Collins First Dictionary. Collins Dictionaries
charged us too much for our meal.
chase verb chases, chasing, chased
If you chase someone, you run after them and try to catch them.
The dog chased the cat.
cheap adjective cheaper, cheapest
If something is cheap, you do not have to pay a lot of money for it.
Milk is very cheap in this shop.
check verb checks, checking, checked
If you check something, you make sure that it is right.
The teacher checked my homework.
cheek noun cheeks
Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.
My cheeks were red.
cheer verb cheers, cheering, cheered
When people cheer, they shout to show that they like something.
We all cheered when he won the race.
cheerful adjective
Someone who is cheerful is happy.
cheese noun
Cheese is a solid food that is made from milk.
cheetah noun cheetahs
A cheetah is a big wild cat with yellow fur and black spots.
cherry noun cherries
A cherry is a small, round fruit with a hard stone in the middle. Cherries are red, black, or yellow.
chew verb chews, chewing, chewed
When you chew food, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth before you swallow it.
chick noun chicks
A chick is a very young bird.
chicken noun chickens
1 A chicken is a bird that is kept on a farm for its eggs and meat.
2 Chicken is also the meat that comes from chickens.
child noun children
A child is a young boy or girl.
chimney noun chimneys
A chimney is a long pipe above a fire. Smoke from the fire goes up the chimney and out of the building.
chimpanzee noun chimpanzees
A chimpanzee is a kind of small ape with dark fur.
chin noun chins
Your chin is the part of your face below your mouth.
A black beard covered his chin.
chip noun chips
Chips or potato chips are thin pieces of potato fried in hot oil.
chip verb chips, chipping, chipped
If you chip something, you break a small piece off it by accident.
I chipped my tooth when I fell.
chocolate noun chocolates
Chocolate is a sweet brown food that is used to make sweets, cakes, and drinks.
choose verb chooses, choosing, chose, chosen
If you choose something, you decide to have it.
You can choose any book you want.
chop verb chops, chopping, chopped
If you chop something, you cut it into pieces with a knife or an axe.
He chopped some wood for the fire.
She chose a dress to wear.
We have chosen which film to watch.
circle noun circles
A circle is a round shape.
circus noun circuses
A circus is a big tent where you go to see clowns and animals.
city noun cities
A city is a very big town where a lot of people live and work.
clap verb claps, clapping, clapped
When you clap, you hit your hands together to make a loud noise. People clap to show that they like something.
Everyone clapped at the end of her song.
class noun classes
A class is a group of people who are taught together.
He is in my class at school.
classroom noun classrooms
A classroom is a room in a school where children have lessons.
claw noun claws
A bird’s or an animal’s claws are the hard, sharp, curved parts at the end of its feet.
clean adjective cleaner, cleanest
Something that is clean does not have any dirt or marks on it.
Make sure your hands are clean.
clean verb cleans, cleaning, cleaned
When you clean something, you take all the dirt off it.
I clean my teeth before bedtime.
clear adjective clearer, clearest
1 If something is clear, it is easy to understand, to see, or to hear.
He gave us clear instructions on what to do.
2 If something like glass or plastic is clear, you can see through it.
The bottle was full of a clear liquid.
3 If a place