Wild Life in the Far West: Being the Personal Adventures of a Border Mountain Man. Captain James Hobbs
Embark in a Cattle Specu- lation. Find Water in Tracking Thieves. Fort Yuma and an Outrageous Ferry Company. Retribution by Outraged In- dians. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 205
Indians 1 First Sight of a Steamboat. Crossing a Desert Sixty Miles Wide. Loss of an Emigrant Train. A Mexican Mur- dered by Dave Brown. Arrive at El Monte and Divide our Stock. Fate of Dave Brown. Hire a Man to take my Stock to San Jose. Meet with Gabe Alien and Peg-Leg Smith. Dispose of my Cattle at San Francisco. Organize a Mining Party and go to Camp Sonora. An Attempt at Blackmailing. A Mining Government Organized. Return to San Francisco, and my Party Leave for Mexico. Quicksilver Mine and Soda Spring. Visit' to Relatives. A Hunting Expedition. Aid a Friend in Catching a Thief. Narrow Escape from a Grizzly. Sad Fate of One of our Party. 216
Engage as Interpreter in the Land Commissioner's Office at San Francisco. Mission Dolores and a Fraudulent Attempt to Ob- tain the Title to the Land. A Vigilance Committee. Suicide of Yankee Sullivan. A Well Organ-ized City. Judge Jenkins and my Mining Experience with Him. Practicing Medicine. Trial as a Quack. Meet with Placa de Vega and Romero. The Condition of Mexico at this Time. An Uprising. Gen. Lan- berg. Appointed Captain. Collect Assessments. A Priest Brought to Terms. Gen. Garcia Morales comes to our Assist- ance. Preparing for xlctive Service. Placed in Command of the Artillery. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 229
We Unite with Romero at Mocarito. Our Ambuscade Re- vealed by the Barking of a Dog. Engagement with Church. Forces. Morales Wounded. A Hospital Established. Valua- ble Recruits. Plan to Capture a Vessel in the Harbor of Mazat- lan. Mistake of Morales. Seizure of a United States Vessel by the Church Forces. Demand for her Release. English In- terference. Our Prizes Taken from us by an English Man of- War. A Colored Picket. Strategy of Morales. Junction with Coranow. Capture of Mazatlan. Presented with a Marine Saber. Prisoners Escape with One of our Vessels. Recapture of our Vessel and Bombardment of San Bias. Expedition Against Lozado. Our Leader, Coranow, Killed. Sold out by Cordero, His Successor. Return to Mazatlan. Capture and Execution of Cordero. - - - - - - - - - - - - 244
Capture of a Merchantman and Valuable Cargo. Lose our Prize by the Treachery of De Vega. De Vega a Defaulter. Second Expedition Against Lozado. History of Lozado. Ordered to join Gen. Zaragosa at Sayula. Join Zaragosa and Proceed to Guadalaxara. Mining the Enemy's Barracks. Escape of Mir- amon. Col. Cheeseman Poisoned. Ordered to Cinaloa. En- gagements with Lozado's Warriors. Rasing Recruits. Engage- ment with the Enemy Under Coghen. Ordered to Mexico. Battles by the Way. Capture of Mexico. - - - - - - - - 263
War Declared by France Against Mexico. Engagement near Puebla. I am Wounded. Taken to Mexico. Death of Gen. Zaragosa, and Gen. Arteaga as Commander. Return to Mazat- lan. Treachery of Lanberg. Sent to Altata to Intercept French Recruits. Capture and Exchange of Prisoners. Cap- ture of a Steamer with Supplies. Land at Guaymas. Start for Hermosillo. Primitive Navigation. Join Col. Corea. Taken Prisoner. Escape by the Aid of the Guard. Rebuke to Col. Corea. Sent by Gov. Pesquiera to Confer with Col. Lewis. Ordered to Sonora. Capture of Magdalena. Skirmish with Tannery. Lanberg Joins Maximilian. Encouraging Incidents. Drawn Battle with Gen. Lanberg. A Rich Prisoner. Benefits
of Strategy. Battle near Ures. Death of Lanberg. State of Affairs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 276
