Agape and Bhakti with Bataille and Mark at Loyola and St. Francis. David L. Goicoechea
The Structure of Mark’s Altruistic Gospel
II.1.5 Jesus’ Altruistic Agape in the First Major Section
II.1.6 The Authority of the Agapetos is Heard in his Words.
II.1.7 The Authority of the Agapetos is Seen in his Deeds
II.1.8 The Unclean Spirit Recognizes His Authority
II.1.9 The Agapetos has Authority to Forgive Sins.
II.2 The Agapetos Reveals the Abba Father’s Unconditional Love
II.2.1 The Agape that he Preaches and Practices is for All
II.2.2 For Even Sinners are the Beloved Father’s Children
II.2.3 And Jesus has Compassion for All the Oppressed
II.2.4 The Disciples of the Agapetos Do Not Now Fast
II.2.5 Because You Do Not Patch an Old Love with a New Love
II.2.6 And You Do Not Put New Love in Old Wine Skins
II.2.7 The Messiah and the Son of Man were Old Figures
II.2.8 But the Agapetos as Son of God is New
II.2.9 And This is the Messianic Secret
II.3 The Agapetos Reveals the Abba Father’s Missionary Love
II.3.1 He Appoints the Twelve to Proclaim His Message
II.3.2 All Can be His Mother, Brother and Sister
II.3.3 He Teaches His Company the Secret of the Kingdom of God
II.3.4 But He Teaches this to the Crowds in Parables
II.3.5 His Disciples Must Not Keep the Secret
II.3.6 But as Missionaries They Must Share It with All
II.3.7 Even though They will be Rejected as He is Rejected
II.3.8 For the Secret is that Agape Suffers for Others
II.3.9 And This is the Messianic Secret
III In the Gita’s Bhakti
III.1 Bhakhti and the Great Tradition of Hindu Mysticism
III.1.1 Hindu Mysticism—A Blessing for All of Humankind
III.1.2 Bhakti Love is at the Center of the Bhagavad Gita
III.1.3 A Summary of the Gita Brings Us First to the Vedanta
III.1.4 And Then to the Way of Bhakti as it Relates to Wisdom
III.1.5 And to Our Character Traits Rooted in Matter
III.1.6 Which Shows Us How Freedom is Possible
III.1.7 Is Bhakti Really at the Center of the Gita’s Teaching?
III.1.8 How do Ethics and Religion Relate in the Gita?
III.1.9 Be Free from the Flesh to be Free for Bhakti
III.2 A Study of the Bhakti Verses of the Gita
III.2.1 The Four Bhakti Verses in Chapters 4 and 6
III.2.2 There are Four Levels of Bhakti between God and Man
III.2.3 The Highest Kind of Bhakti Lets Us Die into Eternal Life
III.2.4 For My Worshipers Come to Me
III.2.5 Even if They are Men of Evil Conduct
III.2.6 Love Me because I am the Source and End of All
III.2.7 Loving Bhakti for the Terrible One of the Vision
III.2.8 Chapter 12 is the Bhakti Yoga Chapter
III.2.9 And it Stresses the Equanimity of the Lover
III.3 God’s Bhakti and our Salvation
III.3.1 By Being United with Him in Unswerving Devotion
III.3.2 Which Depends on Constancy in Knowledge of the Self
III.3.3 We are fit to Become the Abode of Brahman
III.3.4 By Worshipping the Highest Spirit with Bhakti
III.3.5 Chapters 16 and 17 Do Not Mention Bhakti
III.3.6 True Love Depends on Freedom from the three Gunas
III.3.7 Which Influence Thirteen Aspects of Our Lives
III.3.8 And Prepare Us for Equanimity
III.3.9 Beyond Liberation to a Loving Salvation
IV In Bataille’s Inner Experience
IV.I Altruistic Love and Bataillean Sex
(From Kierkegaard to Bataille)
The Community and its Secrets of Alterity
Marks Gospel and its Messianic Secret
The Bhagavad Gita and the Secrets of its Transpersonal and Personal Mysticism
IV.1.1 Bataille’s Logic of the Paradox and its Mixed opposites.
IV 1.2 The Non-Knowledge of Kierkegaard and Bataille
IV 1.3 Is Related to the Irony of their Absurdity
IV 1.4 And to Dramatizing the Agapeic Event
IV 1.5 As it repeats the Gita’s Advaita Vedanta Drama
IV 1.6 And the Gita’s Personal God Drama
IV 1.7 Leads us to the Question of Bataillean Communication
IV 1.8 Even in the Mysticism of Mark’s Gospel
IV 1.9 So that we might Wonder about Mystical Reconciliation
IV.2 Eternal Love and Bataillean Death
(From Nietzsche to Bataille)
Eschatology and the Secrets of its Anxiety
Mark’s Temporal Son of David, Apocalyptic Son of Man
Resurrected Son of God and the Women Frightened
out of their Wits.
The Gita’s Vision and Arjuna’s Hair standing on end.
IV.2.1 Bataille’s Nietzschean Physiology Reconciling Opposites
IV.2.2 Nietzsche’s Mystical Eternal Return
IV.2.3 The Son of David’s Highest Formula of Affirmation
IV.2.4 The Son of Man’s Move from Death to Life
IV.2.5 The Son of God’s Death and Resurrection
IV.2.6 So it is with Arjuna as he Beholds the Dying.
IV.2.7 But for Nietzsche and Bataille it is the Death of God
IV.2.8 Through God’s Death we can Live Forever.
IV.2.9 The Child-like “Yes and Amen” of Nietzsche and Bataille
IV.3 Universal Love and Bataillean Religion
(From St. John of the Cross to Bataille)
The Desire to be Everything and its Mystical Secrets
Mark’s Twofold Agape between God and Man
and for Neighbor and even the Enemy
The Gita’s Bhakti between God and Man
and the Secrets of its Self-Realization Ethics
IV.3.1 Bataille’s Mystical Psychology of reconciliation
IV.3.2 John of the Cross’ Bataillean Psychology of Ego and Ipse
IV.3.3 As they reveal the Holy as the Secret of the Sacred
IV.3.4 For the Holy is a Mysterium Tremendum
IV.3.5 Before which there is a Dramatic Loss of the Self.