Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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is up to you. It always was.

      More to the point is that commercial religion will continue to subjugate these truths so long as we feign indifference hoping that it all somehow goes away because, it will not. No. What it will do is get worse, just as proven by the sexual defilement of our children by the Catholic church, as well as 11 SEPT 2001. All of which, is the continuation of sorrow (Mark 13:7.) The thing is, though—it doesn’t have to be this way! No. We have the power to forever change it. (By the way: the word ‘Catholic’ is Greek from ‘Katholikos,’ to mean: “universal,” and is a play on the word ‘universe.’ Why? Besides this religion trying to be all things to all people, it’s because everything within commercial spiritualism has for its initial inception an origin, is why. And you can bet I can prove that too, or I would have never said it. Therefore; and when the “cosmic time” is right; you too, will know what I know. My promise to you is that, it will change everything as you know it.)

      I therefore propose that, if you do not want WWIII to be a violent religious war where the children’s blood of this world will be nothing more than so much lubrication for God’s glory, and their flesh grist for the machine that is someone’s idea of religion in the form of lesson fodder, that you at least allow elbow room in your heart for the truth to manifest itself. Understand that, if we persist with our present course—there will be a reckoning! While it’s one thing to have to fight in order to preserve our way of life, it’s another altogether, when that fighting becomes a way of life. Just ask anyone in the Middle East.

      Knowing that future generations of children (including yours) will be silage for the next war of religious insanity, I offer you a personal taste of it as wrought from the past for the here and now. I do this because the past has a way of sneaking back up on us, and biting us all on our sanctimonious cabooses. Ah, but it does. Moreover is that, it bites down in pounds per square inch where the girth of it is proportional to the amount of teeth it bears at any given time.

      Now, as for those people who do not know their past? They are forever doomed to repeat it because those with no past have no future. See Deuteronomy 2:32. “When Sihon and all his army came out to meet us in battle at Jahaz, 33 the Lord our God delivered him over to us. There we struck him down in the name of God, together with his sons and his whole army. 34 At that time, we took all his towns and destroyed them: men, women, and children. We left no survivors.”

      It’s not always how otherwise “normal” people can take it upon themselves to end the lives of innocent children as enforced through religious dogma in the name of a God who could care less about his creations that concerns us, even those having sanctimonious weapons of righteous indignation rammed through their precious little skulls via the business end of a sharp two-edged sword, but why. See Deuteronomy 7:1: “When the Lord your God brings you into the land he promised you, and has cast out many nations before you, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than you. 2 And when the Lord your God delivers these nations up before you; you will kill them, and utterly destroy them; you will make no covenant or allegiances with them, nor show mercy to them.”

      What was it again that a God who so loved the world, said about partaking in a ruthless slaughter such as this? See Deuteronomy 28:58: “If you will not observe to do all the words…written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and fearful name, the Lord thy God; 59 then the Lord will make your plagues astonishing, and the plagues of your children even greater, and of long continuance, and a sore suffering of long continuance.”

      Now you know why “they” do what they do: it’s because God compels them.

      What is it they say again, about defining insanity as wrought in the form of a foolishness said to be wiser than mans? Oh! That’s right. It was to keep issuing the same ol’ threats, but to expect different results. But then, what better way to characterize a belief system that has for its foundation, an ever-teetering oh-so-delicate, manmade house of cards? See Matthew 7:26 where Jesus said of it: “Everyone who hears these sayings of mine, and does not do them, then will that person be likened unto a foolish man who has built his house on the sand. 27 So when the rains fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon his house; it fell. And great was the fall of it.”


      His flesh hangs loose upon his body, and his bones that were not seen stick out. So after mocking him, we pummeled him with sticks and stones so as to tamp down those gwad awful protruding bones. Only then did he give up the ghost, allowing us to finally put him out of our misery.

      In order to breathe new life into what is our incorrigible spirituality, I offer you the man of flesh and blood named Jesus, his loss of faith, and his rebellion towards his father concerning it. Therefore; and because I understand your religiously inspired cynicism regarding this; I give you Matthew 27:46. Here, a timorous figure stands lost between a chasm of fear and reason, crying out: “Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani?” That is to say: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken [abandoned] me?”

      Those desperate, pleading words reverberate across time only, no one answers. From first to last breath where the haunting libretto of scripture echoes that all humanity is but dust, and dust shall it return, no one ever answers. Not even when the abraded soul of Jesus Christ himself, begs the question. No. As with everyone else ever born into sin as manifested through the efficaciousness of life, he died alone.

      Now you know why he demands that you turn against your loved ones, as told us in Luke 14:27 of the 1611 edition of the KJV. That’s because; and once again; not only is turn about fair play, but he feels owed. That’s right: owed. And pledging your life to him is but the tipping point when it comes to the total cost of the price you must pay for his allegiance in the great hereafter. I know. But it is. Remember now, he feels “owed.”

      With that, let us examine the crucifixion further. Believe me when I tell you that there is more to this event than meets the eye: there is the immutable truth as obtained through scripture, and nothing but biblical scripture. This way, when the truth of the situation is made manifest, there can be no denying that it’s anything but what “they” have been telling you it is. And yes. It has everything to do with the trials and tribulations of flesh equating to sin, as weighed against the ethereality of your eternal soul. See Galatians 5:16. “This, I say then, ‘Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would.’”

      To begin, we see that the author of that particular verse capitalized the word ‘Spirit.’ Why? Because he is making reference to God and or Jesus in the form of the Holy Ghost as a unified Trinity and not the human soul, is why. Again, it’s easy to miss spiritual gems like this, if only because we’re all that and a bowl of angel hair pasta, too. (By this, I mean: extremely self-absorbed if not myopic creatures of vanity.) Therefore; and knowing this about our nature; what is true for flesh and blood here is true of flesh and blood everywhere: even when nailed to a cross. Ah, but it is. See again, albeit for edification, Romans 3:23. “For all [flesh] has sinned, and comes short of the glory of God.”

      Another thing you should know is that, by taking our consciousness to a higher level, things like vanity become something we marvel at, instead of something that controls and dictates. It works like this: all your life you see the world through a predefined set of values according to not only your environment as based on your education, but also how you were raised. It therefore never occurs to you that everyone else is in the same boat to even want to know enough to lift your head above the water because, if you did, not only would you see that this thing called life never gets anywhere because it’s sinking, but that vanity has everyone rowing in a different direction. And—my oh my! The places we could go (Shambhala,) and the things we can accomplish (spiritual nirvana) once we see clear enough to remove the log masquerading as a biblical “specter” from within our own eyes…

      By the way: you do recall where I suggested back in chapter two that; and when it came to the rewriting of the Bible and the distortion of its truth; revisionists would un-nail its riddled corpse

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