Wealth: It's In Your Worship Not Your Works. Roland J. Hill

Wealth: It's In Your Worship Not Your Works - Roland J. Hill

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of Dependence.

      This book has the potential to re-align the thinking of every serious Christian regarding value and worth. Reading this excellent book will refocus, reenergize and re-enthuse the Christian Church.

      - Dr. Ricardo Graham

      President - Pacific Union of Seventh-day Adventists,

      Westlake, CA


      “Dr. Hill has done a masterful job of focusing attention on what really matters when it comes to the subject of wealth and its value and how we should approach the study of wealth creation. He directs the reader’s attention away from cash, stocks, property, etc., to things of eternal value. He states that the pursuit of wealth boils down to dependence. The ultimate question is, “What or who will we depend on?” Since the Sabbath establishes God as Creator and Sustainer of all life, then value comes in our worship rather than our works.”

      - Larry Moore

      President, Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Burleson, TX

      “There is no doubt that the Spirit of God has delivered this most timely message to God’s people by means of this wonderful work which encourages us all to realign ourselves with God’s will. Dr. Hill artistically brings out how the Sabbath is the centerpiece of the Law of Dependence upon God our Maker and Sustainer. We, much like the Israelites, are so often not only oppressed by the gods of this world, but also sadly blinded to our true potential. Finally, personally I loved the concept that there is no excuse for a non-productive life. You and I have the unique and solemn task of validating God’s Word to a parched world. Thank you Dr. Roland Hill.”

      - Carlos Craig

      President, Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,

      Alvarado, TX

      “I thoroughly enjoyed reading your latest manuscript, Wealth: It’s In Your Worship Not Your Work. I read it with studied interest, carefully highlighting key points and making note of particular ideas and concepts that I felt I wanted to revisit and or give more thought and reflection. A treatise of this type is not to be consumed but to be savored morsel by morsel. As you promised, the manuscript was engaging and made easy to read. It was inspiring, enlightening, and instructive. The core concept provided a new and refreshing approach to a fairly well worked subject both in the Christian and Secular markets. The fresh illustrations, stories, and historical bites heightened my interest and helped to validate for me some of the new ideas or points that I was hearing for the first time. I liked your outline which carefully laid down the biblical foundation before developing the practical applications which you begin to cover in the final chapter. I applaud you on the Memory Cards which I think were a nostalgic carry-over from early Primary and Junior Sabbath School days. They worked like linchpins which provided excellent transition (changing points) to the next chapter. They kept me, as the reader, in a state of anticipation much like the “Trailers” that movie theaters uses before a featured film. Wealth: It’s In Your Worship Not Your Works will be well-received by the wide reader audience you have developed and will launch an entire new fan base as a premier for new readers and students of Christian Stewardship and Resource Development.”

      - Alvin M. Kibble,

      Vice-President North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, MD

      “You may wonder how wealth and worship go together, but as you read this book, spiritual gems will regularly be added, and you will find out the real meaning of value in the truest sense.”

      - Ivan L. Williams, Sr., D.Min.

      Ministerial Director

      North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists,

      Silver Spring, MD

      “Excellent commentary on and integration of four important dimensions of a Christian’s life: Sabbath, worship, vocation, and wealth. An important read for anyone struggling with meaning in any of those areas. Use of the ‘wise worker bee, Shabbat’ parable is masterfully done.”

      - Lilya Wagner, Ph.D.

      Director, Philanthropic Service for Institutions,

      Silver Spring, MD

      “Dr. Roland Hill’s new book, Wealth: It’s In Your Worship Not Your Works, is an innovative look at an important topic. You’ll find the book to be entertaining, challenging, and insightful, but most of all, these concepts will change your life! These biblically based principles are so clearly outlined and so logical, you’ll wonder why you haven’t heard this before. I highly recommend this book.”

      - Mike Tucker

      Speaker/Director, Faith For Today Television

      Host of Lifestyle Magazine and Mad About Marriage,

      Simi Valley, CA

      “During your journey through this insightful book you will arrive at the original outpost of wealth and worship. With unique twists, Dr. Hill leads the reader into another economy and the significance of wealth creation. You will discover both the simple and profound foundation for functioning within God’s economic design. If you want a healthy economy – this book provides critical insight.”

      - Brett A. Elder

      Executive Director Stewardship Council

      Executive Editor NIV Stewardship Study Bible,

      Grand Rapids, MI

      “My good friend, Dr. Roland Hill, has once again used his brilliant mind and deeply rooted faith in Jesus Christ to provide readers with new insights on the often controversial subject of wealth. He shows us that by being filled with God’s ideas, thoughts and words, we have the gift within us to create value, both for ourselves and others. We can be God’s change agents, bringing hope and healing to so many who are downtrodden and discouraged. What a privilege to be used by our Creator this way!”

      - Kathy Dudley, D.Min.

      Director of Cross-Cultural Empowerment

      Professor of Leadership and Community Development

      Bakke Graduate University, Dallas, TX

      “In every generation God chooses a voice that He fills with enlightenment to bring hope, understanding, and courage to the Body of Christ. Dr. Hill is that voice on wealth creation that takes us back to the Sabbath and shows us the true gift of wealth that we have missed. He brings truth in a style that is both uplifting and satisfying as it quenches our spiritual thirst.”

      - David W. Trusty

      Pastor, Upper Room Fellowship,

      Columbia, MD

      “This book is a refreshing look at worship and its implications for wealth creation. As a multi-faceted professional (pastor, professor, and entrepreneur), I have personally experienced the dangers of becoming distracted with personal wealth creation. It is only in the context of regular worship that one can develop the acumen to understand, implement, and apprehend the wealth that God graciously extends to His children as they visit with Him in worship.”

      - D. C. Nosakhere Thomas, D.Min.

      Senior Pastor, Rainbow Community Praise Center,

      Fontana, CA

      “In today’s hard economic times, Dr. Roland Hill challenges conventional wisdom by taking on the issue of wealth creation and making sure that it finds its true meaning in the Sabbath and worship - a very significant approach to the way we relate to wealth. The reader will find Dr. Hill’s creative thinking in this book very refreshing.”

      - Zebron Ncube, D.Min.,

      Senior Pastor, Highland Avenue Church,

      Benton Harbor, MI

      “In this groundbreaking new volume, Dr. Hill has added great value to our

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