Wild Life in the Far West: Being the Personal Adventures of a Border Mountain Man. Captain James Hobbs
oners of the Tribe. Savage "Watchfulness. A Council to
Decide our Fate. Fate of Mexicans previously Captured.
Comanches, their Dress and Habits. Join a "War Party against
the Pawnees. Sad Reflections on passing the Place of my
Capture. Surprise a Party of Pawnees. "Spotted Fawn"
given me as a " Wife. Marriage Ceremony. Surprise of the
Indians at sight of Negroes. - - - - - - - 17
A Raid on Mexicans. Capture of Nathan Martin. Ceremonies at the Burial of Warriors. Comanche Worship. The War Party's Report to the Chief. Indian Surgery. Winter Occupations. Delight of Indians at being Taught the use of a Seine. War Party against the Apaches. Winter Sports. Training Young Warriors. Winter Occupations of Squaws. Example of the Strong Constitution of the Squaws. Use made of Looking- Glass by Indians. "Moving" Incidents. Annual Feast. Meet- ing with Kit Carson, and a Description of Him. " Old Wolf" Declines to Visit Bent's Fort. Plans laid for the Coming Year. Encounter with Pawnees. Battle with Sioux. Dancing over Scalps. Fight with Crow Indians. Raid into Mexico. Escape of Martin. Entertain the Arapahoes and Cheyennes. 11 Old Wolfs " Friends Advise Him to Visit Bent's Fort. June Feast with the Cheyennes. Visit Bent's Fort. Batiste and Myself Ransomed. Meeting with Old Friends. Peg-Leg Smith and
His Characteristics. "Old Wolf" Surprised by a Cannon. Trad- ing. Arrangements for Future Meetings. Parting with Spot- ted Fawn. The Brown Sisters. - - - - - - - - - - - - 32
Habits of Hunters and Trappers at Bent's Fort. Start on a Hunting Trip under Lead of Kit Carson. Mclntire's First and Last Bear Hunt. Bringing Meat into Camp. Capture an Old Crow Squaw. A Crow Chief in our Camp. Arrangements made for Trading with the Crows. Return to the Fort and start on another Trip. Meet a Number of Traders at Santa Fe. Lead a Party to the Relief of Speyers's Train at the Bone Yard. Character of Mr. Speyers. Peg Leg Smith in his Characteristic Humor. Attend a Fandango. Jealousy of the Natives. The Governor Appealed to. Result of His Joining our Party. Gabe Allen. Trouble Between the Governor and Troops from Chihuahua. Start with Mr. Speyers for Chihuahua. - - - - - - 51
Unsuccessful Attempt of Navajo Indians to Stampede our Ani- mals. Dead Man's Plain. Apaches run off a Large Number of our Mules. The Pursuit and its Hardships. A mule for Pro- vision. Animals Recovered. Return to Camp. Treat our Friends to " Mule Venison." Given up for Lost. Handsomely Rewarded for our Success. Crossing Dead Man's Plain. Two Murdered Mail Carriers. Arrival at the Rio Grande. A Black Stump Causes a False Alarm. Shoot a Raider. " No Black Stump about That." Spiebuck's Idea of Peace with Apaches. Dangerous Ford at Paso del Norte. Spiebuck's Single-handed Fight with Apaches. Chihuahua Custom House Officials. At- tend the Fair at San Juan. Meet with a party of Comanches. 67
James Kirker. An Expedition Planned Against the Apaches un- der Contract with the Governor of Chihuahua. The "Bull Pen." Pursuit of Apaches. Advance on an Indian Village. Plan of Attack. Premature Alarm by a Negro. A General Engagement. A Stinging Rebuke to Kirker. The Negro Pun- ished for Disobedience. Scalping the Mexican Guide. Discov- ery of Ancient Ruins and Rich Mines. Celebrate our Success.
