Give Me A Texas Ranger. Jodi Thomas

Give Me A Texas Ranger - Jodi Thomas

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would have picked them off one by one.

      Everyone fell silent as Sergeant Cunningham and one of his men arrived with the Ranger. There would be no laughter, no telling of stories now. A Texas Ranger was down.

      They placed him on the buffalo hide, face down. He didn’t make a sound. Then the men stepped back and watched as Anna cut off his shirt with shaking hands. Blood seemed to be everywhere.

      Cunningham and one of the others she didn’t know stepped up to help. Both took orders from her as if she were a general. They could make him comfortable, clean him up a little, but then it would be up to her.

      When the Ranger’s star hit the floor, everyone froze.

      Anna took a step and picked it up. She shoved it into her apron pocket. “I’ll keep this safe for McCord until he needs it again.”

      No one believed he ever would, but they all nodded as if agreeing that she should be the one to keep it safe.

      When Anna had the wound cleaned, Cunningham seemed to think it was time for the audience to leave. He ordered everyone out except Clark, who’d fallen asleep in the corner.

      Anna set to work, doing what she knew best. Years of working under all kinds of conditions kept her hands steady. She’d done her job when cannon fire still filled the air, when it was so cold that bloody bandages froze on the wounds, when sleep was a luxury she couldn’t afford. She could do what had to be done now.

      “Listen to me,” she whispered to McCord as she worked. “You’re going to live. You’re going to come back. I don’t care if you like my accent or not, you’ve got to hear me. You’ve got to come back to me.”

      Sergeant Cunningham returned with whiskey he claimed was for McCord when he woke up. Anna hardly noticed the sergeant moving around the room trying to find a comfortable spot. She talked only to Wynn as she worked, telling him everything she was doing and what kind of scar he’d have when she was finished. Over and over, she said, “You’re going to make it through this. Hang in there. You’re going to be good as new once you heal.”

      Finally, when she leaned back to rest her back a moment, the sergeant placed his hand on her shoulder. “He’ll come back to you, Anna.” He barked out a laugh. “Hell, if a fine woman like you ordered me to, I’d come back from hell itself, and I reckon McCord feels the same way.”

      An hour passed. Cunningham began sampling the whiskey. Clark slept on a cot in the corner, snoring away. Anna worked, with memories of a hundred hospital camps after a hundred battles floating in her mind. All of the horror she’d worked through, all the exhaustion, all of the skills she’d learned, all boiled down to this day, this time, this man.

      If she could save him, all the years would be worth it.

      “I’m never giving up on you, Wynn, so you might as well decide to live because I’m not letting you die,” she whispered. “I hear Rangers are made of iron. Well, you’d better be. You’re going to come out of this. Hear me good.”

      Finally she finished and wrapped the wound where a bullet had dug its way across Wynn’s back. He’d lost so much blood she was surprised he was still breathing, but she could feel the slow rise and fall of his chest and the warmth of his skin against her touch.

      Exhausted, she pulled a stool beside the table and leaned her face near his. “You’re going to be all right, soldier. Hang on. I’m not going to let you die.” Her fingers dug into his hair and made a fist. “I’m expecting you to come knocking on my door one day, and when you do you might as well plan on staying because I don’t think I can let you go.”

      She fell asleep in the middle of a sentence, with McCord’s shallow breath brushing her cheek.

      In what seemed like minutes, someone woke her to tell her breakfast was ready. It took her a minute to realize that twenty-four hours had passed since they’d brought McCord in.

      Anna left her meal untouched as she walked around Wynn, checking the wound, feeling his skin for fever. Wishing he’d open his eyes.

      Finally, at Cunningham’s insistence, she ate a few bites and drank a cup of tea. Clark ate everything in sight. Men took over the sergeant’s watch by the door so he could get some sleep, and the day passed in silence.

      Lieutenant Dodson tapped on the open door to the office just before dark. He waited until she nodded for him to enter, then removed his hat. She had no doubt he’d heard about what had happened, probably including small details like how she’d stabbed one of the outlaws with her scissors when he’d tried to tie her hands after she’d pulled free. Hopefully Clark had left out the ways the outlaw called Luther had threatened to rape her before they killed her. The words he’d used still made her cheeks burn.

      Pushing aside the memory, she stared at the pale officer her brother had said couldn’t afford to be too picky in finding a wife. That dinner her first night in camp seemed more like a hundred years ago rather than just a week.

      Lieutenant Dodson began talking as if giving a speech. Anna barely followed along. The man liked to hear his own voice.

      Anna didn’t say much. Dodson had been politely cold to her both times they’d met and had obviously seen her only as a possible solution to his problem. Now he seemed to look at her quite differently. He even told her he had always admired tall women who could carry themselves well. It appeared, since she’d survived a kidnapping, her value had gone up in his eyes.

      The change in the lieutenant bothered Anna far more than his flattery did. She was glad when the sergeant showed up for his nightly guard duty before Dodson lied and said that she was pretty. Anna had always known she was simply plain.

      She didn’t want to hear words she knew weren’t sincere; she wanted to see the way a man felt in his face, and read the truth of his compliments in a touch.

      All in all, she’d been lucky: two men in her life had been blind enough to see her as beautiful. One had been young and in love with love. The other lay on the table before her. She had no doubt, despite their shortsightedness, that both men had believed every word they said.

      The lieutenant invited her to dine with him and Anna declined. She didn’t even give a reason. She just said, “No, thank you.”

      The moment he’d gone, Cunningham closed the door. “Anna,” he began in his slow, polite way that hinted they’d been friends for years and not days. “You need to get some sleep. I’ll stay awake tonight and if McCord so much as twitches, I’ll yell out for you. With the tent so close you’ll probably hear him anyway.”

      Anna shook her head. “I’d like to have a proper bath and a clean change of clothes, but after that, I’ll be back.”

      Cunningham looked like he thought it would be a waste of time to argue.

      Chapter 10

      McCord felt his body moving through layers of muddy water, floating slowly to the surface. He forced himself to take a deep breath and swore he smelled buffalo. He hated buffalo. Orneriest creatures God ever made. The only thing worse than having them roam over the plains, eating every blade of grass for miles, was seeing the thousands of carcasses rotting after the hunters shot them.

      He tried to swallow, but couldn’t. His mouth felt like it was packed with sand.

      Opening one eye, he noticed he was lying on what looked like a buffalo hide, and just beyond that was a mass of midnight hair. “Anna,” he whispered.

      She raised her head and looked at him with eyes heavy with sleep. Her mouth opened slightly in surprise. “Wynn,” she whispered, as if she’d just been dreaming of him.

      She looked delicious. He moved to kiss her and felt the stab of a dozen knives in his back.

      “Don’t move,” she ordered, her hand on his shoulder.

      Memories came back with the pain. The feel of her beneath him a moment before fire crossed his back. Floating in darkness, unable to

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