An Average Joe's Search For The Meaning Of Life. David Shaw

An Average Joe's Search For The Meaning Of Life - David Shaw

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power over that person – the power to frighten and to manipulate.

      OK, I’m back. Did you notice Black Hawk’s influence coming in there? You’ll get used to it. I know I have, even though these horns on my head are getting extremely heavy!

      So where were we? Oh yes, Anne and I met in 1990, got engaged in 1992, and surprise, surprise, married in 1993 – all very normal and straightforward. And so it was. Life was good, I was happy. My job was stress-free and I was living with somebody who made me feel much more confident about myself, without having to resort to alcohol. We moved in together in 1992 to a small two-bed semi in Kilmarnock. The house was only about five years old but I soon identified some peculiar spiritual activity within. The house was built on the site of an old ceramics factory and I felt certain that workers who may have died there were wandering around my house.

      We had only been living there for a few weeks when one afternoon Anne had left me decorating our bathroom, while she went shopping of course. Suddenly I became aware of the handle of the bathroom door being pushed down as if someone was trying to come in. I presumed that Anne had just returned early from her shopping trip so I naturally continued with my decorating. After about ten minutes had passed I suddenly heard a strange whistling sound from outside the bathroom door. As I knew that Anne couldn’t whistle, I decided to investigate. There was nobody outside and Anne was definitely not in our house – we had a lodger!

      We stayed in that house for nine years and it was a surprisingly happy house with just the three of us! There were many paranormal experiences and I was sure that a young boy in spirit was responsible. I don’t know why he was with us, or where he died, but he never intended to cause us harm. He certainly didn’t want to crush us in metal!

      When we later moved house in the year 2000 I’m sure he missed us, as the lady who bought our house telephoned me shortly afterwards, in a state of alarm. The carbon monoxide detector that was situated just inside the front door had gone off during the night and as a result the Gas authorities had switched off her gas supply as a precaution. She wondered if I had ever had any problems with the detector as she claimed that it would start beeping and then suddenly stop, before starting again. She had been informed by British Gas that detectors don’t normally work this way and they couldn’t understand why it was even going off in the first place as there was definitely no gas escaping from the house. I told her that it was probably a faulty detector and that I would buy her a new model. When my wife asked what the problem was I told her that our wee boy was simply missing us, but had started to play with his new friend!

      During this period of my life my main interest was song writing. When I say it was an interest, it was more like an obsession. I would write and record my own songs before sending them off to people like Simon Cowell, who would subsequently flush them down his toilet. It was an expensive hobby and one that was always really destined to fail. I always felt that I had the ability to succeed but the music business is like the lottery, there are millions of hopefuls looking for that one big prize – and ultimately greed and ego govern that prize.

      I also played in several bands as a guitarist. We were never very good; in fact we were total rubbish. How we never got a record deal I’ll never know!

      The nineties came and disappeared in a flash. The millennium would soon be upon us and my life would suddenly change quite drastically. The quiet, peaceful, happy life that I had enjoyed for the last nine years or so was about to become a roller coaster ride of emotions and a prelude to my spiritual re-awakening.

      Incidentally, I did pass my driving test. Job done!

      Now where did I park that ‘metal crushing’ Tonka truck?

       Chapter 6


      As the year 2000 rapidly approached, the world held its breath hoping our everyday lives wouldn’t collapse under a cloud of smouldering mass hysteria, for apparently we were being held to ransom by a mysterious phenomenon known simply as the ‘millennium bug’.

      And as the clock tentatively crept past midnight on the 1st of January 2000, we all cheered and celebrated the birth of a great new century. But secretly our minds were full of worry for our video recorders and microwave ovens. Would they suddenly sprout arms and legs and attack us with fireballs from their failed digital timers?

      We still don’t know who started the rumours about technology being corrupted by the dawn of this new era that we now suddenly found ourselves in. Yes, we had arrived safely in 2000, and thankfully our computers still showed the correct time and date. But why wouldn’t they?

      You see, time is not a universal force of nature. Time does not have the ability to cause the world to change course or indeed to end the world. Time is simply a man-made measurement of physical decay.

      Of course, scientists will argue that time is relevant to all scientific experiments and almost all of the laws of natural physics. And they would be correct. However, this only applies to the physical world – not the laws of the spirit world, and ultimately not the laws of the universe as a whole.

      If you were to consider that the spirit world has no physical restrictions, then wouldn’t the measurement of time be totally irrelevant? If spirits wished to travel from one place to another, no matter the distance perceived by us, and there was no physical mass to be carried during that journey, then we can logically assume that the spirit energy would reach that destination instantaneously. In actual fact, spirits travel so fast that they can realistically be in more than one place at the exact same time. So how do they do it? Well, you will ultimately find out one day, but meanwhile I will try and explain the process in simplified terms.

      Let’s imagine you are in a dream. You see something in your dream that reminds you of a place that you once visited, and suddenly you are there, in that exact place that you imagined. And, after arriving instantly, you will never remember how you quite got there. Furthermore, you aren’t imagining it, you really have been transported to that place by your thoughts, and those thoughts are real to you.

      Some psychics call this phenomenon ‘astral travel’. Try it tonight when you go to sleep, or even in meditation. You can go wherever you want – as long as it’s not North Korea, they won’t let you in!

      Travelling at this supersonic speed can have its advantages. Spirits can develop the ability to look into our future, as without time delays the future can suddenly become the present! This is how mediums and psychics can access your future via spirit contact.

      Of course, there are also disadvantages. Spirit energy functions at a far higher vibration than what our physical senses perceive. If you can imagine a cheetah flying past a tortoise and trying to say hello on the way past, then you will appreciate how difficult it can be for the two parties to effectively communicate. That is the main reason why most of us human beings are not openly aware of spiritual energy. The trick is to condition our mind in order to shut out all distractions, thus allowing spirit energy to come forward and meet us halfway. We may still only get part of the message as the energy attempts to enter our thoughts, and this is also why spirit communication can be particularly inconsistent. Both parties will be attempting desperately to make sense of each other and inevitably mistakes will be made. But when they do suddenly click – it’s magical!

      I hope you are all still with me at this point, for the spirit world is a complex environment where you are always learning and developing new skills. I have been informed that even my knowledge of the spiritual world is fairly limited and won’t realistically begin to develop until I pass over to the higher dimension.

      I have regularly communicated with spirits who have lived many lives and been progressively developing in the spirit world for centuries, and who are also still learning new ways to enhance their knowledge of universal life.

      To try and fully understand how the spirit world works in relation to the physical world would be like trying to count the number of fish in the sea. By the time you eventually reached a conclusion,

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