the form of a discombobulated God-authorized matrix, then Proverbs 8:11, as well as all other verses like it, can only exist for one reason: misdirection. Otherwise, verses like Matthew 13:13 would never exist.

      Let’s not forget about the church and the role it plays in aiding this ploy, either. Why? Because their fingerprints are all over this thing, is why. Ah, but they are: just like some inept burglar of words. Oh, sure. They would have you believe it’s revision at work as defined by a “living Bible,” but that’s about the last thing it is. Something for which, I will thoroughly demonstrate. Otherwise, attempting to understand the incomprehensible as manifested in the form of an ethereal parable and defined through subjective interpretation according to the whims of “what I will,” becomes nothing more than an exercise in futility (whew!) This is why, above all else; and unlike the church; I strive to let the Bible speak for itself.

      Having said that…

      See Ephesians 5:9. “The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.”

      Then there is Luke 6:45, albeit for edification, where Jesus said of it: “A good man [or woman] out of the good treasure of [his or her] heart, brings forth that which is good. An evil man [or woman] out of the evil treasure of [his or her] heart brings forth that which is evil. For of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

      Concerning the act of casting one’s malicious dribble into the airy draft, there is Matthew 12:33, as wrought for elucidation. This being where Jesus further said of it: “Either make the tree good, and his or her fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his or her fruit corrupt. For the tree is known by the fruit of his or her spirit.”

      What these verses labor to suggest, as they reach up out of their chasm of disillusion so as to draw you deeper into their muddled lair of religiosity, is that Jesus is the light, the way, and the truth. Who, from among you, hasn’t heard these persuasive words at least a thousand times? And, you know what they say about repeating something often enough… (Funny how the act of repetition becomes its own form of twisted truth.)

      He goes on to explain that, should the tree (meaning himself) bear the truth, its spirit will bloom with all that is good and righteous. But let the tree prove itself corrupt, and its spirit will wither on the vine of iniquity and die. Sound familiar? It should. But if not, fret not, because in time it will. All I ask is that you keep reading in order to observe how the spiritual matrix manifests itself, vis-à-vis the big picture.

      Knowing that the son of God actually drew up this comparison regarding the virtues of one’s “fruit” (even as manifested from within its own hanky,) I give you Matthew 21:18 of the 1611 edition, albeit for edification. You know the comparison for which I refer, and Jesus speaks. Well, it’s more of an introspective analogy, actually, painting a kind of self-portrait of the “other” Jesus. “In the morning when Jesus was returning to the city of Bethany, [along with the twelve apostles,] he was hungry. 19 In seeing a fig tree by the wayside, he went to it, and found nothing on it but leaves only. He then said to it [in a fit of anger:] ‘May no fruit ever come from you again!’ Immediately, the tree withered away [and died.”]

      There exists a sobering reality as to why Jesus would behave this way towards one of his father’s creations, tree or not. It’s a truth covered in a later chapter that will challenge everything you ever thought you knew of what constitutes a benevolent, all-knowing deity said to turn the other cheek twain, whilst giving you the highly coveted seamless overcoat as woven from the top down, off his back. (See St. John 19:23.) I will, therefore, see you at the appointed place and time: a crossroads of the mind and soul that will see you morphing from a spiritual grasshopper, to an enlightened butterfly of the cosmos most excellent. After all, to do what Jesus did to that fig tree out of anger would be like getting mad at the sky for being blue; if only because he didn’t understand the nature of fig trees.

      Still, things only get worse.

      Had Jesus really been that hungry; and because the tree withered and died on command; one would think a blessing for an equally rapid blossom of fruit to be just what the doctor ordered for his hunger. Right? Yes. You would think so. Then there is St. John 4:31 to deal with. This being where it’s written, as wrought for elucidation, “Meanwhile, an apostle said to him, ‘Master, eat, I pray thee.’ 32 Jesus replied: ‘I have meat to eat that you know not of.’ 33 Therefore said the disciples to one another, ‘Has anyone brought something for him to eat?’ 34 Jesus replied: ‘My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.’”

      As promised: in full living color. Not only that, but in the very hanky I warned you of.

      It’s all akin to that ancient proverb concerning the human condition. An old Indian Chieftain was telling a story to his grandson. He described a fierce battle between a scruffy ol’ motley looking black wolf, and a pristine white wolf. The old chief went on to tell his grandson what these two wolves represented. As for the black nasty looking wolf, he ascribed those failings belonging to greed, hate, distrust, pride, wrath, and jealousy. As for the spotless white

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