Wealth: It's In Your Worship Not Your Works. Roland J. Hill
statement, He was proclaiming: “You are of higher value than the material world. You don’t derive your value from created things, but Me.”
Digging deep in the Sabbath mine you come to understand, as I have, that God is the source of all value and that there is no value without God. In a real sense then, God alone assigns value, He is the quintessence of all wealth. Therefore in God, not in the created world, we find worth, the essence of true wealth. Evidenced in the order of the creation and His personal involvement in the creation of man is God’s statement of value for the human family. God created the world, then man–not man, then the world.
Standing in the entrance of the Sabbath mine, God had our first parents ponder this fact that wealth was not based on man’s work but on God’s grace. Adam and Eve’s first full day of life was a rest day–not a workday. It was a day of worship-not a day of work. Wealth was a gift from God. The order of true wealth creation, as stated by God’s resting on the Sabbath, is always worship first–then wealth creation. “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
Wealth from God’s perspective was never about the accumulation of material possessions. In its truest sense, wealth is and always has been about value that comes out of relationship. “You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day” (Deuteronomy 8:18). God stated his covenant relationship with Adam and Eve by creating them with wealth and confirmed it with Israel by giving them the power to produce wealth. True wealth is a sign of the covenant between God and man.
From Riches to Rags
Our first parents were not a “Horatio Alger story.” They did not go from “rags to riches” but from “riches to rags.” Adam and Eve were born wealthy. They were created in wealth, with wealth, and with the power to produce wealth. Locked inside the mind of the original pair was Ore Wealth placed there by God. From this original ore, discovered in the Sabbath mine by Adam and Eve, all physical wealth would be created.
“Out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name” (Genesis 2:19). This was man’s first act of creating wealth. God now provided him with the opportunity to exercise this dominion responsibility in a way that established his authority and supremacy—in ancient times, it was an act of authority to impose names (cf. Daniel 1:7) and an act of submission to receive them. God-given ideas for the naming of the birds and animals was an act of placing value. God showed His value of man by giving him the privilege of naming (giving value to animals and birds). We all understand that when you name something, you are superior or of more value than the thing named. In all of mankind is Ore Wealth. God has given us the gift of creating value, naming the creation, therefore creating wealth. “As it is written, ‘I have made you the father of many nations’–in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist” (Romans 4:17).
True Worship
There is a seismic struggle to find value and self-worth among twenty-first century man. And what I have observed is that the struggle over self-worth and value is really a struggle about worship. True worship is in serious decline. In its place we have put work or pleasure. Twenty-first century man believes he must earn his worth. He believes that worth is in what he possesses. Therefore, ceasing from work, which is the requirement of true worship, decreases, he believes, the ability to earn wealth, thus affecting one’s self-worth. Modern people no longer see the need of retreating to the Sabbath Mine to worship God. Worship and work are not seen as analogous terms. Therefore, worship is neglected, which results in the loss of self-worth, value, and a clear direction in life. Sabbath rest was designed by God to replenish value given out over six days of work. We do not have an unlimited source of value, only God. Therefore, God must constantly replenish us.
What is worship? Worship is recognizing the awesomeness of God. It is confessing our creatureliness before God. It is accepting His ownership of all things. It is acknowledging Him as the source of all value. Worship is thanking God for His gift of wealth to man. True worship replenishes worth and value because in worship God breathes value anew into us. He reminds us of His gift of dominion and the ability to create value by naming the world around us. He confirms to us, “We are because He is – therefore, we have because He is.” Only in worship does that revelation come. Worship is where we receive the deepest revelation of God and His value of us. Tied up in Sabbath worship is the truth: wealth is a gift from God. Sabbath observance says, “We are because He is – therefore, we have because He is.” Wealth is in your worship not your works.
Memory Card
“Wealth is a gift, and those who have discovered the secret, work less and worship more. They have discovered, by experience and observation, that unending work, as the means for creating wealth, is a myth. Work in and of itself has no power to create wealth. It can produce energy, activity, and even create an illusion of wealth, but it can never create wealth.”
- Dr. Roland J. Hill
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