Monument Future. Siegfried Siegesmund
A. Turmel
Baselining Sandstone Heritage for Conservation in a Climate Change(d) Future
Yiding W., Shibing D.
Challenges of Conservation of Sand-stone Architectural Heritage in Tsada Basin of Ngari Prefecture, Tibet, China
D. Guilbert, St. Caluwaerts, K. Calle, N. Van Den Bossche, V. Cnudde, T. De Kock
The urban heat island impact on frost weathering of natural building stones in Ghent, Belgium
L. Mertens, C. Sabatzki
Suevite, a Rare Impact Stone: Research and Development of Conservation Materials
S. Laratte, C. Thomachot-Schneider, G. Fronteau, A. Guillaneuf, P. Vazquez
Salt sensitivity of the stones of the Porte de Mars of Rheims caused by the impact of an acid atmosphere exposure
J. Meinhardt, K. Schmeikal
Investigations of aversive conditioning of biogenous growth on exposed sandstone objects
A. Nielsen, M. Brancucci
Characterisation of pollutant deposits: possible relationships between areas of origin and degradation of marble monuments.
P. Brimblecombe
Future Climate and Stone Decay
26O. Bilal, N. Rozgonyi-Boissinot
Diagnosis of Stone Deterioration in Crac des Chevaliers
K. Sterflinger, A. Rohatsch, L. Belanyecz, A. Huber
Live and let die? Biofilms on Stone: Possibilities, Limits and Risks of Combating
D. Badreddine, K. Beck, X. Brunetaud, A. Chaaba, M. Al-Mukhtar
Stone-mortar compatibility: Thermo-hygric cycling induced aging of masonries polluted by salt
Shibing D., Jizhong H., Jinhua W., Hongsong L.
Stone Conservation in China – with Focusing on Carbonate Stone Conservation Practice
T. Dettmering, Z. Liu, Y. Tang, Y. Wang, S. Dai
Preliminary study on lime mortars used for stone masonry of the Great Wall built by Ming Dynasty in China
Š. Govže, S. Dolenec, A. Pondelak
Consolidation Of The Bioclastic Limestone Using Three Different Carbonate-Forming Consolidants: In Situ Study
M. Stuff, K. Rübner, C. Prinz, N. Rische, M. Chronz, H.-C. Kühne
Towards a better understanding of tuff stone deterioration
G. H. Lee, C. H. Lee, J. H. Park
Material Characteristics and Provenance Presumption for Stone Properties of the Korean Ancient Tomb in Seoul Songpa District
N. Maklada, Y. Saad, Y. Schaffer, P. Gendelman, Y. Sha’altiel, E. Greenfeld, I. Rosental
The Crusader Wall of Caesarea Resurrected: A Conservation Stonework Project
D. Kowalik-Kociszewska
Examination of Historical Sandstone Epitaphs as a Searching For a New Method of Conservation
V. Marinković, D. Mudronja, S. Dolenec, A. Pondelak
Case study: Stone Consolidation of Reliefs inside the Cathedral of St. Lawrence, Trogir – Results and Doubts of Field Treatment
27L. Mol, C. Brassey, L. Clarke, O. Gilbert, O. Campbell, T. Blenkinsop
Heritage in the Crossfire
M. Avrahami, J. Neguer
The conservation of the Lintels of the Church of the St. Sepulchre
B. Brunet-Imbault, Ph. Bromblet, H. de La Boisse, B. Reidiboym, C. Guinamard
Conservation of delaminated stone: Diagnosis and tests for the restoration of the medieval church of Sainte-Croix de Celleneuve (Montpellier, France)
S. Godts, C. De Clercq
Analysis of the Salt Content during Water Bath Desalination of a Polychrome Limestone Relief
J. De Roy, S. Huysmans, L. Fontaine, C. De Clercq, S. Godts
A pilot study to define the restoration for 68 sandstone sculptures of the Calvary of the St. Paul’s Church in Antwerp (Belgium)
E. Steindlberger
Conservation of northern Hessian tuffstones – A building material used for the monuments in the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe
R. Will, K. Lange
Restoration of the 172 facade sculptures of the New Palace, Potsdam – development and transfer of an economic concept
J. Meinhardt, J. Gutglück, K. Schmeikal, G. Hauff
Exemplary conservation of the polychromy on the Gothic sandstone sculptures of the Halberstadt cathedral using facing-technology
K. Lange, R. Will
The marble sculpture collection in front of the palace of the New Chambers, Potsdam Outlining current research and practice in sculpture restoration
E. İpekci, R. Aydın, M. Taykurt Daday, H. Yüceer, H. Böke
Weathering of Limestone at Anavarza Archaeological Site in Turkey
A. Logreira, L. Ashon
Conservation of the Cloisters at Norwich Cathedral, UK
A. Sobhi, H. Marey Mahmoud, A. Brania
The burial tombs of Tell-Basta: the building materials and restoration attempt
28M. Uggeri, E. Concina, A. Sansonetti, R. Bugini
Study of the lithotypes used in the mosaics of artificial grottoes and nymphaea in Lombardy
S. Fujii, K. Kiriyama, S. Wakiya, T. Koezuka, Y. Kohdzuma
Influence of heat and moisture environment inside the shelter on sodium and calcium sulfate behavior
F. Grüner, J. Zöldföldi
Natural stone exchange and quality assurance in the case of the Ulm Minster in Baden-Württemberg
Ch. Burris
The Discovery, Analysis and Replication of a Blue Romanesque Revival Stopping Mortar