Vampire Destiny Trilogy. Darren Shan

Vampire Destiny Trilogy - Darren Shan

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with the world of vampires. Debbie had quit her job at Mahler’s – she couldn’t face work – and Alice was thinking about handing in her resignation too.

      “It seemed pointless,” she said quietly, running her fingers through her short white hair. “I joined the force to protect people. When I saw how mysterious and deadly the world really is, I no longer felt useful. I couldn’t return to ordinary life.”

      Over a number of weeks, the women talked about what they’d experienced in the tunnels, and what to do with their lives. They both agreed that they couldn’t go back to the way they’d been, but they didn’t know how to reshape their futures. Then, one night, after a lot of drinking and talking, Debbie said something that would change their lives completely and give them a new, purposeful direction.

      “I was worrying about the vampets,” Debbie told us. “They seem more vicious than the vampaneze. Their masters have morals of a kind, but the vampets are just thugs. If the vampaneze win the war, it doesn’t seem likely that the vampets will want to stop fighting.”

      “I agreed,” Alice said. “I’ve seen their kind before. Once they develop a taste for battle, they never lose it. But without vampires to attack, they’ll have to look elsewhere for prey.”

      “Humanity,” Debbie said quietly. “They’ll turn on humans if they get rid of all the vampires. They’ll keep recruiting, growing all the time, finding weak, greedy people and offering them power. With the vampaneze behind them, I think they might pose a real threat to the world in the years to come.”

      “But we didn’t think the vampires would worry about that,” Alice said. “The vampaneze are the real threat to the vampire clan. The vampets are just a nuisance as far as vampires are concerned.”

      “That’s when I said we needed to fight fire with fire.” Debbie’s face was stern, unusually so. “This is our problem. I said we needed to recruit humans to fight the vampets, now, before they grow too strong. I was speaking generally when I used ‘our’ and ‘we’, but as soon as I said it, I realized it wasn’t general—it was personal.”

      “Victims wait for others to fight on their behalf,” Alice said roughly. “Those who don’t want to be victims fight for themselves.”

      By the time the sun rose, the pair had drawn up a plan to travel to Vampire Mountain, elicit the approval of the Princes, and build an army of humans to counter the threat of the vampets. Vampires and vampaneze don’t use guns or bows and arrows – they make a vow when blooded never to avail of such weapons – but vampets aren’t bound by such laws. Alice and Debbie’s army wouldn’t be bound by those laws either. With the help of the vampires they could track the vampets, then engage them on equal, vicious terms.

      “We’d almost finished packing before the glaring flaw hit us,” Debbie laughed. “We didn’t know where Vampire Mountain was!”

      That’s when Alice recalled the piece of paper Evanna had given her. Returning to her apartment, where she’d stored it, she unfolded it and discovered directions to where the Cirque Du Freak was currently playing—here by the waterfall.

      “But Evanna gave you that paper months ago!” I exclaimed. “How did she know where the Cirque would be?”

      Alice shrugged. “I’ve tried not to think about that one. I’m just about OK with the notion of vampires, but witches who can foresee the future … that’s a step too far. I prefer to believe she checked with the guy who runs this place before she met us.”

      “Though that doesn’t explain how she knew when we’d read the message,” Debbie added with a wink.

      “I suppose this means we’re meant to … guide you to Vampire Mountain,” Harkat mused.

      “Looks like it,” Alice said. “Unless you’ve other plans?”

      Harkat looked at me. I’d made it very clear when Mr Crepsley died that I didn’t want anything to do with vampires for a while. This call was mine.

      “I’m not keen on going back,” I sighed. “It’s still too soon. But for something this important, I guess I don’t have much of a choice. As well as showing you the way, maybe I can act as the middle man between you and the Generals.”

      “We were thinking along those lines,” Debbie smiled, leaning over to squeeze my hands. “We’re not sure what the vampires will think of two human women turning up with an offer to build an army to help them. We know little of their ways or customs. We need someone to fill us in.”

      “I’m not sure the Princes will … accept your proposal,” Harkat said. “Vampires have always fought their … own battles. I think they’ll want to do the same now, even … if the odds are stacked against them.”

      “If they do, we’ll fight the vampets without them,” Alice snorted. “But they’d be fools to disregard us, and from what I’ve seen, vampires aren’t foolish.”

      “It makes sense,” I said. “Send humans to fight the vampets and leave the clan free to focus on the vampaneze.”

      “Since when did vampires do things … because they made sense?” Harkat chuckled. “But it’s worth a try. I’ll come with you.”

      “Oh no you won’t,” someone chortled behind us. Turning, startled, we saw that we’d been joined in the van by a’ third, uninvited guest, a short man with a savage leer. He was instantly recognizable and immediately unwelcome—Mr Tiny!


      THE CREATOR of the Little People was dressed in his customary yellow suit and green Wellington boots. He eyed us though thick glasses and twirled a heart-shaped watch between the fingers of his left hand. He was small and pudgy, with pure white hair and a cruel, mocking smile.

      “Hello boys,” he greeted Harkat and me. “And hello! beautiful ladies.” He winked rakishly at Debbie and Alice. Debbie smiled, but the ex-Chief Inspector was wary. Mr Tiny took a seat and removed a boot to empty dirt out of it. I saw the strange, six webbed toes I’d glimpsed once before. “I see you survived your run-in with Master Leonard,” he drawled, putting the boot back on.

      “No thanks to you,” I sniffed angrily. “You knew Steve was the Lord of the Vampaneze. You could have told us.”

      “And spoilt the surprise?” Mr Tiny laughed. “I wouldn’t have missed that fatal confrontation in the Cavern of Retribution for anything. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much in years. The tension was unbearable, even though I guessed the outcome.”

      “You weren’t in the cavern,” I challenged him. “And you didn’t guess the outcome—you knew how it would end!”

      Mr Tiny yawned insolently. “I might not have been there physically,” he said, “but I was there in spirit. As for knowing the final outcome—I didn’t. I suspected Larten would fail, but I wasn’t sure. He could have won.

      “Anyhow,” he said, clapping sharply. “That’s in the past. We’ve other fish to fry.” Looking at Harkat, he spun his watch so that it caught the light shining in the window of the van and reflected it into Harkat’s round green eyes. “Been sleeping well, Master Mulds?”

      Harkat stared straight back at his master and said blankly, “You know only too damn … well that I haven’t.”

      Mr Tiny tucked his watch away without taking his eyes off Harkat. “Time to find out who you used to be,” he murmured. Harkat stiffened.

      “Why now?” I asked.

      “His nightmares have intensified. He must come with me and search for his true identity, or say, go mad—and perish.”

      “Why can’t you just tell him?” I prodded.

      “Doesn’t work that way,” Mr Tiny

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