Institution Building in Weak States. Andrew Radin

Institution Building in Weak States - Andrew Radin

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CPATT Civilian Police Assistance Training Team DRC Defense Reform Commission EU European Union EULEX EU Rule of Law Mission EUPM EU Police Mission F-FDTL Falintil-Forcas Defensa Timor Lorosae ICG International Crisis Group IEBL inter-entity boundary line IPS Iraqi Police Service ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria JIAS Joint Interim Administrative Structure JNA Jugoslovenska narodna armija (Yugoslav People’s Army) KFOR Kosovo Force KLA Kosovo Liberation Army LDK Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës (Democratic League of Kosovo) MNSTC-I Multi-National Security Training Command-Iraq MoD Ministry of Defense MoI Ministry of Interior NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization OHR Office of the High Representative ORHA Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe PDK Partia Demokratike e Kosovës (Democratic Party of Kosovo) PfP Partnership for Peace PISG Provisional Institutions of Self-Government PNTL Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (National Police of Timor-Leste) PRC Police Restructuring Commission PSF Philippine Security Forces PTT police transition team RS Republika Srpska RSNA RS National Assembly SAA Stabilization and Association Agreement SBU Sluzhba bezpeky Ukrayiny (Security Service of Ukraine) SCIRI Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq SDB Strategic Defense Bulletin SDO State Defense Order SDS Srpska demokratska stranka (Serb Democratic Party) SFOR Stabilization Force SNSD Savez nezavisnih socijaldemokrata (Alliance of Independent Social Democrats) SoI Sons of Iraq SRSG special representative of the secretary-general TAL Transitional Administrative Law VF Vojska Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (Army of the Federation of BiH) VRS Vojska Republike Srpske (Army of the RS) UN United Nations UNMIK UN Mission in Kosovo UNMISET UN Mission in Support of East Timor UNTAET UN Transitional Administration in East Timor



      We proceeded by identifying problems with Ukraine’s current structures and practices based on interviews with local officials and foreign advisers. We drew on models of defense institutions from countries such as the United States, France, Germany, and Australia. Perhaps our most critical recommendation was to reorganize the Ministry of Defense by subordinating the General Staff and Armed Forces of Ukraine under a civilian minister of defense. We hoped this change would strengthen civilian control, make decision-making more efficient, and encourage better coordination. We also made suggestions to improve combat

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