The Riviera. Karen Aldous
Kelly tucked a mug under the coffee machine and, throwing in a capsule, hit the switch. ‘We have done on the odd occasion it’s not let. It earns too good an income and we can cycle out with the kids now. Yes, there are bikes here and a child seat. Toys, beach boards, balls, fishing gear – anything you can think of really. Help yourself.’
‘Thank you. It’s very kind of you to let us use it.’
‘Haw, no problem.’ Kelly lowered her voice and passed Lizzie her coffee. ‘It’ll be good for Jack. Hopefully it will distract his mind and little Thierry will give him something different to focus on.’
‘Such a shame it’s too cold for swimming. Thierry’s just taken his first strokes.’
‘Well, there are wet suits, but the community pool will be better suited. It’s close to town.’
Lizzie nodded, placing her hot coffee on the worktop.
Kelly beamed pearly-white teeth. ‘Cal, coffee’s here. Just how you like it, and I’ve made some of your favourite bites. They’re in the fridge, I’ll get them out,’ she told him as he sauntered in.
Lizzie caught Kelly’s eyes fixed on Cal like she was seeking approval.
‘Thanks. Presumably smoked salmon bagels. Will Thierry eat…?’
‘Oh, I’ve made the boys ham and cheese,’ Kelly cut in. ‘So, I’ll be off. Just ring if you need anything. Bye. I’ll go say goodnight to the boys.’ She pecked them both, Lizzie on the cheek and Cal, Lizzie noted, on his lips.
Lizzie clasped her fingers around her coffee mug, gripping it tight. ‘Bye and thanks, Kelly.’ She forced a smile and followed Kelly with her eyes as Cal’s ex unhooked her coat in the hall and dashed through to say goodbye to Jack and Thierry.
She focused her attention back on Cal munching away at the beautifully prepared food.
‘You’d better eat something,’ Cal said with flirty eyes. ‘You’ll be needing the energy.’
Lizzie felt heat race to her cheeks.
‘Ahem, I haven’t gone yet!’ Kelly mused, zipping up her coat. ‘Enjoy your, erm, sleep.’
‘Alone at last,’ Cal said sliding over and cupping Lizzie’s chin, gently brushing back the warm chestnut hair from one side of her face. ‘Your face gets more and more beautiful. I’m so glad you’re here.’ he pressed his lips to hers. Lizzie immediately caught his familiar breath and melted straight into his kiss.
‘Bye, you lovebirds,’ Kelly called as she dashed out the front door.
‘And,’ Lizzie cleared her throat as she squeezed his waist, ‘Just our two little treasures to wrap up first.’
Cal clutched her tighter. ‘Only if I let you go. God, you not only look gorgeous, you smell even more delicious than a warm apple pie. And that is the best smell in the world.’
‘Do you know, as soon as you grabbed me at the airport, your body scent hit my nostrils. It must be your pheromones. Strong pheromones at that. I don’t think I’m going to be able to control myself, she confessed watching his pupils enlarge. His hunger was evident, making her weaker by the millisecond. This man really was the most desirable being on earth, she thought. How on earth Kelly left him for Reuben, she’d never understand. And she wondered if Kelly did now regret it. When she’d met Reuben a few months ago he looked much older than she imagined. Luckily for her though, Cal was hers and that was all that mattered.
‘Oh dear, two uncontrollable adults. It will be a problem for me too. I don’t know how I’m going to keep my hands off you either this week, if I keep inhaling you Truly Scrumptious!’
‘I remember that name.’
‘Yes, that’s what you should have been called.’
‘And you can be Caractacus Potts. He was handsome, clever and a lovely father to boot.’
‘OK. I won’t disagree with you there. Let’s go and play Mummies and Daddies.’
A snigger shook inside her. Bonkers, the pair of them but she was loving bonkers more and more. It was definitely keeping her tired body awake. Sliding out of his arms, she strolled into the living room almost hurtling over the boys playing cars on the floor.
‘Well, little man, five more minutes and we’ll get you changed for bed,’ she told Thierry. ‘Is it OK to go up and see his room?’
‘Crikey, yes. Come. I’ll show you,’ Cal said.
Cal led her upstairs and into a beautifully furnished twin bedroom. Typically New England or Swedish, Lizzie was never one to distinguish the two styles very well, but the white-painted walls and floorboards rugged out and softly furnished with tasteful neutral bedding and grey-washed picture frames, made the finish quite stunning.
‘Very nice. I hope Reuben and Kelly will let us pay for our stay.’
‘You can offer but I doubt it. We’ll buy Kelly a little something.’
She pulled the curtains on both windows and took away a pile of pillows and cushions, just leaving him one. Yes, Thierry will be quite comfortable she was sure. She opened his bag and pulled out a pair of his pyjamas and a fleecy onesie to keep him snug. With it came out his spare comforter, a shabby-looking, soft-bodied Mickey Mouse.
‘I recognise that,’ Cal said wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and breathing close to her ear. ‘That was with him in his push-chair the very first day I met him in Aix.’ She turned, brushing his lips with her cheek and instantly captured his next breath with hers.
‘Not long now.’ He brushed his fingers gently down her face and then took the toy from her hand and placed it on Thierry’s bed. ‘I’m sure Jack will go to his room as soon as Thierry does. He’s got a new game console I thought may come in handy.’
Lizzie pinched his bum. ‘Always that step ahead, aren’t you?’
When Lizzie woke the following day, she panicked realising where she was and no Cal beside her. Last night’s reunion had been so amazing. It had been worth every mile she’d travelled to see him but she rubbed her eyes and looked around for her phone, she had no idea of the time. The curtains blacked the room out. The phone was still in her bag and as she tapped it awake, her heart lurched. It was gone eleven.
‘Jesus, Thierry.’ She grabbed her clothes from the floor and dashed to his room. Nothing but an empty bed, and the curtains already pulled back. She scrambled into her jeans and top, unable to avoid looking out the window. The view of the sea was fantastic but this was not the time. She ran down the stairs in search of her son.
‘Oh thank God, there you are. Why didn’t someone wake me?’ she said as she raced into the kitchen.
‘Mummy,’ Thierry squealed as she reached the dining table and planted a kiss on his cheek, observing his concentration on one of his puzzles.
‘Good morning, sweet pea. Whoa, so sorry. Mummy woke up very late.’
Cal’s eyes brightened and he stood and greeted her with a quick kiss. ‘Truly, I did call you after I showered up but you must have been exhausted. There was no stirring whatsoever. I kept a check on Thierry until he woke about nine-thirty. He’s been quietly engrossed in the puzzles for the last half hour.’
Smiling sleepily, she then forced her puffy eyes to widen. ‘Thank you. I can’t believe the time.’
Kelly got to her feet. ‘Well, it’s still morning, albeit closer to lunch. What can I get you to eat, honey? I got a turkey club, bacon and avocado, pulled pork and slaw, lobster with mayo or melted butter?’
Lizzie scratched her head. ‘Oh phew, just a coffee