Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary. Collins Dictionaries
If something is double the size or amount of something else, it is twice as big.
doubt doubts NOUN
If you have a doubt about something, you are not sure about it.
ADJECTIVE 1 If you are doubtful about something, you are not sure about it.
ADJECTIVE 2 Something that is doubtful seems unlikely or uncertain.
dough NOUN
Dough is the floury mixture used to make things like pastry or bread.
doughnut doughnuts NOUN
A doughnut is a ring of sweet dough cooked in hot fat.
dove doves NOUN
A dove is a bird like a small pigeon.
PREPOSITION 1 If you go down a hill, you go to a lower level.
ADVERB 2 If you put something down, you put it on a surface.
ADVERB 3 If an amount of something goes down, it gets less. My pocket money’s gone down.
NOUN 4 Down is soft feathers.
download downloads, downloading, downloaded VERB
When you download a program from a disk or from the Internet, you move it into a file on your own computer.
downstairs ADVERB
If you go downstairs, you go towards the ground floor.
doze dozes, dozing, dozed VERB
When you doze, you sleep lightly.
dozen dozens NOUN
If you have a dozen things, you have 12 of them.
draft drafts NOUN
A draft is an early rough version of something you are writing.
drag drags, dragging, dragged VERB
If you drag a heavy object, you pull it along the ground.
dragon dragons NOUN
In stories, a dragon is a fierce animal like a big lizard. It has wings and claws and breathes fire.
dragonfly dragonflies NOUN
A dragonfly is a brightly-coloured insect, usually found near water.
See Insects on page 264
drain drains, draining, drained
NOUN 1 A drain is a pipe that carries water away.
VERB 2 If a liquid drains away, it flows slowly to somewhere else.
drake drakes NOUN
A drake is a male duck.
drama dramas
NOUN 1 A drama is a serious play for the theatre, television or radio.
NOUN 2 Drama is exciting and interesting things that happen.
dramatic ADJECTIVE
Something dramatic is very exciting and interesting.
dramatically ADVERB
drank VERB
Drank is the past tense of drink.
draught draughts
NOUN 1 A draught is a current of cold air coming into a room or vehicle.
PLURAL NOUN 2 Draughts is a game played with round pieces on a board.
draw draws, drawing, drew, drawn
VERB 1 When you draw, you use something like a pencil or crayon to make a picture or a pattern.
VERB 2 When you draw the curtains, you pull them across a window.
NOUN 3 A draw is the result in a game or competition in which nobody wins.
drawer drawers NOUN
A drawer is a box that slides in and out of a piece of furniture.
drawing drawings NOUN
A drawing is a picture made with a pencil, pen or crayon.
dread dreads, dreading, dreaded VERB
If you dread something, you feel worried and frightened about it.
dreadful ADJECTIVE
Something that is dreadful is very bad or unpleasant.
dream dreams, dreaming, dreamed or dreamt
VERB 1 When you dream, you see events in your mind while you are asleep.
VERB 2 If you dream while you are awake, you think about things you would like to happen.
dream NOUN
dress dresses, dressing, dressed
VERB 1 When you dress, you put on your clothes.
NOUN 2 A dress is a piece of clothing for women or girls made up of a skirt and top joined together.
drew VERB
Drew is the past tense of draw.
dribble dribbles, dribbling, dribbled
VERB 1 When babies dribble, water trickles from their mouth.
VERB 2 When players dribble the ball in a game like football, they kick it several times quickly to keep it moving.
drift drifts, drifting, drifted
VERB 1 When something drifts, it is carried along slowly by wind or water.
NOUN 2 A drift is a pile of snow heaped up by the wind.
drill drills NOUN
A drill is a tool for making holes.
drink drinks, drinking, drank, drunk
VERB 1 When you drink, you take liquid into your mouth and swallow it.
NOUN 2 A drink is a liquid which you swallow to stop you being thirsty.
drip drips, dripping, dripped VERB
When something drips, drops of liquid fall from it one after the other.
drive drives, driving, drove, driven VERB
If someone drives a vehicle, they make it move and control it.
driver drivers NOUN
The driver of a vehicle is the person who is driving it.
drop drops, dropping, dropped
VERB 1 If you drop something, you let it fall.
NOUN 2 A drop is a tiny amount of liquid.
drought droughts NOUN
A drought is a long period of time when no rain falls.
drove VERB
Drove is the past tense of drive.
drown drowns, drowning, drowned VERB
If someone drowns, they die because they have gone under water and cannot breathe.
drug drugs NOUN
A drug is a substance that is used to treat or prevent disease, or stop pain. Some drugs can be dangerous.
drum drums NOUN