until the light came on for John L. Lewis of the United Mine Workers. Lewis understood that in the event the UMW wanted to strike they would have little leverage if a company decided to use this pool of very capable, hard-working blacks.
Union leaders, including John L. Lewis, Walter Reuther, and Sidney Hillman, head of the garment workers union eventually withdrew from the AFL and formed the Committee for Industrial Organization,[9] or the CIO for self-preservation.
Unions formed not to help black people, but to exploit them.
Now Liberals will make the same argument for unions that they have for the racist past of Democrats, which is, “That’s all in the past.” Not true. In spite of the damages that unions have done to black workers, unions take their loyalty for granted. The unions don’t even bother trying to keep their manipulation of the black community a secret anymore.
Senior VP of SEIU Gerry Hudson in arguing for the unions support of granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, admits there is a reasonable groundswell against illegal immigration, and he offers this advice to the union leadership in how to deal with problem union members both black and white.
“It doesn’t take a whole lot to argue African Americans, at least to another place…not a whole lot. And I’ve spent not a lot of time doing it, but I’ve had some success. I think we need to spend more time doing it, trying to find out what’s the best ways to get the work done…I think on white workers, I think we’ve got some real problems. I’ve spent a lot of time in Wisconsin and places like that where I have heard some of the most anti-immigrant sentiments around. It’s also, and this is where you get the black workers first…it’s so f*cking rabidly racist…’til black people get scared.”
Where else but the Democratic Party can you insult the people you need so badly and have them keep returning to you? Black Democrats have Battered Woman Syndrome, and their black leaders remind me of Ike Turner smacking up Tina, then asking, “Why ya make me do dis to ya, Baby?!”
Hudson was saying that he has black union members in check; however he still had work to do in order to get his white union members to get with the program. The white union members are smart enough to realize the ruse of allowing illegal immigration, and they will have to be dealt with. Hudson’s way of dealing with his white union members is the way Liberals deal with all things: Call them racists.
That’s why Hudson was hired into union leadership. Hudson must keep his blacks in check, or else, and he has the added ability to intimidate white union rank and file with proper use of the race card. Hudson was the union’s very own Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton of the SEIU. Hudson’s job to point the finger of racism towards anybody who would go against the union, even if that finger points at white union members.
The ultimate goal of SEIU is to grow their membership and income by having a whole new crop of people to take advantage of, in this case mainly illegal immigrants from Mexico. The unions need Latinos, because as Hudson informed, the unions already control blacks.
With Democrats getting 96 percent of the black vote, blacks are now in maintenance mode. The union’s strategy must shift, if they don’t want to see the continual decline that has been happening in their membership since the ‘80’s. The unions needed a scapegoat.
Niger Innis wrote in Big Journalism that on an NAACP teleconference, Larry Cohen of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) attacked the Tea Party movement, saying the movement advocates slavery, and “We don’t need 19th Century capitalism.”
Dana Milbank of the Washington Post wrote about the conference call:
Communications Workers of America President Larry Cohentried to make the case that the Tea Party’s economic policies, too, are evidence of “hate” in the ranks. “It’s an economic agenda that is hateful against workers,” he reasoned. “Most of the proponents that we’re talking about in this report also renounce things like minimum wage and collective bargaining rights…. Whether it’s glorifying slaveryor glorifying a managerial system where workers have no voice, the Tea Party is a throwback.”
Leave it to a union Democrat to use slavery as an example given the unions’ support of the institution of slavery. Today’s union won’t admit to condoning slavery, but they do want to take away one of workers most precious rights: The right to vote on unionization. It should be inconceivable to think that unions want to remove the very same right that blacks and women fought to get. Unions want to find a host in every company, then spawn automatically once there.[10]
Along with workers losing their right to vote on unionization, if the unions get their way, workers will be locked into contracts with no ability to vote or retain their right to strike. Workers are currently forced to pay dues or be fired. The union apparently believes that all its workers are rich, because the union has threatened and fined members for exercising their freedom to continue to work during strikes. Maybe they expect Obama to pay their workers’ mortgages and car notes.
And like the slave owners of the past, if a “worker” doesn’t want to follow the rules, beatings can occur. There is plenty of historical evidence of union thuggery against people crossing picket lines, and against workers brought in to replace striking union workers, both groups just trying to earn a living. Yet it is the unions who act as if they are innocent victims of oppressive capitalist companies.
I suggest that Larry Cohen put down the rocks and put on a robe, because we can all see that he lives in a glass house. Whether it’s SEIU or CWA, the truth about unions is they are about union leadership gathering enough people together to become a force for enriching unionleadership. The common thread with Liberal coalitions is to pretend that your membership is of one mind, when in fact that is a farce. The objective of the coalitions is to create group-think, even if they have to beat it out of you.
Ken Gladney learned about SEIU beatings first-hand. His union crime? Being black and Conservative.
Unbeknownst to Gladney, he was a union member of Black Liberal Local 13. While vending Gadsden flags at a townhall meeting, Gladney was singled out by two SEIU thugs for not recognizing that Gladney was black, and therefore obligated to be union-backing Democrat. His punishment was an SEIU-style beatdown.
The two SEIU thugs, one black and one white could not have been a better metaphorical representation of the new thug in the White House. It was as if Obama wasn’t sure which part of his ethnicity to dispatch to kick Gladney’s butt on behalf of the unions. The Gladney beatdown was a warning to all black Conservatives to know their place, particularly since Gladney was the only black at the event.
But the unions have recognized that they can’t win this battle with just “blue collar” workers, so their new recruits are now the government workers themselves, as Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota points out:
Much has changed. The majority of union members today no longer work in construction, manufacturing or “strong back” jobs. They work for government, which, thanks to President Obama , has become the only booming “industry” left in our economy. Since January 2008 the private sector has lost nearly eight million jobs while local, state and federal governments added 590,000.
Federal employees receive an average of $123,049 annually in pay and benefits, twice the average of the private sector. And across the country, at every level of government, the pattern is the same: Unionized public employees are making more money, receiving more generous benefits, and enjoying greater job security than the working families forced to pay for it with ever-higher taxes, deficits and debt.
How did this happen? Very quietly. The rise of government unions has been like a silent coup, an inside job engineered by self-interested politicians and fueled by campaign contributions.
Public employee unions contribute mightily to the campaigns of liberal politicians ($91 million in the midterm elections alone) who vote to increase government pay and workers. As more government employees join the unions and pay dues, the union bosses pour ever more money and energy into