Spiebuck's Idea of Hunting. A Prisoner's Escape from me and Spicbuck's Indignation. Arrival and Reception at Chihuahua. Urning over the Scalps. Rescued Women and Children Turned over to the Authorities. A Dinner and Ball in our Honor. Settlement with a Merchant. Spiebuck in War Paint. Division of Property. Meet with Old Friends. - - - - - 81
Decide to Visit the Comanches. Visit Bent's Fort. Mexican Tnieves on the Way. Dispose of my Spare Mules. Part with my Friends and start alone for the Comanches. Troubled by Wolves. Manner of Driving them Off. Disappointed. Recep- tion by my Old Friends. Distribute my Presents. At Home. Comanche Hatred of Texans. "Old Wolfs" Friend on a Steamboat. Decide to Return to Mexico. The Chiefs Argu- ment to Detain Me. Parting with my Family. News from my Father's Family. Part with my Escort and Proceed to Santa Fe. Experiences as a Freighter and Trader in Mexico. War Declared Between the United States and Mexico. My Property Seized for the Mexican Army. Interview with Santa Anna. Settle with my Teamsters, Procure a Mexican Costume and start for Zacatecas. Go on to Durango. Find Friends in Trouble. Take a Letter to Col. Doniphan. A One-Sided Horse Trade. Information for Col. Doniphan. The Old Flag. – 101
In Danger from my Friends. Interview with the Colonel. Meet my Brother and Col. Owens. Volunteer for Duty. Death of Col. Owens. Mexican Officers held as Hostages for Friends in Durango. March for Chihuahua. Col. Doniphan's Laws. Friends in Durango Released. Execution of the Colonel's Laws. Meet my Friend of the Horse Trade. - - - - - - 125
Sent by Col. Doniphan as a Scout. Carry Dispatches to Gov. Bent. Quickest Time on Record. Bent's Assassination and Price's Retaliation. Sent with Dispatches to Fremont. Return to Chihuahua, The Regiment Ordered to Saltillo. Appointed Interpreter for the Quartermaster. Mexican Thieves and their Fate. The Regiment Provided For. Death and Burial of Cap-
Tain Reid. A Mexican Well. Indian Cruelty. Fight with In- dians. Lose my Favorite Horse. Liberate Several Captives. An Indian Trophy. The Regiment Entertained by Mr. Evarro. Johnny Murphy's Big Drink. Reception of Gen. Wool. Bat- tle Ground of Buena Vista. - - - - - - - - - -137
Turning over Commissary Stores, &c, to Gen. Taylor. Interview with the General. The Regiment Reviewed by Gen. Taylor. The Regiment starts for Home. Mexican Guerrillas. Texan Rangers. Released Guerrillas Shot by the Infuriated Regi- ment. The Battle Ground of Resaca de la Palma. Animals sent to Missouri with an Escort. Reception of the Regiment at New Orleans. A Masquerade Ball. - - - - - - - 160
Parting Speech of Col. Doniphan. Complimented Personally by the Colonel. Liberal Present from the Quartermaster. Depar- ture of the Regiment for Home. Visit to my Uncle. Arrival and Reception of Gen. Taylor at New Orleans. Sent in Charge of a Vessel to Gen. Worth at Vera Cruz. Trouble with the Captain. Breaking Mules. - - - - - - - - - - 169
Pence Declared. Appointed Head Wagon Master of a Train for Mexico. Interview with Gen. Twiggs. Start for Mexico. Bat- tle Field of Cerro Gordo. Arrival at the City of Mexico. In- terview with Gen. Worth. Evacuation of Mexico. Encamp near Vera Cruz. A Texan Ranger Sentenced to Death for an Act of Salf-Defense. Gen. Twiggs and the Rangers. Visit to the Castle of San Juan de Ulloa. - - - - - - - - 177
Description of Vera Cruz. Take a Train from Vera Cruz to Mex- ico. The Castle of Perote. Volcanoes of Orizaba and Popo- catepetl. The Publanos. The Museum at Mexico. The " Trioya Horse." Church of the Virgin Mary. The Arches of Water. St. Patrick's Guard. Montezuma's Stone Almanac. Earthquakes. Engagement with an English Mining Company. Adroitness of Mexican Thieves. Experience in Blasting. An
Explosion. Success in Mining. An Unsuccessful Mining Ven- ture. Extensive Mines of the English Company. - - - - - 189
An Attack of Gold Fever. Start for California. Aguas Cali- entes. The Mayos and Yaguis. Villa Del Fuerte. Strange food of the Mayos. Relieve Several Cholera Patients. Grati- tude of the Tribe. Ceres Indians.