Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary. Collins Dictionaries
curtains NOUN
A curtain is a large piece of material that you pull across a window to cover it.
curve curves NOUN
A curve is a smooth, gradually bending line.
cushion cushions NOUN
A cushion is a soft object put on a seat to make it more comfortable.
custom customs NOUN
A custom is something that people usually do. It’s his custom to take the dog for a walk after supper.
customer customers NOUN
A customer is a person who buys something, especially from a shop.
cut cuts, cutting, cut
VERB 1 If you cut yourself, you hurt yourself by accident on something sharp.
VERB 2 If you cut something, you use a knife or scissors to remove parts of it.
cutlery NOUN
Cutlery is the knives, forks and spoons that you eat your food with.
cycle cycles, cycling, cycled
NOUN 1 A cycle is a bicycle.
VERB 2 If you cycle, you ride a bicycle.
cyclist NOUN
cylinder cylinders NOUN
A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape like a tube with flat circular ends.
cylindrical ADJECTIVE
See Solid shapes on page 266
dad dads NOUN
Your dad is your father.
daddy daddies NOUN
INFORMAL Your daddy is your father.
daffodil daffodils NOUN
A daffodil is a yellow trumpet-shaped flower that blooms in the spring.
dagger daggers NOUN
A dagger is a weapon like a knife.
Something that is daily happens every day.
dairy dairies NOUN
A dairy is a shop or company that sells milk and food made from milk, such as butter and cheese.
daisy daisies NOUN
A daisy is a small wild flower with white petals and a yellow centre.
dam dams NOUN
A dam is a wall built across a river or stream to hold back water.
damage damages, damaging, damaged VERB
To damage something means to harm or spoil it.
damp damper, dampest ADJECTIVE
Something that is damp is slightly wet.
dance dances, dancing, danced VERB
When you dance, you move your body in time to music.
dandelion dandelions NOUN
A dandelion is a wild plant with bright yellow flowers.
danger dangers NOUN
A danger is something that could harm you.
dangerous ADJECTIVE
If something is dangerous, it is likely to harm you.
dare dares, daring, dared VERB
If you dare to do something, you are brave enough to do it.
dark darker, darkest ADJECTIVE
When it is dark, there is not enough light to see properly.
darkness NOUN
dart darts, darting, darted
VERB 1 If a person or animal darts, they move suddenly and quickly.
NOUN 2 A dart is a short arrow that you throw in the game of darts.
dash dashes, dashing, dashed
VERB 1 If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly.
NOUN 2 A dash is the punctuation mark (–) which shows a change of subject, or which may be used instead of brackets.
See Punctuation on page 270
data NOUN
Data is information, usually in the form of facts or figures.
database databases NOUN
A database is a collection of information, often stored in a computer.
date dates
NOUN 1 If someone asks you the date, you tell them the day and the month.
NOUN 2 A date is a small brown sticky fruit which grows on palm trees.
daughter daughters NOUN
A girl is the daughter of her parents.
dawn NOUN
Dawn is the time of day when it first begins to get light.
day days NOUN
A day is the 24 hours between one midnight and the next.
daylight NOUN
Daylight is the light that there is during the day before it gets dark.
dazzle dazzles, dazzling, dazzled VERB
If a light dazzles you, it is so bright that you cannot really see for a while.
A person, animal or plant that is dead is no longer living.
deaf deafer, deafest ADJECTIVE
Someone who is deaf cannot hear very well, or cannot hear at all.
deal deals, dealing, dealt
VERB 1 When you deal in a card game, you give cards to the players.
VERB 2 If you deal with something, you do what needs to be done with it.
dear dearer, dearest
ADJECTIVE 1 You use Dear at the beginning of a letter or message before the name of the person you are writing to.
ADJECTIVE 2 If something is dear, it costs a lot of money.
death NOUN
Death is the end of life, when an animal or person dies.
decade decades NOUN
A decade is a period of ten years.
decay decays, decaying, decayed VERB
When something like a plant or piece of meat decays, it becomes rotten.
deceive deceives, deceiving, deceived VERB
If someone deceives you, they make you believe something