Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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that is about to change. I guarantee it. Not only that, but forever. See I John 3:15 where the Bible says of a hatred belonging to a child of the devil, “Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer. And you all know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”

      Now see I John 2:11 where it’s written of this, “He that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and knows not whither he goes, because that darkness has blinded his eyes.”

      And, who could forget about that confession found in Matthew 10:27? This being where Jesus said of it: “What I tell you in darkness, you speak in light….”

      There is a saying in the American legal system. It goes something like, “Let them talk long enough, and eventually, they hang themselves.”

      Seems some truths are immutable, regardless of who wields them. Again, that’s the beauty of truth. It only knows one thing, regardless of who wields it: accountability.

      Yet, we continue to wonder why the hate mongers of the world cause what unrest they do, or why they are so ardent concerning racism in God’s name. Hell, even religious authorities of yore, wrestled with this issue. See Psalms 2:1. “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?”

      The simple, yet difficult to accept truth is that the heathen of this world understand something a prudent, dyed in the wool Christian never could. And yes. That would be the hate mongering required to follow the iconic aggregate of Christ as professed by Jesus in Luke 14:26 as further defined by the negatively charged ills of emotion—love thy neighbor be damned! I mean, how does someone go about caring for those around them when the hidden message is one of hate, intolerance and selfishness, as based on an eye for an eye if only because the other one became more accessible after having turned the other cheek?

      Ah huh.

      And yes. These would be the same myriad of failings that Judas, as well as many other people of that era, saw in Jesus.

      Be that as it may, there exists an untold truth here. It concerns Christianity mocking the Muslim faith regarding heaven having in wait, seventy-two (meaning countless) virgins. Why? Because the KJV Bible says nearly the same thing, is why. I understand, but; and unbelievably; it does. Or so, Jesus would have you believe. And yes. You can bet your religious mock, stock, and barrel that I have everything needed to prove it. See Matthew 25:1 where Jesus was quoted as saying: “The kingdom of heaven will be likened unto ten virgins…2…five of them wise, and five of them foolish.” (Yes. Let them talk long enough…)

      Should you be of the persuasion that the difference here, therefore the justification of it all, resides in the total number of heavenly virgins awaiting you in paradise, to that I would add—at least none of theirs are said to be foolish! A harsh truth to get naked with and “bare” I know, but know that all religions harbor their own idiosyncrasies. Why? Because foibles are the nature of the beast that is religion, is why. You witnessed this very thing with the Amish. And don’t even get me started with Joseph Smith and the Mormons, and how he “divined” that particular religion by peering into a hat full of weirding stones. Then there’s that new startup group calling themselves Christ-ians that worship the “Sun of God” because, how weird is that?

      Yet, this is only the start of what is wrong with this place high up in the sky, known biblically as heaven. You know the ethereal palace floating high overhead for which I speak, and that all dearly departed use to gaze down at us with in order to keep us reminded of the straight and narrow: it coddles Jesus’ idea of salvation. That is, according to the ethos of “what I will.” I know. But it does. See Matthew 19:29 where he said of it, albeit for edification: “Everyone who has forsaken houses, or [hated] brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children…for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit everlasting life.”

      According to the American Heritage Collegiate Dictionary the word ‘forsaken,’ means: “To renounce, to abandon.” Therefore should Matthew 19:29 have more correctly read: “Everyone that has disowned and abandoned their brethren, their sisters and their brothers, their fathers and their mothers, or wives, or children…for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit everlasting life.”

      That is some tradeoff that the “Sun of God” has in mind for us, eh? I mean, that is to say, if everyone in heaven harbors an emotional failing rising to the extent that they all turned their backs on family and loved ones over self-interest and ego, or that virgins as people have no value in life other than their eternal chasteness as it relates to breast size, then you have no idea. But you will. I guarantee it. This, just as sure as the “Sun of God” put himself before those whose lot in life it is to suffer. All because; and according to Jesus; him they will not always have. But those damnable poor…

      Knowing this, I ask you: these are the kinds of people that you would choose to spend, all of eternity with? What is it they say again, about birds of a feather? Oh! That’s right. It was Proverbs 8:17 where an eternal God who the church would have us believe treats all his creations equally said, as wrought for elucidation: “I only love them that love me….”

      Then there are those who would make snide comments regarding the Muslim five-a-day prayer structure, when even the Bible says every Christian will be doing the same thing. Not to mention, for all eternity. Please understand that this book is not about exalting the Muslim faith, because it’s not. Nor is it about rending Christianity asunder either, if only because some think I have it in for it. No. Not even hand-grenade close. It is instead, about getting to the immutable truth so that the world can heal its spiritual infection because—it’s spreading faster than a free lube job!

      Speaking of which…

      See Revelation 7:13. “One of the elders answered, saying: ‘Who are these that are arrayed in white robes, and from where did they come?’ 14 I said to him, ‘Sir, only you know.’ He then said: ‘These are they that came out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes making them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, serving him day and night….’”

      Yet, there is more. In particular is where it says that those who come from the great tribulation will be serving God day and night. Why? Because of Revelation 22:5, is why. You would better know it as the verse that binds. “There will be no night in heaven…for the Lord God gives them light where they will reign forever and ever.”

      As far as that free “lube job” goes: either we serve God day and night as told us by an elder who is an angel of the Lord who supposedly knows all the ins and outs of heaven, or there is no night there. To an immutable truth, it cannot be both. Figure of speech, perhaps? Well, if so, it means that we cannot trust everything we read in the Bible because we have no way of determining fact from fiction because of revision. That is, other than what we choose to believe and accept (even if revised,) and then exalt. You know. Just like the Amish did. Or the Mormons. Or the Christ-ians, if only because their beloved Sun/Son said of it: “It is written that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4.

      It’s here that I would like to personally extend to you and yours, through a knowledge contained within this book, what amounts to a second chance. It’s one that will offer us an opportunity to set right the world’s wrongs. This is to say that, it’s here you will unearth a revolutionary truth in the making. It will also demonstrate that God, Jesus and Satan, are not who or what they say they are. To a truth, they are more like the wolf we choose to feed at any given time. My mission now; and with every turn of the page; is to prove it. And yes. It has everything to do with why mainstream religion finds itself wallowing in the bitter waters of spiritual malcontent and unrest that it does.

      Nonetheless, I am getting ahead of myself, and would like to say I know that any argument worth its salt starts by first forming a basis of shared commonalities between writer and reader, whereby subtly expounding on those differences. Know that I too, as of this point, will attempt this. Know also that I did not write this book to dissuade you from your spiritual beliefs, whatever those happen to be. No. I wrote this book to share with you, a multitude of immutable if not revolutionary truths acting as one-way reality portals leading to a higher consciousness.

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