Wealth: It's In Your Worship Not Your Works. Roland J. Hill

Wealth: It's In Your Worship Not Your Works - Roland J. Hill

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      From the Author of Theo-Economics

      Dr. Roland J. Hill

      Wealth: It’s In Your Worship Not Your Works

      Copyright © 2012 by Roland J. Hill

      Published in eBook format by Helping Hands Press

      P.O. Box 380941

      Duncanville, Texas 75138


      Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com

      All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles and The Message Bible © 2002 Eugene H. Peterson.

      All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed to Helping Hands Press, P. O. Box 380941, Duncanville, Texas 75138.

      Edited by Kenneth Hall, Patricia Humphrey, Susie Hill

      Cover Design by Roland J. Hill and Madelein Terreros

      Book Layout by Tammy G. Prieto

      ISBN-13: 978-1-889390-24-6



      the late Dr. Franklin S. Hill, Sr.


      Mrs. Lucille E. Hill

      My parents, who taught me early in life

      the joy and benefits of Sabbath observance.


      This book evolved out of a series of sermons preached at the Living Waters Worship Center in Duncanville, Texas, several years ago. When I was finally able to take a Sabbatical to write, my plans were to simply edit my sermons and put them in book form, but God had a different plan. Instead, God instructed me to use the sermons as a foundation for my writing while He down loaded fresh new concepts that would take a deeper look at wealth creation. So, I must first give God praise for the ideas that have developed into this book. They are not mine. I thank God for entrusting me with His thoughts. Then, I want to thank the Living Waters Worship Center, my church family. This precious group of saints permitted me every week to mount the pulpit and preach as God inspired me. They encouraged me to keep digging for a deeper understanding of God and encouraged me to write and distribute my discoveries to the world. This loving group of believers permitted and funded my Sabbatical so I could have time on the mountain to write. While I am no longer their senior pastor, they still honor my wife and me as their spiritual mother and father, and for that we will be ever grateful. Thank you Living Waters.

      I want to thank also Leighton Holley, former president of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for his wisdom in permitting me to take a Sabbatical. I could not have completed this project without the professional, gracious, and joyous help of Mario Ledezmo, Ivan Cruz, Eric Manzano, Doug Denny, Tammy G. Prieto, and Madelein Terreros, all members of the Texas Conference Print Shop team. Thank you. I will be forever grateful for Weimar Institute. Being there while writing was like two weeks in heaven. Special thanks to my son and daughter in the ministry, Marlon and Shurla Perkins, whom God sent to pastor Living Waters. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Pastor Perkins for his encouragement and belief that this project has enormous potential for the Kingdom. Thank you, Elisa and Russell Thompson, LaShunda and Randy Rhaming for stepping up to the plate and directing the marketing for this book.

      Family is important and I thank God for my sister, Terry, and her husband Michael Harris, and my brothers, Franklin, Bryon, and Hallerin. Then there are my children, my son Mian Hill, daughter Sonia and her husband Derrick Meadow with my three beautiful granddaughters. To have their love and respect means a lot to me. I dedicated this book to my parents and every day I understand better why. They provided me the DNA, training, and encouragement that has made me the preacher, teacher, father, husband, man of God, and writer that I am. I miss them greatly and look forward to spending Sabbath with them in eternity.

      Finally, I’ve been blessed with a great wife, Susie. Words can’t express my gratitude and appreciation for her support, encouragement, insights, and hard work, given not just for this project, but throughout our ministry. We are a team and this book is a reflection of that teamwork. I love you Susie, and I want the world to know it. Thanks!

      - Dr. Roland J. Hill


      Wealth: It’s In Your Worship Not Your Works, by Dr. Roland Hill, is a book whose time has come. This book is a fresh approach to the Sabbath. In it Dr. Hill presents clear and compelling reasoning on the true source of wealth. It is motivational and inspirational, and a read not only for ministers, but for every person who is serious about discovering, uncovering, and tapping into their God given, unlimited source of wealth.

      Dr. Hill makes it plain that he is not presenting a “how to” book on the accumulation of dollars, euros, gold, diamonds or real estate. He is fundamentally challenging the way Christians think about themselves in connection with worship as a source of wealth. Hill states his purpose, “__The truth about wealth is tangled up, tied up, and hidden in the undergrowth of non-biblical philosophies many of which are unsuitable for Christian consumption. This book is the clearing in the jungle.” And truly, Dr. Hill demonstrates just that. With the precision of a liturgical scalpel, he cuts away the diseased thinking apparatus that has elevated the “Protestant Work Ethic,” the “Pull Yourself Up by Your Own Bootstraps” philosophy, and the fallacious Prosperity Gospel ideologies exposing them to the light of biblical truth.

      Almost immediately in this ground-breaking work, Dr. Hill points his readers to the true locus of wealth–the seventh day Sabbath which connects us to our Creator. Hill states, “That, while wealth may include material possessions, ultimately wealth is about value, God’s value of man and what man’s values in the world.” He points out that God assigned value to His Creation, and to His relationship to His Creation, ultimately assigning value to His relationship to humanity. It is in the Sabbath rest that God renews and develops what He values, thus, true wealth is in our worship, not in our works. Hill states, “In a real sense then, God alone assigns value, He is the quintessence of all wealth. Therefore in God, not in the created world, we find worth, the essence of true wealth. Evidenced in the order of the creation is God’s statement of value for the human family. God created the world, then; man, not man, then the world.”

      True worship reconnects man with his Creator, who re-infuses him with value. It is in coming to God in the setting of true worship, recognizing and proclaiming His awesomeness in the context of our nothingness–and therefore our dependence on Him for all things–that we are reminded of the source of true value.

      Dr. Hill explains the law of self-interest versus the law of dependence. Twenty-first century people forget they are already created in God’s image and are therefore wealthy and are of value. Living by the law of self-interest, they look for increasingly more opportunities to gain material goods, thinking that possessing things indicates wealth and value. The law of dependence reveals that as we remember our Creator God as the Source of value and depend on Him, we know that we are esteemed and valued because He made us. This truth is bound up in the Sabbath Rest. God’s gracious command to keep the Sabbath is not for His good, but for ours.

      Dr. Hill draws on a parable (read the book to discover which one) and incidents in the history of God’s people, such as the 40 year miracle of the Manna, or of God’s delivery of it and Israel’s gathering it during their

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