An Average Joe's Search For The Meaning Of Life. David Shaw

An Average Joe's Search For The Meaning Of Life - David Shaw

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      Well, if I’m going to tell you my life story, warts and all, then I must be as open and honest with you as I can possibly be. But before I begin this spiritual biography, there are a couple of people I must introduce to you – my two co-writers. Get the men in white coats ready!

      But hold on, just before I introduce them to you, I must make a statement regarding the content of this book and who it should primarily be aimed at. This book is being compiled for everyone – not just spiritual people, not just those interested in the paranormal – but for everyone. I will give you the facts as I see and find them and the opinions expressed are entirely my own and should be judged by your own interpretation. Always remember that you must live your own life, and you alone have the right to make the decisions by which you will inevitably be judged.

      Firstly, let me introduce ‘Mr Chung’. As the name might suggest, Mr Chung is from China. In fact he was born in China before becoming a Tibetan monk– wait for it – in the third Chinese Dynasty. Yes, he’s in spirit – a spirit guide in fact, who as far as I am aware has worked with me for about the last eight or nine years of my physical life. His wisdom is truly phenomenal and I feel extremely privileged to be working with him. Mr Chung will work ‘through me’ in order to deliver his words of wisdom. He will pop in from time to time and you will recognise his work by the philosophy that is given. If I were to give you a spirit reading, then Mr Chung would be in charge of the proceedings.

      Secondly, I would like to introduce ‘Black Hawk’. Yes I know what you’re thinking – a Native American spirit guide and a Chinese monk! Who hasn’t got one of those? There is a good reason why these two spirits appear to me as they do. Simply put, they project an appearance of spirituality as Native Americans and Buddhist monks were, and indeed still are, extremely spiritual people. Both Black Hawk and Mr Chung undoubtedly lived many physical lives, but it is, as they appear to me now in this particular guise, that they were most at peace with their soul and spiritual self. Their appearance is not really that important – it’s their knowledge that is invaluable.

      Mr Chung once told me that if you took the combined knowledge of all individuals living in the physical world today, it still would not compare to the universal knowledge attained by my two guides what a pair of bigheads!

      So Black Hawk is a Native American, that much I know. But he’s a bit secretive about his past, and to be honest it’s totally irrelevant to me. All that really matters is that he has my respect and hopefully I will earn his. I know that Black Hawk has been with me all my physical life and for the spiritually minded – he is my ‘gatekeeper’.

      A ‘gatekeeper’ is a kind of spiritual bodyguard. He protects me from negative energy in both the spiritual and physical worlds. Everybody has a ‘gatekeeper’ and we have all benefited from their presence at least once in our lives. You may have been walking down a dark alley one night and suddenly decided to turn back, sensing that something wasn’t quite right within the context of the road ahead. Your ‘gatekeeper’ will have warned you of impending danger. I can only presume that Emily Rose’s gatekeeper was down the pub!

      Black Hawk has a distinct writing style. He will be direct and extremely informative about life in the spiritual realms. The information that I have received from Black Hawk has helped to shape the way I live my life today. It is true to say that without Black Hawk’s help I would not be alive in the physical world today – I will explain this later in the book.

      So, just how is this going to work, three voices all sharing experiences and giving advice? It should hopefully work perfectly. You should realistically only notice a difference in the actual style of writing.

      Let me explain. Can you recall the topical 1970s television programme That’s Life? Now, I appreciate if you are less than twenty years old, have only recently moved to the UK, or if, god forbid, we’ve gone global, then you will most likely be none the wiser – so I’ll explain further. That’s Life was a British television programme that dealt with serious news issues and also humorous side stories. There was also a section of the programme that gave out extremely valuable advice regarding health and relationship matters. Basically, it catered for the ups and down’s of life itself. My father used to hate the show because of the rather diverse content, but for most people the mix worked surprisingly well and the show was hugely popular.

      A typical show would entail a report on the rising number of teenage pregnancies in Newcastle; we would then jump to the case of a rogue builder whose poorly constructed houses collapsed on top of disabled people, crushing them to death; and finally a talking dog from Barnsley who could say ‘sassages’ or sausages without the Yorkshire accent of course.

      Well, retrospectively, Mr Chung would be reporting on the Geordie pregnancy scandal and dishing out contraceptive advice to all and sundry; Black Hawk would be warning against the perils of buying a house from ‘Bob the Bastard Builder’; and I, on the other hand, would be encouraging Barnsley’s pooch of the year to pop in to his local butcher and ask for two pounds of Cumberland’s finest!

      I hope this makes some sort of sense. I work in what’s called a Trance Mode. This means that from time to time my guides will influence what I write. You’ll know when one of my guides begins to come through as the literary standard will more than likely improve and the spiritual information will become far more relevant, although I will profess that my guides don’t tend to have too much of a sense of humour!

      But in my opinion life shouldn’t be all too serious. Emotions are what make the world go round, so let your emotions run free as we journey through the chapters and I promise you that the experience will be all that more special and personal to you.

       Chapter 3


      I guess my first encounter with the spirit world began when I was around six years old. Psychotherapists will tell you that this is the age when most children start to have nightmares, and in my case – very real nightmares!

      A typical nightmare would involve me wandering around a deserted street at night, before suddenly sensing impending danger around a dark corner. My instinct would tell me that I was about to be attacked and I would automatically start to run, and run, until eventually I would notice that I would simply be running on the spot. And no matter how hard I tried to move my legs they ultimately would not move – like two fence posts set in concrete.

      At this point I would quickly close my eyes and subsequently find myself back in my bedroom. However, I would then hear someone or something slowly climbing the stairs of my house. Now terrified, I would quickly close my eyes again, imagining that they were glued shut for I knew that this intruder was anything but friendly. I also knew that I couldn’t stop this intruder coming into my room but I didn’t have to see him in the flesh. With my eyes tightly closed and my other senses working overtime, I would lie there in my bed virtually paralysed with fear. I would then hear the intruder’s distinctive, menacing breath as he presumably stood over me.

      I found that my only method of escape was to suddenly free myself from this paralysis by opening my eyes quickly and shouting out aggressively, thus freeing myself from the restraints of this trance-like state. Thankfully this always did the trick and I would ultimately find myself back in my room and the menace would have gone.

      I remember vividly one night when this particular situation occurred. Just after the intruder had left, I looked out of the bedroom door – the door was always left open with the hall light left on as I was terrified of the dark – and I suddenly visualised the outline of a large strangely dressed man. He had horns sticking out of his head – yes I know we’re back to Emily Rose again, but for some reason he didn’t seem quite as threatening as the previous visitor. Nevertheless, a man standing at the bottom of my bed with horns sticking out of his head – no thank you! Eyes tightly closed again, before quickly reopening them and thankfully finding myself back in my room.

      I slowly perused my room and all seemed back to normal. This allowed

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