Monument Future. Siegfried Siegesmund
Evaluation on Reusability and Damage of Stone Properties for Repair of Wolnamsaji Temple Site Stone pagoda for Gangjin Korea in 13th Century
S. Hamilton, C. Graham, Ch. Gerdwilker, J. Hepher, S. Mirashrafi, E. Hyslop
Challenges of investigating decay in an enclosed bedrock monument: Fossil Grove, Glasgow
O. E. Gilbert, L. Mol, O. Campbell, T. Blenkinsop
The Influence of Angle of Ballistic Impact on Stone Weathering
J. H. Park, C. H. Lee, Y. H. Jo
A Study on Conservation Management System of Fortress Cultural Heritage by Behavior Monitoring and GIS
S. H. Kim, C. H. Lee
Change of Environmental Stability by Improved Airtightness in the Korean Ancient Royal Tombs from the 6th Century Baekje Kingdom
A. G. Costa
Long-Term Monitoring Of Processes Affecting Stone Materials Applied To Historical And Contemporary Buildings In Brazil
J. Menningen, S. Siegesmund, R. Krompholz, Y. Rieffel
Comparative, Non-destructive analysis of the marble sculptures General von Bülow and von Scharnhorst in Berlin
O. A. Cuzman, S. Rescic, P. Tiano
A new portable technique to evaluate the compatibility of protective treatments applied on monumental stones
S. Laue, C. Schaab, D. Drese, D. Krauthäuser, G. Helfmeier, J. Vogt
Long-Term investigations and monitoring of the salt loaded Crypt of St. Maria im Kapitol, Cologne
20K. Wilhelm, D. Gulotta, A. Leslie, M. Krus, V. Thome, R. Kilian, H. Viles
Reviving ‘Asterixe’: a unique long-term archive for built heritage research
S. Siegesmund, M. Morales Demarco, R. Wittenbecher, M. Pfeifer, K.-J. Stein
Koelga Marble as building veneer at the Town Hall of Wermelskirchen (Germany): Weathering dynamics, bowing potential and risk assessment: Part I
S. Siegesmund, M. Morales Demarco, R. Wittenbecher, M. Pfeifer, K.-J. Stein
Koelga Marble as building veneer at the Town Hall of Wermelskirchen (Germany): Weathering dynamics, bowing potential and risk assessment: Part II
A. Bordi, M. Matteini, F. Piqué
2-step DAP consolidation of marble busts on the facade of Lugano’s Cathedral
I. Kisilewicz
The Impact of Natural Climate Hazards impact on the Restoration of Dragomirna Church
J. M. Quadrizius, E. Wendler, J. Meinhardt
Improved Evaluation of Karsten Water Uptake Measurements: Visualisation of the Soaking Front by Absorption of Dye Solutions
Y. Praticò, F. Girardet, R. J. Flatt
New insights on the causes of contour scaling in Swiss sandstones
Xiaolin C.
Performance Simulation of Solid Brick Construction under the Impacts of Increased Precipitation as a Consequence of Climate Change
F. Dursun, T. Topal
Effect of weathering tests on microfracture properties of the massive and vesicular basalts
Mengjun J., Ling H.
The implication from the Na2SO4 Crystallization behaviors on Dafosi sandstones during salt-loaded hygrothermal aging cycles
21J. Bartholdy, P. Klenz Larsen, J. Bredal-Jørgensen
The damaging effect of “eco-friendly” deicing salts on building materials
A. Stahlbuhk, M. Steiger
Investigations on the Supersaturation and Damage Potential of Nitrate Salts Relevant for Objects of Cultural Heritage
E. Huby, C. Thomachot-Schneider, P. Vàzquez, G. Fronteau, J. Menningen, S. Siegesmund
Dilatation behavior of building stones repaired with a restoration mortar
J. Frick, N. Sakiyama, B. Hejazi, F. Lehmann, S. Gambarelli, J. Ožbolt, H. Garrecht
Real time monitoring of moisture and salt transport and related modelling
M. Michette, H. Viles, C. Vlachou, I. Angus
Modelling the effect of repointing and galleting on moisture dynamics in historic masonry at the Wardrobe Tower, Tower of London
D. Zhiyan, S. Wakiya, Y. Kohdzuma
Deterioration Mechanism of Japanese Sandstone During the Drying and Wetting Cycles
C. Blaeuer, B. Rousset, A. Loeffel, P. Voelkle, H. Haeberli
Tests on repair mortars for sandstones at Berne Cathedral
E. Mizutani, D. Ogura, M. Abuku, H. Derluyn
Preliminary investigation of change of pore structure due to salt precipitation during evaporation in brick with X-ray computed tomography
M. García-González, M. A. Soto-Zamora, R. A. López-Doncel
The behavior of the Cantera Hermosa tuff to the process of salt crystallization, using water with different levels of pollution – Preliminary results.
E. Wendler, S. Endemann, G. Klapprott
Stress-strain-adapted Involvement of Cross-iron in Soft Sandstone Material
Y. Wang, Sh. Yang, Z. Yu, Q. Guo, H. Viles
Evaluation of the impact of salts on the deterioration of a sandstone rock-hewn cave-temple in NW China through the combination of in situ salt extraction and salt behaviour modelling
C. Franzen, H. Ettl, G. Grassegger, F. Grüner, R. Lenz, H. Siedel, E. Wendler
Desalination of porous building material by means of poultices, the new revised WTA-Guideline
I. Rörig-Dalgaard, A. E. Charola
A new method for evaluating the condition of fired clay bricks: Preliminary results
J. Otero, A. E. Charola