How to Know What You What You Don,t Know. Normand Desmarais

How to Know What You What You Don,t Know - Normand Desmarais

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      How many here listen to the radio or watch TV?” Most of those listening raised their hands, smiling as they did so, seemingly proud of the fact that they were the same as the rest of the people in the room.

      Ronny observed and made a mental note. “Now all those that did not raise their hand please stand, I want everyone to make an observation. Those that did not raise their hand nervously stood up as requested. Ronny again made a mental note. “Now everyone still seated please look at these eight who are standing. What do you notice about them?”

      One male sitting nearest those standing yelled out. “There are five women and three men standing.”

      “This is true.” Remarked, Ronny. “But do you notice anything special or different about them?”

      A lady stood up and said. “They seem nervous.”

      “They have no need to be, for they are proof of the point I am about to make.” Ronny replied with a smile on his face.

      “What are you trying to say here?” One of the standing women asked nervously.

      “I asked who listens to the radio or watches TV and you people standing did not raise your hand. This told me that you were not influenced as much by advertising as the rest of the group here. Also you are proof of advertising because not one of you who are standing shows any signs of obesity. Which means you probably do not go to fast food outlets am I correct?”

      All eight agreed with Ronny and seemed relieved that they were not being made a fool of. Ronny thanked them then he asked them to sit down.

      Ronny continued. “As I mentioned earlier several weeks ago in my backyard that I am not here to lecture, I am here only to inform and enlighten. The majority of us have been influenced by so much advertizing without your even realizing it. Don’t feel bad or guilty of this you are not alone, the advertisers are experts at subtle brainwashing and that is exactly what it is.

      “They are very good at making you give them your money for items and so called good food that you think you need now. You just need to learn to be aware of what is happening to you so that you can start to take control of your own thinking. One way to start is to go for a snack, a drink, or a pee during the commercials, better still turn the boob tube off and read a book, maybe spend more quality time with family and friends.”

      A tall unshaven, potbellied male stood up and pointed a finger at Ronny and speaking loudly in an angry voice. “Are you telling us that were a bunch of lazy, stupid morons?”

      “Not at all, you are all intelligent individuals that have one way or another been influenced by a very sophisticated advertising system that has many years of experience in deception, manipulation and outright lies. They use ways to make it all look so good honest and wholesome, most of all absolutely necessary. They practically built the lifestyle that most of you here presently enjoy. All I am trying to do is point out these little nuances that they use to subtly brainwash the population into letting go of their hard earned cash.” Ronny explained as politely as he could, thinking to himself this fellow could cause a terrible disturbance, just like a bull in a china shop.

      The man stood there for a moment and at his wife’s insistence sat back down folded his arms and smiled at her then at Ronny.

      Ronny smiled back at the man and said. “Like I’ve said before and will say many more times, ’it’s all about, the money.’ Have you ever noticed that a lot of the stuff you saw through advertising is usually not what it was made out to be, not what you really expected, you usually threw it away shortly after wards, or stopped using it, and it is now collecting dust?”

      Ronny paused and scanned the crowd, he could see many people turning to others and nodding their heads in agreement with what he had just said. Ronny continued.

      “More and more people are becoming aware of the advertising trickery they are beginning to demand healthier foods at the grocery stores, and are beginning to shop more at health food stores and buying natural medicines. Unfortunately at this time the prices are much higher at these places, but if you look at the value here and ask yourself, what is my health and life worth? Another little known fact is that the healthier foods actually work out to be the same price and sometimes cheaper in the long run because the healthier foods tend to go further, so the price is pretty much the same, even though initially it is more expensive at the time of purchase.

      Every time I go to the different health food stores that I frequent, all the owners say the same thing. They tell me that the government has intention of either shutting them down or seriously impeding their business, by limiting the products that are most helpful to health. The drug industry is behind this and is actually pushing for the sales of perfectly good natural medicines to be watered down so that they become rather useless.

      This in turn is a gimmick, for they then can say that ‘see natural medicines are no good and totally useless’. It is their way of underhandedly giving the homeopathic medicines another black eye. Then they will have the gall to say see our medicines are better. Again this is just another little dirty trick that they play to con us into buying the chemical harm that they produce.

      “Now how about some questions and answers?”

      The crowd sat silent for a moment when the pot bellied man stood up and asked. “What is it about the stuff we buy that’s so bad for us?”

      Ronny asked. “Give me a specific example of what you’re asking.”

      “I like my snacks and beer.” He said with a smile, that was missing a few teeth.

      “Well let’s start with the beer I suggest that you make your own that way you are in control of the ingredients. Homemade naturally brewed beer is healthier with fewer chemicals than store bought beer. Rather than buying bags of oily chips and cheesies, snack on organic raw nuts and or dried vegetable chips. Stay away from canned pop and candies, there is way too much sugar in them. Stay away from milk chocolate rather get, dark chocolate with a high cocoa number, the higher the number the better.

      “I know that ninety-nine percent of the population at least, loves sweets heck so do I. I have however scaled down my consumption of sugar in any form (even though I occasionally snack on a donut or a piece of cake, but I don’t go overboard like when I was younger and did not know any better. Chemically produced sugars are known to cause many side effects such as obesity, diabetes, and other ailments.

      Here is an excerpt from the book By Dr. Leonard Coldwell “The Only Cure For Cancer”

      “It has been discovered that people, with burn out syndrome and stress related disorders, that if they stop taking sugar, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup and all other chemicals that are used as sweeteners and take 100% all organic, natural and safe products available at whole foods and other good food resource places, that within a very short span of time, often just days. ALL the symptoms of restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, depression, addictiveness, stress, and the lack of concentration simply disappear, if it is caused by diet related causes.

      “Dr. Thomas Hohn MD. NMD of Germany, conducted a private study with his own patients and found that Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and some cancer patients and most of all patients with Restless Leg syndrome or undefended muscular spasms showed a very fast positive change after they had been taken off the sugars and sweeteners and had been put on the product of . Since the study one thing a lot of patients reported that their gums were getting healthier and even gum disease disappeared after they started using just like sugar.

      If you absolutely must have sweets then organic sugars are best, such as natural unpasteurized honey, natural maple syrup, and unprocessed sugar cane (course brown sugar) or sugar from sugar beets.

      “Candy, food, and bakery stores are loaded with candies of all types and colors as well as pastries pies and cakes of every imaginable description. All of these products are mouth watering,

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