How to Know What You What You Don,t Know. Normand Desmarais
replying from all over the yards we’ll be there.
“Then it’s settled, I will make all of the arrangements. See you all next Saturday and maybe Sunday as well.” Ronny got off his chair, said goodbye to his close friends on the porch and went inside to start making the arrangements.
The week went by like a whirlwind for Ronny but he was able to make all the necessary calls, everything went together like clockwork. The big day arrived Ronny was very nervous, for this was his first time putting an event like this together. Catherine was a great help of course and worked just as hard helping to finalize the little details.
“So I’ll speak first in the morning and talk about the pharmaceuticals. Then we will have our good friend Albert Johnson give, his talk about the government after lunch, then Bob Nash will talk about the cartels after the break, then on Sunday we’ll have our surprise speaker Normand Desmarais speak.
They are the ones who will explain ‘The how we can make a difference’. They will also explain how we can bring about a positive change to our world, thus helping most people out of the ruts that they live in today.” Ronny nervously pronounced.
“That’s the way we planned it darling, don’t worry too much about the way it will go, it will be fine. You yourself know that worrying does not help, just go with the flow and it will all work out.” Catherine calmly said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks for the little pep talk.” Ronny replied as he gave her a hug and a kiss in return.
It was nine am and the doors were open. Ronny and Catherine were shocked at the amount of people who had shown up. Soon it was standing room only inside the hall.
Ronny turned to Catherine saying. “Well, we’ll see how this weekend goes and maybe next time we’ll rent a larger space.” Catherine replied with an affirmative nod then added with a smile on her face, “If you build it they will come.”
At 9:30 am Ronny walked up to the small stage stood at the podium, turned the microphone on and announced himself.
“Thank you all for attending on such a beautiful sunny day, I am sure that you will all find it worth your while. My name is Ronny and I’ll be your host and first speaker today. We will be talking about the subjects that most of you have heard in my back yard, but I will go into more detail. So will our guest speakers, by the way I am expecting one surprise speaker. He has a very busy schedule and has promised me that he will try to attend his name is Normand Desmarais.
“May I say here and now that you might hear the speakers as they tell their versions of their own stories that they may hit on areas that you might have heard already. Don’t worry about that, since I have discovered that what one persons says may not be heard the same way as when someone else says the same basic thing but in slightly different words or nuances. The important thing here is that the word gets out and is understood by as many as possible.
“I will probably ramble on for a while, and then there will be a Q&A session after wards. So with that said by the time this is over you will discover many things that you did not know. Most people go through life blissfully unaware of many important facts and secrets, and wonder why their life goes the way it does.
One famous Genearl once said to his men when demanding intellegence from his men and was asked why he needed it. His answer was ‘What I don’t know could get you killed’. They were not long in coming to him with as much information that they could gather. So let me begin. My subject today is about the drug and food industry.
Food and Drug Industry
“I firmly believe that most if not all our ailments and diseases are directly related to the so called drugs and the poisons in the foods we are forced to purchase. The hospitals are full of patients with all kinds of health issues, why? Because it’s good business and highly profitable if you’re the one producing the pills and in control of the food source. You’ve got a public that has been deceived into believing your lies through advertizing and government legislation paid for by these industries.
“The larger companies make it extremely difficult for new start up industries, especially those that see the raw deal that the public is getting. Any new start up is forced out of business by some sort of legislation or forced to charge extremely high prices for their merchandise, which makes it very hard for an up and coming food supplier to get a foot hold. The worst part of this is when the new food producer is determined to supply wholesome nourishing foods to the public.
“I am constantly reminded of all this as I go about my daily business travelling around town and the rest of the country. What I see and hear makes me angry that most of the public is nothing more than a money making machine for these cold hearted individuals who prey on innocent victims day after day, year after year. I say to myself that this must stop and stop soon.
“Meanwhile people continue to suffer with all sorts of ailments diseases pains and obesity. They buy into the fast foods, the unhealthy foods, and the chemically produced dairy and meat products all washed and prepared with chlorinated water. My God it’s not enough to produce unhealthy foods we are forced to clean and cook with a poisoned water source as well.
“Chlorine was one of the first gases produced in world war one to kill and or maim the enemy on both sides. Shortly after the War it was introduced into the drinking water system of the nation. Why you might ask? Well it was discovered that this chemical did affect the brain, and one discovery was that it did reduce intelligence levels thereby helping to produce a nation of worker rather than self thinkers.
“Over a lifespan of fifty years it is assumed that a person looses about thirty percent of brain function rendering that person easier to control and subdue. Imagine a nation of unquestioning automatons easy to control, easy to rob them of their health wealth and happiness. Some might question or feel that something is wrong, but are unable to find an answer so they continue to be lead and told what to do.
“Those at the top look down and laugh and count the money they in a sense stole from us the general public. Their goal is to kill you, prevent you from being told the truth, to keep you in a state of constant imbalance. At birth you are given your first needle, full of toxins and poisons, the beginning of your demise. You are now a new customer of the system. From now on it is their greedy belief that you will fall into line and take all the lies and deceits that they have conjured up for their own profit.
You are now the perfect sucker to con and maim. Take your annual vaccine shot because there is a new virus that was just discovered off the coast of some foreign country (A newly invented sickness to generate more cash flow into their bank accounts is what it really is) and we like sheep follow and obey by rolling up our sleeves to receive another dose of a poisonous concoction.
They have been getting away with this system for thousands of years, and lately in the past century with the use of fabricated drugs and other concoctions. They have produced a lifestyle for us that is so full of stress it is a wonder that we are not all dead at this time, and they figure that it will never change. It is my goal that someday it will, that is why you are all here today, to be enlightened as to what is out there.”
The crowd applauded. Ronny continued. “Let’s not forget that apart from the food we eat and the drugs that by law are available to us, there is another rarely mentioned curse and that is alcoholism, booze of any sort is readily available anywhere. Booze of all sorts are advertized without remorse. Yet we are told by the so called authority to drink responsibly, take a cab or a bus, or use a dedicated driver.
We are not allowed to drink in a public place such as a park or on our front porch, yet it is ok to get completely wasted in a bar or at a party. Many believe that they can drive, of course there are many who make it home without any problems. The others and their victims are not so fortunate; here most often it is the victim who suffers the most. Lives are changed forever when a drunk driver is involved in an accident, occasionally he or she is the only victim who died or was badly injured. Most often it is one or several innocent victims in the other vehicle or on the side of the road that are killed or badly injured.