A Simple Recipe for Stealing the Wealth of a Nation. Thomas DeForge
the process of overturning your nation’s existing society. If you follow these instructions, you will be able to create false boom cycles (the business cycle) in areas of the economy that you select to stimulate (spend the tax money) time and time again. Equally important, once you implement both the income tax and the socialist philosophy of priming (spending the tax money) in certain areas of the economy, you can now start to extract profit from this process for both you and your cohorts.
Through the manipulation of spending the tax money, you can now pay back your special interest supporters by passing laws that grant them these taxed funds to support their own interests. You will be able to create hundreds of opportunities allowing you to line their pockets with your citizen’s tax dollars. Not only that, but now you can do things like, force stock prices to go up by granting particular companies your citizen’s funds. You will want to make sure that you and your friends make your personal investments in these companies prior to giving them the taxpayers’ dollars. Some of the best methods are to invest in companies that supply goods and services to the companies you are giving your citizens tax dollars too. This way you can keep your private investments well hidden and few if any of your citizens will be able to tie back your investments directly to the companies your government is supporting. This way you can all realize huge financial gains by inflating a variety of stock prices. You can even deliver this insider information to a number of other people, preferably ones who will be able to help further your cause, lining their pockets with inflated stocks at the expense of the other unknowing stockholders. This will keep people in your back pocket that will end up owing you huge personal favors for assisting them in acquiring massive fortunes at your citizen’s expense.
If you implement these ingredients, over the years, you, your cohorts and future generations to follow will be able to enter public office with little or no money and steal vast amounts of wealth from your nation. The real beauty of this when performed correctly is that your citizens will unknowingly assist you in implementing your ingredients that will allow you to steal from them.
The areas in which you spend the tax money in your economy will create a temporary boom in the business cycle, but this boom will eventually wear off and a recession or a depression will occur if you do not spend more money (stimulus) in that same area of the economy to keep it going. So what you will want to do is tax more and spend more at an increasing rate in order to continue to support that part of the economy. This will require raising taxes to keep things going so that you and your friends can continue to manipulate the economy and create opportunities to steal from your citizens.
At the same time, you will want to use a portion of the taxes you impose to insure that you remain in office. You will want to give a portion of the tax money to support the citizens that belong to the segment of your society that is nonproductive. This will make them both dependent on you and your government and content with just surviving. They will be in your corner and remain there for as long as you give them money to support themselves. If you implement this plan correctly, you will be able to get people who work for a living but whose incomes are close to what you are giving away, to quit their jobs and join the portion of society that you are supporting. This way they too will endorse and vote for you in future elections.
The more marginally poor people you can get to depend on a portion of the money you are taking from the productive tax-paying citizens, the more this will help to secure your standing in your government for a very long time. What is great about an income tax is while you tax your working citizens, you will be able to take those who have incomes comparable to the ones your government is taking care of, and tax them right into the same poverty level. With a little luck, many of those citizens will simply give up working and allow you to transfer yet more wealth from the productive sector to the nonproductive sector, making even more people dependent on you. This too will increase your voting base substantially over time. You must be cautious however, because if you tax your productive citizens too fast, the risk of them catching on to what you are doing increases and you will need to stop for a period of time. Your ultimate goal should be to create a system that will both create a poverty class dependent on your government and one that will serve to keep them there. Imposing taxes will help you to accomplish this relatively easily. There is a balance that you must strike between your productive class and your nonproductive class as you implement these ingredients. There is a risk if you haven’t reached the point yet in your nation’s economy were you have enough dependent voters, that the tax-paying citizen may catch on to your scheme and make you stop. If this happens, the areas you spent their money will suffer a certain depression, one premature to achieving one on the scale you really want. This will only serve to irritate your citizens to the point that they vote you out of office, and you will lose the opportunity to control the nation and steal greater wealth for yourself and your accomplices.
If you happen to take over a nation whose philosophies and concepts do not support an income tax, you will want to change that immediately. A nation that does not allow taxing their citizen’s income will prevent you from stealing their wealth. For example: The American socialist when laying their plan, understood the importance of taxing the income of their citizens. Prior to 1913, the government from time to time toyed with a progressive tax on its citizen’s income but met resistance and lost those battles. Americans in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries knew all too well that the only way to control government and prevent it from growing to the point that it would infringe on personal freedom, was to limit its financial resources. This all changed however during the Woodrow Wilson administration when three fourths of the states ratified the 16th amendment and when congress enacted the Revenue act of 1913. Imposing an income tax is vital to both a nation take over and usurping the wealth of your citizens. Without an income tax, you will not be able to redistribute your citizen’s wealth or grow your government, making it virtually impossible to create the dependency necessary to accomplish your plan.
To obtain a great level of success, you must strike a balance of taxing at a rate which at first will appear tolerable to the taxpayer base, while growing your non-taxpayer dependent base. If you are successful at getting some of the other ingredients into the pot, it will help you to both tax your taxpayers and even your non-taxpayers in a manner that they won’t even see or understand what is happening to them. This will help to soften the blow and keep your goals both hidden and on track while at the same time ensuring a long run stealing the wealth of your nation.
If taxes are the only ingredient you can muster up, imposing an income tax and the method by which you spend those taxed dollars will create a depression. Over time, you will be able to expand the nonproductive sector of your economy and reduce the productive sector by relieving them of a portion of their wealth. However, if you want to expand your depression to a catastrophic level and steal the wealth at a greater rate, you must include these other key ingredients.
Create Government Borrowing
Government borrowing will cause a depression. It is both a historical and mathematical fact and an ingredient you absolutely want to incorporate into your recipe. Get your government to borrow and you will be able to steal more wealth and do it in a manner in which the people will not know or feel that they are getting taxed as much. Use this as a tool for when you see your citizens becoming uncomfortable with paying higher taxes. Government borrowing is a concept that will guarantee a national depression. It will serve to increase the level of wealth that you can extract from your current citizens while at the same time extracting the wealth from the unborn future generations. Borrowing will allow you the ability to financially enslave an entire society that hasn’t even arrived yet.
If you implement this ingredient correctly, it will enable you to borrow from your nation’s citizens and demand that your citizens be responsible for paying themselves back with interest. Isn’t that great? Think about it. You go to a friend and ask to borrow a hundred dollars, you then tell your friend that he owes you a hundred dollars with interest so that you can pay him back. I know, stop laughing! People around you might catch on and we can’t have everyone doing this. There simply are not enough nations to go around. If our friend is ignorant enough to go for this, we can continue to borrow from him and have him pay himself back for those loans he made to us. We