Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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      Until then, or until such time, try explaining what other form of social medium allows its participants to run around worshipping something that no one has ever personally seen, heard from, or touched? Who then goes on to subsidize this particular belief system with federal tax dollars through “faith based loans,” but then revokes your loan privileges if they find out you think he’s been talking back to you? Worse yet is that everyone, to include you, not only allows for, but actually justifies the killing of other fellow human beings in his name. Truth is, we do most of our dirty work in the name of God. This is how we justify our actions as a fearful species that scampers about under a darker pretense, so as to avoid having to take any responsibility for them. Ah, but we do. We always have. And yes. The Bible is no different, and operates on this exact same principal.

      And they say I’m crazy…

      Oh! That’s right. We will leave crazy to fend for itself, as written in the Bible. Just like in Job 42:12 thru 15 where God further justifies the murder of this man’s servants, as well as his ten children, through a weird process of recompense. He does this by increasing his wealth through herding animals, and making his latest batch of children prettier than those he killed previously. I understand. I really do. But if something like this doesn’t qualify as thoughtless and superficial (a foolishness said to be wiser than mans,) I do not know what does. This being where the Bible says that the Almighty judges a person’s life-worth by not only material possession, but; and of all things; their blemishes.

      What was it again, that Satan said about this little arrangement as made between him, God, and an unwitting Job? Oh! That’s right. It was that the Almighty had to buy his respect in order to win this contest of vanities, or Job would indeed curse him to his face for his troubles. (See again, the troubling admission of Job 1:9 thru 11.) You know this to be true because, in the end, God had to do exactly as Satan said he would, via the issuance of material reward. Not only that—but in great abundance!

      Can you hear what the truth of this discovery is trying to tell you, as it beckons to you from below the conscious reading level?


      It’s saying that the devil knows more about how God will react in any given situation, than even God does. We know this to be true, or the story of Job would have never allowed for a smudge of this magnitude to be exposed. Not even by mistake. And yes. It has everything to do with their encounter in the Garden of Eden over Lady Mondegreen where, one of them lied because he had something to hide, while the other simply forced his hand. (Again, just you wait and see.)

      Moreover, you tell me if you would feel any better about the death of your family because your insurance plan (or God in this case) compensated you, for their loss? Or that some people thought your next batch of children prettier than those killed earlier, as another bizarre form of justification? Now that, spiritual grasshopper, is a reality check. It’s one that the Almighty would have you believe is not only poetic justice, but “divine wisdom.”

      To further expose the impetus behind this curiously weird circumstance for the thing of contrivance it is; and with that biblical support I promised; I give you the material reward of Job as recorded in the book of the same name. See Job 42:12. “So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job’s life more than his beginning. For he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses. 13 He had also seven sons and three daughters…15…and in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job….”

      In order for you to fully understand the immutable truth of the situation, in that, life is a crapshoot as far as God is concerned where even the devil fearlessly calls his bluffs, where does the Bible say that he meted out restoration to anyone, other than Job? Even so, we know what God did to this man’s servants. And yes. They most likely had families, too. Then there’s the matter of Job’s children, with this being those ten individuals that the Almighty allowed Satan to snuff out in order to prove a point.


      All these individuals find themselves queuing up outside the pearly gates trying to figure out what the hell happened to them, when St. Peter approaches, saying to them, “Behold! Gaze now upon your father. See how happy he is with his newfound horde of herding animals, and his prettier than thou children. In fact, they are more of a blessing to him than the lot of you could ever be. See how he beams with pride at their exquisiteness—my how handsome they are! Just be happy you made it this far, you Godforsaken worthless putz. Now move along!”

      I know, and let me guess: it’s all about Job. Right? Yes. That is not only what “they” teach, but want you to believe. Why? Because through inference we, as bound up in our own personal trials, are become Job, is why. To a bitter truth, it’s all about distracting you from the true meaning of life, as defined through the art of egocentricity. Ah, but it is: even to where our own children, after doing seven concentric counterclockwise circles while kissing the Son/Sun, are become Job’s children. All of which, down to the last individual; and according to God Almighty himself; amount to nothing more than tripe in the form of lesson fodder. After all, you and me? We’re worth it—if not all that and a bowl of angel hair pasta too!

      And there you have it: the lynch pin that is the symbiosis between God, mankind, and his idea of religion. The reason this even works is simple: it’s because the church has no real answer as to why God would knowingly allow for the killing of anyone the way that he did, or does, so we cling to whatever best fills the gaps and smoothes them over. After all, everyone knows that God’s ways are mysterious. Right? Yes. We do. But then, who are we, who is man, who are you and who am I, to question the mind of God by exposing the Godhead of our own inner, Egor Norance? (See again, the admissions of I Corinthians 11:3 and I Corinthians 1:25.) Or, if you prefer it another way: that bit of demagoguery in each and every one of us that requires personal grooming 24/7. This, just as sure as there is a bit of Homer Simpson in each and every one of us, too. The problem you run into with this is not in identifying it, but admitting to it.

      Let me see if you caught the secret behind the story of Job. It concerns the reality that God does not answer prayers. In Job 1:8 we learn that; and according to God; Job was a good man who shunned evil. Even to the point where the Almighty considered him as perfect and upright as any person who ever walked this Earth could ever be. Knowing this, I ask you: would not Job then, being the ultra virtuous man that God said he was, have prayed at some point in time during his trials of misfortune? Well, yes, he would have. And he did. After all, this is what people of this spiritual caliber do.

      Hell, God himself could have shown up, took credit for his sorrows by driving the rusty spike of life through his heart, and still, Job would have lavished him with praise. Again, this is what people of this spiritual caliber do, even as proven by the apostle Paul when God failed to enlighten him. Or so the Bible would have you believe. Why? Because it harbors an agenda of religion in the form of a myopic construct, is why. It’s one that would see you and yours, regardless of your lot in life, holding fast to your faith. And the reason they would even care to instill a notion as crazy as this, in that, it was your abstruse bond with faith that brought you to your knees in life to begin with? Why, to keep your complaints to a minimum as they reach into your pockets for what they do best—of course! (When the time is right, I will prove it. Otherwise, as you know, I would have never said it.)

      Truth is, God ignored Job’s pleas, just like he did with Paul, because he does not answer prayers. And yes. I have further proof of this particular fault, as well. See Job 1:20, albeit for edification, “Then Job arose after being told of the death of his family, rent his mantle, and shaved his head. [This is an ancient Jewish form of mourning for those who have rusty spikes of life driven through their hearts by God.] Then he fell upon the ground and worshiped.”

      But then, we not only know what the apostle Paul took to in his religion, besides an increase of “ignance” when God failed to enlighten him, but why he took to it. Right?

      For now, lets say I know of your argument, in that, it was not God but Satan who drove the rusty spike of life through Job’s heart. Right? Okay, I’ll buy that: if only for the moment because that’s what the church teaches us. But then, I ask you: what becomes of Job 42:11? You would better

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