The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World. Michael G. Reccia
When referring to ‘the Field’ Joseph is describing the conscious field of thought-energy we, as spirits on Earth, are surrounded by and live within. Every second of our lives we project our thoughts and beliefs as to the nature of reality into this energy field. The Field is actually created and maintained by us, but we have lost sight of this fact. As a result of us forgetting this, which is in itself as a result of ‘the Fall’ (see below), the Field is not operating as it was originally intended to. It was supposed to serve us, but at the moment we, in effect, serve it. It exhibits, and seeks to perpetuate in us, a negative charge and outlook, and, because of this and its disconnection with God-Light, is maintaining itself and us via a finite and dwindling amount of energy. The Field in its present state, and therefore also we as human beings existing within it, cannot last much longer. Joseph urges us to re-energise the Field with God-Light and, by doing so, to transform it and take control of it once again for the betterment and continuance of mankind and of the planet.
The Fall
…is a term that Joseph applies to a complex decision and action taken by human souls millions of years ago which resulted in a cataclysmic change in vibration that plunged the Earth into a darkness we and the planet are still suffering from and feeling the effects of. This change in vibration separated us in conscious thought from our God-heritage and resulted in the negative, violent, power-hungry world and society we currently live in. The Fall is a vast and fascinating subject, and Joseph’s fourth book chronicles exactly what happened at the time this event took place and the consequences of it having done so.
Chapter One
The Cyclic Nature of You and the Universe
Michael’s observations: As explained in the introduction to this volume Joseph’s second book began to unfold at a time of great spiritual transition for me personally. This first chapter was given to our little group in the usual way, in that we sat together to contact Joseph via the traditional mediumistic clairaudient link I had relied on to bring through his first book – Revelation: Who You Are; Why You’re Here. At the end of the month in which this chapter had been delivered, however, I was due to hold my first public demonstration of trance mediumship, having been carefully prepared in private for this new way of working for some time by certain of my guides. As I began to work openly as a trance medium the established routine of our group contacting Joseph through clairaudience was replaced by my regularly being taken into trance to deliver the chapters for this book, allowing Joseph, rather than dictating his words by overshadowing me, to actually take over my physical and mental faculties during those times in which he wished to speak to us. This new way of communicating led to an extension of the amount of time at any one of our meetings during which I could work with Joseph; to an even greater amount of information coming through in each communication, and to the unfortunate after-effect of me, not strictly having been present except as a physical ‘shell’ to host Joseph, having little to no recollection of what had been said on each occasion! We doubled up on our audio equipment, making absolutely sure that Joseph’s words were recorded on and downloaded to as many separate pieces of equipment as we could lay our hands on so that the chances of his communications being lost were virtually nil. For this first chapter, however, the link would be the tried and tested clairaudient one which, as stated, had been the means of receiving the contents of the whole of book one…
This first session begins with me passing on what Joseph is saying, acting at first as a repeater of his clairaudiently heard words. He then gradually takes over the communication as he overshadows me…
Michael. Where do you want to start, Joseph?
…Joseph says he wants to start at the beginning – at the very beginning – because he promised that this second book would be about man’s potential, and he wants to open the book by talking about the beginning of the universe. He says that scientists are correct – the universe came from nothing and it did come from an explosion – an explosion of energy, an explosion of ‘reality’ that began to expand, and that everything we see on this physical level is contained within that explosion. He says that the problem is we cannot see behind that physical level; we cannot see where the universe came from and we cannot, as a rule, as souls, see beyond this physical universe whilst we are here on Earth.
Joseph: Everything that happens externally is a mirror of what can happen within a soul and that is one of God’s gifts to us. God says: ‘Look at what is happening – seemingly outside of yourselves – and you will see what you are capable of within yourselves.’
The universe came from a point; that dot within the circle. I gave you the ancient symbol of the dot within the circle [see Revelation: Who You Are; Why You’re Here] for a purpose, not just to say, ‘Here is a symbol’ but to say that everything (as I have said before) is contained within that circle. So, the physical universe is finite in that it is contained within that circle. It may be expanding but it is expanding as a wavelength outwards to a point where, in terms of physicality, it will reach the edges of that circle, of that sphere. Then, when it reaches the edges of the sphere, it will begin to contract and be pulled back slowly … slowly …slowly to the dot in the centre of the circle. So, everything in a physical universe is embraced within that circle that is God and proceeds from that dot that is also God: God is the giver; God is the container.
…And this pulse has happened before. Scientists look at the universe and some say the universe is a unique event, that it will reach a certain length and point in time and then it will cease to exist. What they don’t understand is that the manifestation and re-absorption of the physical universe is a repeating cycle. It may seem, to a soul that is living within it, too vast and solid to be a cycle but nevertheless it is. It may take millions and millions and billions and trillions of years, but it expands from that dot and it goes back to that dot. Everything goes back to that dot and then the dot is put forwards again as another expression of physicality.
So, God is not only a circle (the circle has no beginning and no end. God has no beginning and no end – that is God’s nature) …God is not only the dot within the circle – God is a cycle – is cyclic in nature too. And the knowledge that is accumulated as the universe expands is then pulled in from the circle to the dot to make each subsequent cycle even more polished, to make each cycle even more evolved, to progress each cycle. So, God progresses – becomes more than He is – via the cycle, the wavelength, that brings the universe out and then back in again.
Because everything is contained within God, we – who contribute to making God more than He is whilst and by living our physical lives – are also part of God. It is not that God is having to depend on human beings who are ‘less than perfect’ (according to religion and lore) to perfect Himself; it is that God is putting out more of Himself, expanding Himself so that, within successive expansions or cycles different concepts can be explored through the experiences of various manifestations of souls as physical beings, both human and animal in the case of the Earth, which are then taken back to the heart of God via those souls when they are freed from physical matter and return to the spiritual realms, so that the heart of God can be further refined and send out new concepts.
And that, my friends, is just the nature of the physical universe. There are other universes. There are spiritual universes, which are all based on the same principle: an expansion of matter, an expansion of energy, to allow form to take place, and an expansion of thought and concept and understanding within that form that then is withdrawn to the centre to be put out again in ever more refined form.
And you might ask, ‘Well, Joseph, is there anything outside of God?’ I can only answer from within my experience and all that I have come across in all my experiences (and all that anyone that I have ever met or linked with from ‘higher’ or ‘lower’ spheres of existence has experienced) has been contained within the will of God, within the creative faculty of God, within the senses of God, the vibrations of God. My heart-mind answer (which is based not on the factual knowledge assimilated by the head-mind you use on Earth but on soul-core understanding, knowing and perception) is therefore: ‘No, there is nothing outside of God. There is nothing outside of God. God contains