The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World. Michael G. Reccia
your personal dream.
So, we have to get back to basics and you have to understand that, as a soul you are an expression of God, a part of God, a dream, if you like, of God – because that is what you are in essence: you are a dream of God – God dreams you into being. He cannot separate from Himself the part of Himself that is you but He can create the illusion of separation by dreaming that you are separate. You create in the same way that God creates. You are part of Him; you have never been separated from Him. So, in order to think yourself separate from Him and separate from the people around you, you dream, because in ‘reality’ you are not separate from these things.
You dream!
As a soul – because God is perfect and you are a permanent part of God (never separated from Him, in truth) – you are perfect. You are perfectly healthy. You cannot be born, you cannot die, you cannot suffer from ill-health, you cannot suffer from the effects of other people because these things are simply dreams.
Your start point in changing the world is to remember always that you are perfect, that everything else is a dream, a construct, a belief; it is not really a part of you.
You set great store in your society today by the television set - by the hundreds of channels that are available to you, by the films, the music, the sounds and the sights that you can see. But, if you do not like something you are watching, you simply switch over to another channel …and that is what I am next inviting you to do.
You don’t like the world? You don’t like the dream? You don’t like what you are seeing? Change the channel!
When you awaken in a morning – before you put your feet on the ground – see the day that you want to have for yourself and for the world. See peace in the world. See peace in your own affairs: in your relationships with other people, in your relationships with your house, with your office, with your car, with your kettle, with every appliance, with the things you are sitting on, the things that you walk on – see peace and harmony from them being brought to you. Expand your view towards your country and your world. See peace in your seats of government. See peace in troubled nations. Extend your vision to the Earth and see peace in the rocks, in the flowers, in the trees, in the construction of the Earth and say to yourself (and this is important): ‘For today this dream is mine and no other dream shall enter it!’
And, believe me, the world will try and convince you that everything is as it always has been according to the communal dream: that there is war, that there is disease, that there is torture, that there is anger …depravity …loss …lack.
You have to be brave, you have to live the dream every day – is that not one of your advertising slogans: ‘live the dream’? You have to live your new dream, God’s dream for you, your dream for yourself – that everything is fine, everything is perfect – and you have to build it into yourself day after day after day.
At first it will be difficult because you have to change the resonance of your thoughts. It is like loading a different DVD or a different tape into a player. You have to put it in, it has to be switched on, it has to be viewed, you have to get to the right section of it and it takes time. So, yes, expect immediate results – you must do that – but also be patient and loving with yourself and do not give up if, immediately, your day does not bring to you that ideal of the dream that you have put into it in the morning.
It will – little by little – it will!
You will build into yourself health; you will build into yourself an understanding of yourself and your God; you will build into yourself (and this is most important) an understanding that what you see around you is not really there, is malleable, is able to be manipulated and able to be changed. You are the dreamer!
And then, as you gradually change your frequency, your thoughts, your beliefs and your dreams will link up with similar dreams around the world – with the dreams of other men and women who are changing this world by being something different and by dreaming a different dream. And little by little you will then infiltrate the illusion of the Field and you will change it from within.
This is rebellion from within.
When enough people dream the dream of perfection, and peace, and holiness, and Godliness – then the Field will have no choice but to change because the majority of the thoughts that are feeding it will be infusing it with the dream of this better place.
This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how you are going to change your world. It is a revolution but a bloodless one – and it is no use reading this book and then saying: ‘I will leave it to the politicians. I will leave it to those who know better than me.’ Who knows better than you? You are God!
If you want this world to change, you – and no-one else – have to change it and the change begins with the dream.
Actually (as I have said in my previous book) there is ‘no-thing’ there; each morning is a blank slate. What are you then going to create today? Are you going to create a world that damages you and damages other people? Or are you going to create a world that uplifts you, that brings you closer to God in thinking, that helps you to remember who you are, that allows you to extend Light and Love to people and them to give it back to you?
I must talk for a little while about your children because they are the new dreamers; they are bringing into being tomorrow. Try hard not to inflict them with the lies of today. Try hard, as they grow, not to inflict them with the belief that they will grow old and die; that they will grow old and be in pain. Try hard not to inflict them with a sense of inferiority, with a sense that they can never dream and achieve anything more than you have done. That is not true.
Encourage their dreaming. Encourage the manifestation of the new spiritual awareness that is coming through the next generation of souls. Encourage them to talk to the God-within. Encourage them to see the spirits who come to talk to them. Encourage them to think good thoughts. Do not make them competitive in the worldly sense – make them competitive only as soldiers for the Light, competitive in changing the status quo. And so you will be creating a new dream yourself and bringing your children into that dream so that they can reinforce and extend the new dream that changes the world.
You may say to yourself, having read this chapter, ‘I am perfectly alright in my little corner.’
Are you?
Are you truly happy?
If you sit down quietly and examine your life are you happy or are you afraid? Are you happy for today but frightened that tomorrow will take away what you have today?
How long will your little corner exist? Everything changes. Everyone changes; everyone travels and moves on to different dreams. ‘I am separate from people,’ you may say, ‘I am OK. I don’t care about anyone else.’ In not caring about anyone else you do not care for yourself because you are everyone else. There is only you – the you that exists around this planet as millions of souls. Only you! You think that you are separate from other aspects of yourself because of the illusion of the Field, because of the dream.
I am inviting you do something. Is it so much to ask that you see your world as perfect and holy and God-like? Isn’t that what you would want for other people and for yourself? …I take a crowbar to prise you out of your corner; to invite you to change things for everyone.
The dream at the moment is heading for cataclysm.
You can stop that! You, each of you, can stop the end of the world!
Each of you, by dreaming the right dream, prolongs the time until the end of the world – until such time as sufficient Light can come in and change that ending because it is not inevitable.
Not yet!
But if dreamers keep dreaming the same dream then this world – as far as you are concerned, as far as the human race is