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      2 a long and determined attempt to achieve something

      [from Spanish cruzar meaning to take up the cross]

      crusader NOUN

      crush crushes, crushing, crushed

      VERB 1 If you crush something, you squeeze it hard until its shape is destroyed. • He crushed the empty can.

      2 If you crush against someone or something, you press hard against them. • We crushed against each other in the crowded bus.

      crust crusts

      NOUN 1 the hard outside part of a loaf

      2 a hard layer on top of something • the earth’s crust

      crustacean crustaceans

      Said “krus-tay-shun” NOUN an animal with a hard outer shell and several pairs of legs, which usually lives in water • Crabs, lobsters and shrimps are crustaceans.

      crutch crutches

      NOUN a support like a long stick that you lean on if you have injured your leg or foot • I was on crutches while my ankle healed.

      cry cries, crying, cried

      VERB 1 When you cry, tears come from your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt.

      2 If you cry something, you shout it or say it loudly.

      NOUN 3 a shout or other loud sound made with your voice

      crypt crypts

      NOUN an underground room beneath a church, usually used as a burial place

      crystal crystals

      NOUN 1 a piece of a mineral that has formed naturally into a regular shape

      2 a type of transparent rock, used in jewellery

      3 a type of very high quality glass

      crystalline ADJECTIVE

      cub cubs

      NOUN 1 the young of some wild animals • a fox cub • a lion cub

      2 The Cubs is an organization for young boys before they join the Scouts.

      cube cubes

      NOUN a solid shape with six square faces that are all the same size



      ADJECTIVE 1 shaped like a cube

      2 used to describe volume when you measure height, width and depth • a cubic metre

      cubicle cubicles

      NOUN a small enclosed area in a place such as a sports centre or a shop, where you can dress and undress

      cuboid cuboids

      NOUN a rectangular, three-dimensional box shape. A cuboid has six faces, all of which are rectangles.

      cuckoo cuckoos

      NOUN a grey bird with a two-note call. Cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds’ nests.

      cucumber cucumbers

      NOUN a long, thin, green vegetable that is eaten raw


      NOUN food that has been chewed and digested more than once by cows, sheep or other animals that have more than one stomach

      cuddle cuddles, cuddling, cuddled

      VERB 1 If you cuddle someone, you hold them closely in your arms as a way of showing your affection.

      NOUN 2 If you give someone a cuddle, you cuddle them.

      cuddly ADJECTIVE

      cuff cuffs

      NOUN the end part of a sleeve, especially a shirt sleeve

      cul-de-sac cul-de-sacs

      NOUN a road that does not lead to any other roads because one end is blocked off

      [from French cul + de + sac meaning bottom of the bag]

      culprit culprits

      NOUN someone who has done something harmful or wrong

      cult cults

      NOUN 1 a small religious group, especially one that is considered strange

      ADJECTIVE 2 very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people • It became a cult film.

      cultivate cultivates, cultivating, cultivated

      VERB When someone cultivates land, they grow crops on it.

      cultivation NOUN

      culture cultures

      NOUN the ideas, customs and art of a particular society


      ADJECTIVE A cunning person or plan achieves things in a clever way, often by deceiving people.

      SYNONYMS: crafty, sly, wily

      cup cups, cupping, cupped

      NOUN 1 a small, round container with a handle, which you drink from

      2 a large metal container with two handles, which is given as a prize

      VERB 3 If you cup your hands, you put them together to make a shape like a cup.

      cupboard cupboards

      NOUN 1 a piece of furniture with doors and shelves

      2 a very small room for storing things in • The broom is in the cupboard under the stairs.

      curator curators

      NOUN the person in a museum or art gallery in charge of its contents

      curb curbs, curbing, curbed

      VERB If you curb something, you keep it within limits. • You must curb your spending on comics.

      curdle curdles, curdling, curdled

      VERB When milk curdles, it turns sour.

      cure cures, curing, cured

      VERB 1 If a doctor cures someone of an illness, they help them get better.

      NOUN 2 something that heals or helps someone to get better

      VERB 3 If someone cures meat or fish, they smoke it to give it flavour and preserve it.

      curfew curfews

      NOUN a rule or a law stating that people must stay indoors between particular times at night

      curiosity curiosities

      NOUN 1 the desire to know something or about many things

      2 something unusual and interesting


      ADJECTIVE 1 Someone who is curious wants to know more about something.

      SYNONYMS: inquisitive, nosy

      2 Something that is curious is unusual or difficult to understand.

      SYNONYMS: strange, peculiar

      curl curls, curling, curled

      NOUN 1 Curls are lengths of hair shaped in tight curves and circles.

      2 a curved or spiral shape • A curl of smoke rose from the chimney.

      VERB 3 If something curls, it moves in a curve or spiral. • Smoke curled up the chimney.

      curly ADJECTIVE

      currant currants

      NOUN a small, dried grape. Currants are often used in cakes and puddings.

      currency currencies

      NOUN A country’s currency is its coins and banknotes.

      current currents


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