A Simple Recipe for Stealing the Wealth of a Nation. Thomas DeForge
and your friends get elected. This is a great way to not only gain political office, but as you set things up in your nation to create your depression, you will actually be able to set up a system that will create many more poor people. This will ensure you’re re-elected for years to come. I will show you how you can use your ingredients to not only keep poor people poor, but make lots and lots of poor people. Poor people are vital to your success. The more the better. Don’t forget that.
If you don’t already, you will need to acquire the ability to stand in front of your nation and lie without flinching. The gift to give eloquent, emotionally charged moving speeches without any real substance is a true art and one that you must practice to become accomplished. I suggest standing in front of the mirror every morning and reciting a list of lies, while keeping a careful eye on your demeanor in the mirror. If you flinch or blink, start from the very beginning again. This is something that should be practiced without fail every single morning before you start your day. Mastering this will deliver untold benefits to you and your accomplices. You will find as you incorporate your ingredients that large groups of the population will simply take you at your word if you can give eloquent speeches. When delivered correctly you will be able to create an atmosphere amongst large groups of people who will cheer you on with tremendous energy without ever investigating for themselves the truth of what you are saying. If you pray, replace your prayer time with this practice. You don’t need to be praying if you’re doing this anyway. Although, don’t stop praying in public. You will need to be able to convince a certain portion of the population that you have some kind of religious belief to obtain their votes. The religion you choose of course depends on the nation you are taking over.
In most nation takeovers, you will need some like-minded friends or accomplices. You will, however, have to offer to share the wealth (some of the spoils if you will), in order to ensure their full cooperation. If your nation operates under the guise of a representative type government, similar to that of the United States, with a constitution protecting them from people like you, it will be critical that you recruit a number of accomplices to assist with some necessary alterations and amendments. They can assist you in subtly circumventing that nation’s constitution in a manner that the common citizens will remain unaware as it occurs. I will explain how to do that. Not only will I show you how to do that, but I will show you how you can make your citizens actually embrace and support your efforts in making those changes. Isn’t this exciting? I can’t wait for you to get started.
Change Your Nation’s Economic Philosophy
Lay the foundation to change your nation’s economic philosophy to socialism
Nations that currently practice socialism already have owners. For this reason, you will want to pick a free nation. Of course, if your desire is to stake claim to an existing plan, then you can pick any socialist nation and realize huge profits by understanding this recipe. Socialism is an absolute necessity to claiming ownership of your nation if you don’t already have an army to go in and do it for you. In order to create the grandest of all depressions, you must set up a system that will usurp the wealth of your nation and do it in such a way that the common man will be totally unaware of either your intentions or how you are accomplishing this. There is only one proven method to achieving this and it works every single time and that method is socialism. Do not stray from this proven philosophy or you will fail and fail miserably. Without socialism, you will not be able to incorporate the ingredients necessary to create a national depression. Reciting this phrase daily will help you to stay focused and on track. “Freedom and capitalism are my enemy. Freedom and capitalism will prevent me from stealing from my citizens”. Learn it, know it, live it, in order to guarantee your success.
The first step to laying the foundation for socialism is to get control of the nation’s banking system. A national government controlled banking system or even a nationalized privately owned banking system is absolutely essential to successfully converting your nation to the necessary socialist philosophy. Until you can get your hands on the banking system and get total control of the money supply, you simply cannot move on to the next step. Nationalizing your nations banking system is one of the main ingredients in creating your national depression. It is absolutely imperative to mandating inflation, which is another essential ingredient necessary in creating the Grand Daddy of all depressions. If you stay focused and follow these simple steps you will maximize your personal fortunes and create a depression on an unbelievable scale. You will be able to unleash one that any depression creator past or present will truly envy. Here are some helpful tips on both getting your hands on your nation’s banks, as well as getting the citizens of your nation to agree to letting you nationalize them.
Never let a good crisis go to waste
This is Nation takeover 101 and one we will talk about many times as you learn how to steal your nation’s wealth. If a good crisis doesn’t present itself, create one. As an example, the owners of the United States of America used private bank failures from the early nineteenth century as the crisis to persuade the citizens of its nation to allow them to nationalize their banks. While privately owned capitalist banks from time to time failed, when they did it usually only impacted a segment of society (a local depression), not the nation on a whole. However, there was a handful of bankers in 1907 that through a little well thought out manipulation, created a very large banking crisis in the United States. Those crises were wisely used by these bankers who wanted to steal the wealth of their nation, to persuade the government into convincing the people that it would be in their best interest and indeed the nation’s if they controlled and regulated the nations banking systems. These private bankers would both control interest rates as well as the supply of money for the entire nation and they would do it without any interference from the government who by law granted them this power. They created the largest for profit private central bank the world has ever seen and these depression creators did this with such success that one hundred years later most Americans still don’t know who and what they are. You will need to be cautious here, because there will be a handful of the citizens that know better and you will need to do whatever you can to keep them silent or at least be more persuasive than they are. The point is; crises are your friend. Embrace them and learn how to use them to your favor. If one doesn’t present itself to give you the leverage you need to force change then by all means create one.
Always remember to play on the people’s general good nature when convincing them to go along with something that only you know will ultimately be their ruin. Your goal as you mix your ingredients should be to dumb down the population of your nation. You must create a level of deception that will not only be invisible to the common man, but will foster an environment in which he will endorse the very things that will bring about his own demise.
Take for instance the method cattle ranchers use to slaughter their herds. They do this in such a way that the cattle line up for slaughter without ever getting nervous or skittish as they approach their moment of death. The ranchers know if the cattle get anxious, that it will send adrenaline through their bodies and toughen the meat. To prevent this, they corral the herd into gates that force them to line up in single file so that they cannot see what is happening to the cows in front of them. One of our ingredients, inflation, will create a deception no less effective. Nationalizing your nation’s banks is necessary to creating inflation. Creating a variety of deceptions with your ingredients is easy and will help you steal your nation’s wealth without even the best educated becoming aware of it before the deed is done.
Impose an Income Tax
An income tax imposed on the citizens of a nation will always cause a depression. Imposing an income tax and using the money obtained to both support areas of your nation’s economy that are not producing (due to normal economic conditions) and by giving that money to the portion of the society that is nonproductive (not supporting themselves or produce anything), will help to get your nation on a solid path towards socialism and the eventual depression you are looking to create.
Simply by taking from the productive sector through taxation and handing that money out to the nonproductive