Vampire Destiny Trilogy. Darren Shan

Vampire Destiny Trilogy - Darren Shan

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knew he’d die?” Vancha growled.

      “I wasn’t certain, but I guessed he would perish,” she said.

      “Then you could have stopped it!”

      “No,” Evanna said. “Those with the ability to sense the currents of the future are forbidden to interfere. To save Larten, I’d have had to abandon the rules I live by, and if that happened, all chaos would break loose.”

      The witch stretched out a hand, and even though she was many metres away from Vancha, her fingers cupped his chin tenderly. “I was fond of Larten,” she said softly. “I hoped I was wrong. But I couldn’t take it upon myself to spare him. His fate wasn’t mine to decide.”

      “Then whose was it?” Vancha snapped.

      “His own,” Evanna replied steadily. “He chose to hunt for the Lord of the Vampaneze, to enter the tunnels, to fight on the platform. He could have walked away from his responsibilities—but he chose not to.”

      Vancha glared at the witch a moment longer, then lowered his gaze. I saw fresh tears splash in the dust at his feet. “My apologies, Lady,” he muttered. “I don’t blame you. I’m just so fired up with hatred…”

      “I know,” the witch said, then studied the rest of us. “You must come with me. I have things to tell you, and I’d rather talk on the outside—the air here is rank with treachery and death. Will you spare me a few hours of your time?” She glanced at Alice Burgess. “I promise I won’t keep you long.”

      Alice sniffed. “I guess a few hours can’t make much of a difference.”

      Evanna looked at Harkat, Debbie, Vancha and me. We shared a glance, then nodded and followed the witch up the last stretch of the tunnels, leaving the darkness and the dead behind.

      Evanna gave Vancha a thick deer hide to drape over his head and shoulders, to block out the rays of the sun. Trailing after the witch, we moved quickly through the streets. Evanna must have cast a spell to hide us, because people didn’t notice us, despite our blood-stained faces and clothes. We ended up outside the city, in a small forest, where Evanna had prepared a camp amidst the trees. At her offer, we sat and tucked into the berries, roots and water she’d set out for us.

      We ate silently. I found myself studying the witch, wondering why she was here—if she’d really come to say goodbye to Mr Crepsley, she’d have gone down to where his body lay in the pit. Evanna was Mr Tiny’s daughter. He had created her by mixing the blood of a vampire with that of a wolf. Vampires and vampaneze were barren – we couldn’t have children – but Evanna was supposed to be able to bear a child by a male of either clan. When we met her shortly after setting out to hunt the Vampaneze Lord, she’d confirmed Mr Tiny’s prophecy – that we’d have four chances to kill the Lord – and added the warning that if we failed, two of us would die.

      Vancha finished eating first, sat back and burped. “Speak,” he snapped—he wasn’t in the mood for formalities.

      “You’re wondering how many chances you’ve used up,” Evanna said directly. “The answer is—three. The first was when you fought the vampaneze in the glade and let their Lord escape. The second, when you discovered Steve Leonard was a half-vampaneze and took him hostage—although you had several opportunities to kill him, they count as one. The third chance was when Larten faced him on the platform above the pit of stakes.”

      “That means we still have a shot at him!” Vancha hissed excitedly.

      “Yes,” Evanna said. “Once more the hunters will face the Vampaneze Lord, and on that occasion the future will be decided. But that confrontation will not come in the near future. Steve Leonard has withdrawn to plot anew. For now, you may relax.”

      The witch turned to me and her expression softened. “It might not lighten your load,” she said kindly, “but Larten’s soul has flown to Paradise. He died nobly and earned the reward of the righteous. He is at rest.”

      “I’d rather he was here,” I said miserably, gazing at the leaves of an overhanging tree, waiting for tears which still wouldn’t come.

      “What about the rest of the vampaneze?” Alice asked. “Are any of them still in my city?”

      Evanna shook her head. “All have fled.”

      “Will they return?” Alice asked, and by the glint in her eyes I saw she was half hoping they would, so she could settle a few scores.

      “No.” Evanna smiled. “But I think it’s safe to say that you will run into them again.”

      “I’d better,” Alice growled, and I knew she was thinking of Morgan James, an officer of hers who’d joined the vampets. They were human allies of the vampaneze, who shaved their heads, daubed blood around their eyes, sported V tattoos above their ears, and dressed in brown uniforms.

      “Is the nightmare over then?” Debbie asked, wiping her dark cheeks clean. The teacher had fought like a tigress in the tunnels, but the events of the night had caught up with her and she was shivering helplessly.

      “For you—for now,” Evanna answered cryptically.

      “What does that mean?” Debbie frowned.

      “You and the Chief Inspector can choose to distance yourselves from the War of the Scars,” Evanna said. “You can return to your ordinary lives and pretend this never happened. If you do, the vampaneze won’t come after you again.”

      “Of course we’ll return to our lives,” Alice said. “What else can we do? We’re not vampires. We don’t have any further part to play in their war.”

      “Perhaps,” Evanna said. “Or perhaps you’ll think differently when you’ve had time to reconsider. You’ll return to the city – you need time to reflect, and you have affairs to put in order – but whether or not you’ll choose to stay…” Evanna’s eyes flicked over Vancha, Harkat and me. “And where do you three wish to go?”

      “I’m continuing after that monster, Leonard,” Vancha said immediately.

      “You may if you wish,” Evanna shrugged, “but you’ll be wasting your time and energy. Moreover, you will jeopardize your position. Although you are fated to confront him again, it’s not written in stone—by pursuing him now, you might miss the final destined showdown.”

      Vancha cursed bitterly, then asked Evanna where she suggested he should go.

      “Vampire Mountain,” she said. “Your clan should be told about the Vampaneze Lord. They must not kill him themselves – that rule still applies – but they can scout for him and point you in the right direction.”

      Vancha nodded slowly. “I’ll call a temporary end to the fighting and set everyone searching for him. I’ll flit for Vampire Mountain as soon as night falls. Darren—are you and Harkat coming?”

      I looked at my fellow Prince, then down at the hard brown earth of the forest floor. “No,” I said softly. “I’ve had all I can take of vampires and vampaneze. I know I’m a Prince and have duties to attend to. But I feel like my head’s about to explode. Mr Crepsley meant more to me than anything else. I need to get away from it all, maybe for a while—maybe for ever.”

      “It’s a dangerous time to cut yourself off from those who care for you,” Vancha said quietly.

      “I can’t help that,” I sighed.

      Vancha was troubled by my choice, but he accepted it. “I don’t approve – a Prince should put the needs of his people before his own – but I understand. I’ll explain it to the others. Nobody will trouble you.” He cocked an eyebrow at Harkat. “I suppose you’ll be going with him?”

      Harkat lowered the mask from his mouth (air was poisonous to the grey-skinned Little People) and smiled thinly. “Of course.” Mr Tiny had resurrected Harkat from the dead. Harkat didn’t know who he used to be, but he believed

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