Maximilian's Black Flag Decree. Juarez in the United States. French Troops Withdrawn from Mexico. Ordered to March on Guaymas. Capture of the Indian, Tannery. Shooting of Traitors. Friendship of United States Naval Officers. The "War Ended in Sonora. Trouble with Martinez. Ordered to Mazatlan, and from Thence to Zacatecas. Battle with Lozado. Explanations. Condition of Affairs in the Spring of 1867. Battle of Queretaro. Surrender of Maximilian. Interview of Maximilian with Juarez and the Doctors. The Execution of Maximilian, Miramon and Mejia. Entry into Mexico. - - - - 299
Expedition Against Marquez at Oaxaca. His Flight without a
Battle. Mutiny. Ordered to the Mountains of Allico to At- tack Lozado. I Resign my Captaincy. Paid for my Services by Gov. Pesquiera. Visit Fort Tubac. " Peaceable " Indians. Seven to One. Exchanging Shots. Incredulity Convinced. A Surgical Operation. Examples of Apache Cruelty. A Valua- able Bullet. Unsuccessful Gold Hunting. Lieutenant Wil- liams and his Apache Ward. An Emigrant Train Attacked by Indians. Emma Brown and her Escape from Apaches. Kind- ness of United States Officers. - - - - - - - - - - 313
Miss Hollidav's Rescue from Indians. Her Marriage with the Commander of the Troops. Obliged to Leave for California. Mexican Depravity. A Surgical Operation. Meet Nathan Martin and my Cousin. My Uncle's Massacre by Mormons. ' Join a Party to Pursue Mormon Horse Thieves. Prospecting with Brown and Bennett. Danger of Shooting Cubs. An Im- portant Discovery. Accident to Mr. Bennett. An Unpleasant Night. Mr. Bennett's Effects. Dishonesty of Brown. An Af- fray with Brown. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 328
Go to the Owen's River Mines. How the Cerro Gordo Mines were Discovered. Engaged in Smelling Ores. Death Valley. Gun Sight Lode. Return to Cerro Gordo. Supplied with Pro- visions by Miners. Honn's Idea of Whiskey and Flour. A Visit from a Pah Utah. Deserted by our Guide. Meet an Old Squaw who shows us Water. Joined by two Americans who Escaped an Indian Massacre. Unsuccessful Search for the Copeland Brothers. Mr. Wilson's Revenge. White Mountain Mines. Owen's Lake. A Family Killed by Pah Utahs. A Husband's Desperation. Treaty with Pah Utahs. - - - - - 340
Disappearance of Hog Rogers. A Faithful Dog. Finding of Roger's Body. A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Attempt at Bribery. Recovery of Stolen Property. Restraining a Mob. Delaney's Trial and Confession. The Execution. An Appro- priate Nickname. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 357
California in its Early Days. Joaquin Murietta and Three- Fingered Jack. Breaking a Bank. Murietta Refuses to Sur- render Himself. A Company Organized for his Capture. Death of Murietta. His Wife Identities his Head. The Last of the Gang. Large Amount of Property Recovered. An Or- der to Restrain Outlaws. - - - - - - - - - - - 365
I Engage as Guide to an Exploring Expedition in the Vicinity of Death Valley. Remains of a Murdered Mining Company. Ac- count of their Massacre. Digger Indians. A Rabbit Hunt. Return to California. Pinon Trees and Nuts. Capture of an Indian Child. Prospecting near the Colorado River. Hot Springs. Summary of Mining Experiences. Mining in Lower California. Pursuing Indians who had Massacred a Mining Company. The Attack. Jones and Patterson. A Good Month's Work. Leave the Camp to Avoid the Deperadoes our uccess had Brought. Driven into Trees by a Grizzly. Game too Abundant. Leave for Safety. - - - - - - - - - - 375
An Interesting Mexican Family. Jones's Conversation with a Young Lady Interrupted. Our Friend Patterson Commits Matrimony. Leave our Friends and go to La Paz. Pearl Divers. Visit Guaymas. Amalgamation Process. Pimos In- dians. Meeting with Apaches on our Way to the Opoto Vil- lage. Dance over Apache Scalps. An Indian's Opinion of Americans. The Publanos and some of their Habits. Saint's Week at Magdalena. Plancha La Platus Mines. A Mexican Girl Rescued from Apaches and Restored to her Friends. A Timid Major. Taking Receipts. My Opinion of Apaches. - - - 391