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there were good things that came from some of FDR’s policies, like federally insured banking deposits, the building of dams and hydro-electric plants, and so on. However many of the policies implemented during that time started benign, but have grown into malignant cancers, like the federal Ponzi scheme of social security.

      America would be better served if the government opened a casino, gave black folks our Social Securitymoney and allowed us to gamble our ‘benefits’ in that casino. At least we’d have some fun and we’d have astronomically better odds of getting paid. – Kevin Jackson

      The sell of social security was that it would provide a great retirement, and protect the nation’s truly downtrodden, specifically children who lost a parent and the disabled. Believe it or not, at the time the Social Security Act was being debated, one reason given not to pass this legislation was that too many old people might retire in order to get the benefits. Now that’s funny!

      When social security began, it was voluntary. Yes, the same thing that is now being demonized—opting out or ‘privatizing’ social security—began as a promise. You no longer have that option, because the government recognized how good it was to just force you into the system, then change all the rules.

      By “investing” in social security, you are in effect making the government a loan at an amazing rate[12] for a lot of years. Your reward is you will get a small payout on the back end, should you live long enough. The actuaries factor those rates into the retirement age, which the government can arbitrarily move.

      Social Security was tax deductable on the onset. The Clinton-Gore administration took care of that, removing the deduction for social security. Democrat president LBJ moved social security from the “trust” fund to the general fund, thus eliminating the ability to track the funds. Imagine if a bank moved your money into a big unfunded black hole, and just promised you that the money was there.

      Are you beginning to follow the bread crumbs on how the government has been slowly stealing the white man’s rights?[13] Yep, the program is racist!

      When social security started, most women and minorities were excluded from the benefits of unemployment insurance and old age pensions. Employment definitions reflected typical white male categories and patterns. Job categories that were dominated by women and minorities were not covered by the act. These included workers in agricultural labor, domestic service, government employees, and many teachers, nurses, hospital employees, librarians, and social workers. The act also denied coverage to individuals who worked intermittently.

      In 1940 women made up 90 percent of domestic labor, and two-thirds of all employed black women were in domestic service. Exclusions exempted nearly half of the working population. Nearly two-thirds of all African Americans in the labor force, 70 to 80 percent in some areas in the South, and just over half of all women employed were not covered by Social Security.

      At the time, the NAACP protested the Social Security Act, describing it as “a sieve with holes just big enough for the majority of Negroes to fall through.”[14]

      When my mother died, my brother and I received social security. It was a pittance in comparison to what it took to raise two fast growing boys. But because my mother worked, we got the benefits until we were each eighteen years old.

      Today, though the aforementioned inequities have been remedied, the social security program remains racist, as most black men will never get their benefits.

      Many black men don’t have jobs and those that do on average do not reach the age of retirement to receive benefits. I’d say it’s a blessing that half the black men are unemployed, so we are not forced to donate money to a program that will never pay us back, but it doesn’t pay our kids either when we die. The same is true to many black women, who instead of working for a living, rely on government welfare programs. In the event of death, their children don’t get the measly social security, and certainly get nothing else, something that is now true for far too many other races as well.

      So most of black folks social security money goes to other causes like believe it or not, illegal immigrants. America has Jimmy Carter to thank for providing social security for illegal immigrants, likely just looking for a new group to oppress.

      Give a Liberal something easy to exploit, and they strike. Hey little girl, wanna buy some candy?


      Liberals’ new victims are illegal immigrants. And the indoctrination has begun. Liberals tell illegal immigrants,

      “You are in this situation because of the Republicans. Republicans don’t want you here, trying to earn a living, so you can support people back in your country. Republicans are the reason you live life in the shadows, and can’t openly contribute to the country you illegally entered.”

      No, Republicans are the people who want America’s immigration laws enforced, as these laws are enforced in all other countries. Republicans see that rewarding illegal immigrants with social security encourages more illegal immigration, and will eventually bankrupt the country. Liberals see enforcing immigration laws as preventing Liberals from having new victims. So Republicans must be stopped, no matter the cost.

      To accomplish this, Liberals bring out the big guns, the Sharptons, Jacksons, and the Gerry Hudsons, all vying for the position of HNIC[15] for leading black folks over the cliff. These pimps want those slots, because it pays well.

      Sharpton was summoned to visit Arizona to demagogue the law Arizona passed to start enforcing the state and Federal laws against illegal immigration. Sharpton was happy to get the call. Put me in the game Coach!

      I can only suspect that Al Sharpton sees himself as the modern day “Sojourner Verdad”,[16] leading Mexicans to freedom via el ferrocarril subterráneo –that’s “the underground railroad” for you Americans too lazy to have learned Spanish, our soon-to-be official language.

      As if Sharpton hasn’t done enough damage in the black community, he now desires to spread the cancer of Liberalism to more Hispanics. After all, Mexicans only vote about 68 percent Democrat.

      Let’s revisit what the pimping of black America by Sharpton, Jackson, Gerry Hudson, and others of that ilk has accomplished for the black community: Per capita, lowest home ownership, business ownership, high school graduation rates, college entrance and graduation rates.

      But there is good news as blacks do lead in a few areas, like number of single parent homes, teenage pregnancy rates, abortion rates, unemployment, and blacks in prison, which coincidentally is not per capita.

      As Thomas Sowell wrote:

      The black ghettos of America, and especially their housing projects, are other enclaves of people largely abandoned to their own lawless and violent lives, their children warehoused in schools where they are allowed to run wild, with education being more or less optional.

      Only in the minds of Liberals is it appropriate for a man who has accomplished nothing of note in the black community to be dispatched to ‘help’ Mexicans in Arizona.

      Who was Sharpton helping? The rancher who was shot by an illegal immigrant? Was Sharpton helping the couple who were beaten and robbed by illegal aliens trespassing on that couple’s property? It seems Sharpton was there to help everybody but American citizens. I say to the Mexicans, “With friends like Sharpton, is there a word for sodomize in Spanish!”

      Sharpton was in Arizona to help criminals—people who have illegally entered our country and the political criminals who need those other criminals to vote. But for Liberals, like Clinton going to North Korea to free those two female journalists, or Jesse Jackson going to Libya to free hostages, Sharpton is another on the long list of Liberal humanitarians. Forget the 1.2M people who wait every year to enter the US legally. How stupid arethey!

      My history may be a bit foggy on this, but I do not recall Mexicans being forced to come to the U.S., like say…the African slaves? However,

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