Collins Primary Illustrated Dictionary. Collins Dictionaries
1 a steady continuous flowing movement of water or air
NOUN 2 An electric current is a flow of electricity through a wire or circuit.
ADJECTIVE 3 Something that is current is happening now. • current fashion trends
curriculum curriculums or curricula
NOUN the different courses taught at a school or university
curry curries
NOUN an Indian dish made with hot spices
curse curses, cursing, cursed
NOUN 1 an evil spell • She said the old house had a curse on it.
VERB 2 If you curse, you swear because you are angry.
cursor cursors
NOUN a sign on a computer monitor that shows where the next letter or symbol is
curtain curtains
NOUN a hanging piece of material that can be pulled across a window
curtsy curtsies, curtsying, curtsied
NOUN 1 a little bobbing bow to show respect • I made a little curtsy to the Queen.
VERB 2 the action of making a curtsy
curve curves, curving, curved
NOUN 1 a smooth, gradually bending line
VERB 2 When something curves, it moves in a curve or has the shape of a curve. • The lane curved to the right.
cushion cushions, cushioning, cushioned
NOUN 1 a soft object that you put on a seat to make it more comfortable
VERB 2 When something cushions something else, it reduces its effect. • The pile of leaves cushioned his fall.
NOUN a sweet, yellow sauce made from milk and eggs
NOUN 1 If someone has custody of a child, they have the legal right to keep it and look after it.
PHRASE 2 Someone who is in custody is being kept in prison until they can be tried in a court.
[from Latin custos meaning a guard]
custodial ADJECTIVE
custom customs
NOUN something that people usually do • the custom of decorating the house for Christmas
customer customers
NOUN a person who buys things from a shop or firm
NOUN the place at a border, airport or harbour where you declare any goods that you are bringing into the country
cut cuts, cutting, cut
VERB 1 If you cut something, you use a pair of scissors, a knife or another sharp tool to mark it or remove parts of it.
2 If you cut yourself, you injure yourself with a sharp object.
NOUN 3 a mark made with a knife or a sharp tool
4 a reduction in something • There were lots of price cuts during the sales.
NOUN knives, forks and spoons
cycle cycles, cycling, cycled
NOUN 1 a bicycle
2 a series of events that is repeated again and again • the cycle of the seasons
VERB 3 When you cycle, you ride a bicycle.
cyclist NOUN
cyclone cyclones
NOUN a violent wind that blows in a spiral like a corkscrew
cygnet cygnets
NOUN a young swan
cylinder cylinders
NOUN 1 a hollow or solid shape with straight sides and equal circular faces
See prism
2 the part of an engine that the piston moves in
cylindrical ADJECTIVE
cymbal cymbals
NOUN a circular brass plate used as a percussion instrument. Cymbals are clashed together or hit with a stick.
See percussion
dabble dabbles, dabbling, dabbled
VERB If you dabble in something, you work or play at it without being seriously involved in it.
dad or daddy dads or daddies
NOUN INFORMAL Your dad or your daddy is your father.
daffodil daffodils
NOUN a plant with yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers that blooms in spring
daft dafter, daftest
ADJECTIVE silly and not very sensible
dagger daggers
NOUN a weapon like a short knife
ADJECTIVE occurring every day
dainty daintier, daintiest
ADJECTIVE very delicate and pretty
dairy dairies
NOUN 1 a shop or company that supplies milk and milk products
2 In New Zealand, a dairy is a small shop selling groceries.
ADJECTIVE 3 Dairy products are foods made from milk, such as butter, cheese, cream and yogurt.
daisy daisies
NOUN a small, wild flower with a yellow centre and small, white petals
[from Old English deagesege meaning day’s eye, because the daisy opens in the daytime and closes at night]
Dalmatian Dalmatians
NOUN a large, smooth-haired white dog with black or brown spots
dam dams
NOUN a barrier built across a river to hold back water
damage damages, damaging, damaged
VERB If you damage something, you harm or spoil it.
damp damper, dampest
ADJECTIVE slightly wet
dampness NOUN
damson damsons
NOUN 1 a small, blue-black plum
2 the tree that damsons grow on
dance dances, dancing, danced
VERB 1 When you dance, you move around in time to music.
NOUN 2 a series of rhythmic movements that you do in time to music
3 a social event where people dance with each other
dandelion dandelions
NOUN a wild plant with yellow flowers that form