The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World. Michael G. Reccia
can manifest themselves around and through that soul.
The Field is almost anti-God, if you like. The Field is a creation of the human condition. It is almost an exclusion of God and that, of course, is a result of what the souls in the Fall did – they excluded themselves from God. They created that Field and, because it was a conscious wish – ‘We know better than God, we will create a society that is better than God’s society, a state of mind that is better than God’s state of mind’ – they built into the Field that wish to be excluded from God, that wish to move away from God because ‘they knew better’ …and that resonance is still within the Field.
So, you have a state of being that God cannot really penetrate because, whilst it is of His children, it is not of Him; it is not of His ideals or His intent. This is why Light has to be ‘drip-fed’, has to be pin-pointed here and there to change that Field and to consciously bring back the children of God into God’s community. You must remember that God’s community does not just comprise of human beings; there are other physical manifestations of the soul living on other planets, other spiritual manifestations of the soul living in other areas of the spirit worlds.
So, God is trying to bring His children on Earth (and in the surrounding area of space) back into the fold. But He can only do that, because of His nature, by presenting His children with Himself, not by changing that which is not Him, which is only an illusion, a shadow. He will not change it because it is not of Him; it does not really exist – which comes back to what we were saying in the first book – that nothing really exists except the Light, except God. So God has no need to change – it is His children who need to change. Is there anything else?
Jane: No.
[Michael: at this point the meeting was closed with a prayer.]
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