The Vineyard. Karen Aldous

The Vineyard - Karen  Aldous

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so quite a cosy community emerging here Charlie-boy.’ Cal squeezed his friend’s shoulder. ‘You’ll be neighbours with my good friend here. Although…if he needs that emergency cup of sugar, you will have to make it a watertight jar.’ Both girls looked at them curiously. ‘Charles is more often sailing than at his apartment. And of course you would need to swim it over to his yacht.’

      Charles scratched the back of his ear as the girls inspected him for oddness. Then he put out his hand.

      ‘Hi.’ He shook Lizzie’s then looked Sophie in the eye. ‘Hi,’ he repeated to Sophie who, Lizzie noted, could hardly contain her enthusiasm, but was trying for a peculiar air of mystery and nonchalance. Lizzie tried not to laugh.

      ‘Sorry. Sophie, the conversation drifted. This is Cal. I met him when I went home to Mum’s.’

      ‘Oh, yes ok. Hello. Lizzie told me all about her…’ Sophie fumbled for the right word, ‘visit.’ Lizzie looked relieved.

      Cal returned her a smile before he said,

      ‘Let me get you both a drink?’

      ‘No. Let me get the drinks,’ interrupted Charles, looking like he needed to escape as beads of sweat sprung from his forehead.

      ‘Oh, Charlie-boy, even better,’ Cal jested. What do you girls want?’ Lizzie was actually beginning to become annoyed at Cal as he popped himself into the seat next to her. She made a larger space between them in case he got too close. He wasn’t really behaving like she would expect. Maybe her mother controlled him so tightly when they were at home that he let himself relax a bit more without her reins. She looked over to Sophie.

      ‘A couple of beers would be lovely,’ she said and observed her friend. She had never once seen Sophie look as puppy-eyed as she did right now, clinging to Charles’ every word. She cleared her throat before she spoke to Cal. ‘So, what brings you here? Business or pleasure?’

      ‘Both. I had a business meeting today. Convinced Charles to come out for an hour’s pleasure rather than settle in a chair with his case notes and then I have another meeting tomorrow morning.’

      ‘You have a lot of business here it seems?’ Lizzie’s voice stung with sarcasm.

      ‘Yes, I’m afraid I have this passion for wine and it just so happens this region and its experts have a lot to teach me.’

      She couldn’t help but detect a note in his voice too and wondered why. Or was it his flirty expression? She didn’t know whether she imagined it but he seemed to have almost a secret smile. When his eyes caught hers, his pupils enlarged and his cheek dimpled as his smile unfolded. There was definitely some high voltage between them, she couldn’t deny, but she shuffled back a little more to keep her distance.

      This was going to be an interesting evening she decided. She wanted to ask him why her mother didn’t accompany him on his trips. Surely she would love the south of France – but it was none of her business. They sat in silence for a while watching Sophie ogle Charles. She really wanted to catch up and chat to Sophie about the new salon but there was very little chance of that now as a waiter arrived with a bottle of Champagne encased in a bucket of ice and four Champagne flutes.

      ‘Thought this might be easier!’ announced Charles. ‘Couldn’t bloody remember what it was you asked for anyway.’

      ‘See what I mean, he doesn’t get out much,’ Cal said. Lizzie chuckled whilst noticing Sophie was still looking quite fascinated with Charles as he fumbled with handing out the slim flutes and then, with a shaking hand, poured the bubbly. Sophie passed the filled flutes around.

      ‘Thank you Charles. Cheers,’ Said Lizzie.

      ‘Good health,’ Charles said.

      ‘Sante,’ Cal said raising his.

      ‘And congratulations to our new business.’ Sophie clinked first Lizzie’s glass and then the guys.

      ‘Yes. Of course. To Beaute Dedant,’ Lizzie clinked her flute with Sophie’s.

      ‘To Beauty Within!’ Charles translated.

      ‘So what do you guys do?’ Sophie asked.

      Cal and Charles glanced at each other with mischievous eyes. Then Charles spoke. ‘As little as possible! No. I’m in law here in France, family law mainly and my good friend here, I’m sure Lizzie knows, is into his wine, although he has quite a CV, with his naval captaincy and his .com business and, of course, I forgot to add fatherhood too. Cal has a son Jack, it’s a pretty eclectic mix.’

      ‘Wow, you are both busy boys. What’s the .com business?’ Sophie’s Champagne was slipping down a treat and Lizzie was pleased to see her friend relax, although she was surprised to hear Cal had a son, Jack. She wondered if her mother knew and, for her own sake, she needed to determine whether her mother was married to Cal. He was not wearing a wedding ring.

      ‘It was something my father and I set up some years ago. Land searches, online conveyancing,’ Cal expanded. ‘Speeding things up for solicitors you might say.’

      ‘Oh Lizzie, someone else with some business acumen,’ Sophie squeezed Lizzie.

      Cal kept his eyes on Lizzie as she nodded approvingly. He winked and Lizzie felt her legs tremble. Was she supposed to feel flattered or furious?

      ‘Quite far removed from the navy Cal,’ Sophie probed. ‘How come?’

      ‘My dad was the main driver, I helped to build it with him but it just took off. Right time, I suppose.’

      Lizzie, still not sure what to think of Cal, wanted to ask him about his son and was waiting for an opportune moment but the chatter continued about their new venture as Sophie revealed more about their plans for the new premises in Rue Antibes, and just as Lizzie began to relax a little with the bubbly lightening her head, Cal announced it was time to go. He had an early start. Charles then agreed as he did too and, being sensible, Lizzie conceded, she and Sophie didn’t want to be setting off late to Provence.

      They finished their Champagne. Sophie gave her friend a sad face. Cal pecked Sophie goodbye and, turning to Lizzie, slid leisurely towards her pursing his lips gently on both sides of her face. His touch sent a charge through her cheeks which rippled through her entire body. Shuddering with shock, Lizzie turned pink, thinking maybe her imagination was in overdrive. She certainly felt his magnetism but he wouldn’t. Not flirt with his lover’s daughter. That was how it seemed. Not only did it raise her hackles but she was exasperated that she didn’t get a chance to ask him some questions. She wondered if her mother knew of his son. Not that it was really any of her business of course.

       Chapter 8

      On the journey to Bonnieux, Thierry was soon napping in his car seat in the back of the car whilst Sophie, as well as navigating, relayed to Lizzie her attraction to Cal’s friend, admitting she was endeared immediately to the gentle blush of Charles Pitt-Barker. Lizzie was amused because she had never, since knowing Sophie, seen her this animated about a man. Sophie told Lizzie that she’d lain awake all night thinking about him and how he was the typical public schoolboy she usually ran a mile from.

      ‘Oh Lizzie. What was it that made him so appealing? Was it his casual but quiet confidence do you think?’

      ‘You were only saying yesterday, you should keep things simple,’ Lizzie reminded her.

      ‘I was wasn’t I? Well, it wasn’t his yacht, nor was he sweeping me off his feet with sweet nothings or smart chat up lines. I liked his looks and maybe it was his disinterest that struck me?

      Aware that she was wasting her breath, Lizzie stayed in the zone with her friend. ‘He didn’t make a play for you Sophie, maybe that’s what gives you a buzz; you like the chase? From what I could see, boy you were intent on getting on his radar.’


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