Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the Earth [meaning, place of sheol?”]

      Then there is Malachi 1:8, of the 1611 edition. That being where God said: “When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? When you offer those that are lame and sick, is that not evil?”

      What we learn, then, is that Matthew 10:29 should have read, “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? Yet, not one of them will fall to the ground without your father having thrown it there in disgust.”

      What was it again, that Jesus said about the discovery of this particular truth? Oh! That’s right. It was Matthew 10:26 where he said: “There is nothing covered, that will not be revealed. Nor hid, that will not be known.”

      When you search for the truth with an open mind; and as suggested by Jesus himself in Acts 28:27; passages like Matthew 10:26 have a way of opening up, and speaking for themselves. This, as opposed to those verses that say God so loved the world… And don’t make me list every occasion that God Almighty got upset and killed people or sacrificed animals for personal glory because—I would pretty much have to include the whole of the OT here!

      Now, regarding original sin as manifested through divine odium where God curses all of humanity for the actions of only two people acting autonomously; and declared as defacto in Romans 3:23; I give you Deuteronomy 24:16. I share this verse with you because I want you to fully understand; and without a shadow of reservation; that it’s from within the Bible, and not me, that a contradiction of this type and magnitude arises. Okay then. Deuteronomy 24:16 it is. That being where God said: “The fathers will not be put to death for the children, nor the children for the fathers; but every man according to his own sin.”

      Question: how does one play the game when the rules are always changing according to the judgments of emotional whim, as defined by “what I will?” And why judge ye every man according to his or her own sin, dear Lord, when you have already condemned them wholesale through Adam and Eve for all eternity, as further defined by Romans 3:23?


      Concerning the nature of this truth, I offer you a verse that spirals into the murky depths of oblivion, or that indefinable rabbit hole of darkness for which we all struggle take your pick, taking with it all logic and reason. Maybe even the premise that is faith itself. And all anyone can do is watch, as it circles the drain (CTD.) Moreover is that, it will help us to further define the conundrum in life for which we all struggle. See I Corinthians 1:25 where the Bible says of the Almighty, “The foolishness of God is wiser than men….”

      Whoa Now!

      Was that someone’s chalk I heard snap, while merrily screeching all la-la-like across the blackboard of life? Sometimes, words cannot complement a situation properly enough. But then, I did warn you that our journey was of a revolutionary nature. Did I not? Therefore, because I did; and because the Bible acknowledges that God is an angry God afflicted with an idiocy; I give you Ecclesiastes 7:9. “Be not hasty in your spirit to be angry. For anger resides [where?] within the bosom of fools.”!

      Again, I did not write the Bible.

      Yet, we are not through with this issue. Behold, grasshopper, the verse that binds. See Psalms 2:11 of the modern revised edition. That being where it says, “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be made angry, and you perish from the way; when his wrath is kindled but a little.”

      Yes! These verses are indeed, trying to tell us something. They strike out as if to bear witness to our consciousness. Should you care to listen just past the roar of religious din, you will hear their truth vying for your attention from that place where angels fear to tread. Can you hear, what they are saying?


      The Bible is warning that God, in his “infinite wisdom,” is not who or what he says he is. Not to mention, what we think we know of kissing the Son.

      Missed something, did you? I thought you might. You see, Moses contributed to the book Psalms, as well as did King David. Both men lived more than a thousand years before the concept of Jesus Christ ever took root. Therefore Psalms, as well as many other books of the Bible, are not what you think them to be. Or, if you prefer: a divine work handed down from God himself to humankind bearing ethereal gifts as thee gospel truth. We know this to be true because “they” (those who edit and revise) not only used the word ‘Son’ in that verse instead of ‘sun,’ but capped it in order to pay homage to it.

      Knowing this, I ask you: what is the book of Psalms, but a compilation completed somewhere around 10 B.C., as found belonging to the OT? This means that that verse, as well as many others like it, are but the deliberate manifestation of a deception as concocted by the church through its revisionists. Ah, but they are. And it’s true. You know the truth for which I speak. It’s the same one where I said earlier that the church is a burglar of words. To demonstrate this; and to prove beyond any and all doubt that they are; I give you the original 1611 edition of Psalms 2:11. “Serve the Lord with fear, with trembling 12 kiss his feet, lest he be made angry, and you perish from the way; for his wrath is quickly kindled.”

      Therefore, yes. Revisionists are manipulating us for the sake of religious agenda. That’s because, real truth is? That’s right. They also got to the 1611 edition. We know this because of verse twelve. That being where it says, “…and you perish in the way….” Why? Because “the way” is the forerunner to Christianity that only existed at a time during the writing of the NT during the life of Christ, is why.

      And yes. It has everything to do with a sun halo being the crowning glory of Jesus Christ as the “sun of God.” This is why you see the entire concept of this verse progressing from kissing God’s feet, to planting one on his hallowed son. It’s all about a more modern agenda of religion. Well, it’s either that, or Jesus will become upset because you didn’t kiss his feet. Then he will kill you for it. And this is where we find that white, pristine wolves full of love, humility and grace, are game for a good fight because they do indeed, have a darker side.

      So why do we find NT thinking occupying space in the OT, besides being related to a more modern religious agenda? As much as I would like to tell you more about this, I can’t. To go any further would be to expose the chapter I have in reserve for it. I, therefore, will see you at the appointed place and time. Then there is that which you will learn of yourself during this grand journey of spiritual introspection: if only because epiphanies can sometimes do that. This is especially true when they strike at the core of long-held values that have made their bed and taken up residence within the neural network of our belief system, as if written into the more stony portions of our hearts.

      Speaking of which…

      Allow me now to introduce you to a man named Job. (Pronounced: ‘Jobe.’) He was at one time the center of our deity’s attentions: a place you really don’t want to be, not even for the fun of it. Anyway; and as the story goes; this man lost everything he ever owned over nothing more juvenile than a bet between rival deities. These were losses that included not only his herding animals as his livelihood (which were considerable,) but his servants and his ten children (which is unfathomable.) I, therefore, choose to call this man: Job Suffrage.

      To a truth, God provoked Satan into the bet by tempting him with what he knew he couldn’t resist. What that something is, or was, was Job’s moral character as a raise in ante. I know. But it was. And he did. See Job 1:6, albeit for edification, “Now there was a day when the sons of God [known also as angels,] came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came with them…8…and the Lord said to the devil: ‘Have you at all, considered my servant Job? There is none like him in all the Earth. He is a perfect and upright man that fears God, and eschews evil’”

      Before going any further, who of you knew that God’s angels, hung out with Satan? I hold this truth to be self-evident by that fact that they allowed this king of demons to come with them from where they were, which was strolling to and fro upon the Earth (see Job 2:2,) doing Lord knows what while walking up and down on it, to where God was (the house of judgment:) all just to ruin Job’s life as he knew it—forever!


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