The Riviera. Karen Aldous
playing havoc with your digestion.’
Lizzie shot Cal a frown. Since when, she wondered.
Cal shrugged with a surprised look on his face. ‘As Jack doesn’t have a class tomorrow, shall we tour the island or, we can go to Martha’s Vineyard?’
‘Entirely up to you. It would be nice to have a walk along the beach today. What time does Jack finish?’
‘He’ll finish at twelve and can do his homework when we come back,’ Kelly said.
‘Won’t you be picking Harry and Bea up? We can find our way around, especially as Jack will be with us.’
‘No it’s fine. I doubt a walk out here will take more than a couple of hours.’
Lizzie scratched an invisible mark on her eyelid as she glared at Cal. Alarm mounted on his face.
‘Kelly. I haven’t seen Lizzie for a whole week. Would you mind if we took the boys alone?’
Her hand shot up as her jaw slumped. ‘Yeah, right. Of course,’ Kelly said shooting her eyes in Lizzie’s direction.
The glare of indignation was palpable on Lizzie’s cheeks and sudden guilt almost led her to protest. It was probably best Cal should tell her now otherwise they may not get privacy all week. She could see the hurt in the woman’s eyes however and knew Kelly had made such an effort to make them all feel so welcome and comfortable. Lizzie soon found the perfect distraction. She glided over to the double doors leading out to the deck.
‘The views here are spectacular. Of course, arriving in the dark last night, I wasn’t prepared for all this.’ Her hand reached out in front of her. ‘The ocean on your doorstep and a huge sandy beach, it’s simply gorgeous.’
‘We are so blessed, yes,’ said Kelly slipping up beside her. ‘The surf here is great, and the sand, just so soft on the feet. And you wait until this evening. You will find it hard to beat the sunsets we have here. And I mean here. Right out on deck. It’s pretty romantic.’
‘Oh, I can’t wait. I’m a real sucker for a romantic sunset. Isn’t that right, Cal?’
Cal popped her a glance and a nod as he perched next to Thierry.
‘Well, that’s not all, the harbour and marina are not far away. You’ll enjoy it here, I guarantee it. There’s not too many people around this time of year either, hence the house being available.’
‘Yes, I was saying to Cal last night. I hope you will accept a payment from us, or me at least?’
Kelly flicked her long hair back. ‘Oh, honey, no, I couldn’t. I’m only too pleased that Jack has his father here, and Thierry. It’s an ideal distraction. I’m hoping,’ Kelly leant towards Lizzie hushing her voice, ‘Jack will go to the pool with Thierry. It will be a step forward, well, in respect of, you know, being in a public place with the possibility of bumping into people. It could increase his confidence couldn’t it?’
‘Oh, absolutely,’ Lizzie agreed. ‘I wouldn’t mention it to Thierry unless Jack is comfortable with it though. He’ll not let go once he gets wind of something.’
Kelly twisted her mouth, fixing her eyes on the vast blue of the sky and ocean. ‘Yes, I’m gonna see how Jack gets on in the next few days. Anyway, you must have something to eat before you go for your walk,’ she insisted.
Lizzie smiled as she turned to Cal. ‘Yes. Good thinking. Oh, what was the choice?’
The walk was everything Kelly had promised, glorious. A chilly breeze swept over the sand but it was great to feel the wind in her hair and the sun on her skin. Lizzie removed her shoes and let her feet sink into the soft sand on the shore as the waves bashed away repeatedly and mesmerisingly. Walking hand in hand with a barefoot Cal, his jeans rolled up, was refreshingly liberating, and dead romantic. Lizzie imagined she could almost be on a film set advertising the perfect getaway. And the boys, running and splashing on the edge of the water with their trousers also rolled up, was so endearing to watch. However British it appeared! Jack was obviously adept at keeping his younger siblings amused and was just so relaxed with her son. He had a particular knack for inventing games so Thierry was really chuckling away and having fun.
As Cal lightly squeezed her hand, she sought his eyes, watching his tousled hair rush and tumble in the breeze.
‘It’s beautiful isn’t it?’
‘Fabulous,’ she agreed.
‘I can’t believe we’ve been stuck in Jack’s room all week when we could have enjoyed all this.’
‘Probably not so romantic with Jack, but yes. If he’s come this far, maybe he will venture out more now.’ Lizzie’s twirled her arm around capturing the breeze.
‘Yes, perhaps we’re being over-protective. Oh God, who knows? How are you supposed to know what the best thing is for your child?’ Cal kicked the sand with his bare foot. ‘It’s difficult as hell. Unfortunately, I’ve not been around on a daily basis like a real parent. Mind you, neither has Reuben. I wouldn’t have thought either of us know him as well as Kelly.’
‘You can’t, surely. I’m sure my mum thought she was doing the right thing, but I construed it as overbearing and domineering.’ Lizzie peered round again at the boys. ‘I hope our relationship is much closer so we are more involved in each other’s lives and the children’s. I don’t want to be one of those mothers to just tell my son what he should do, but rather, guide.
‘Mmm. I do wonder if Kelly tries to overpower him. The way he tried to avoid her when I first arrived makes me think he’s clamouring for some peace, or space.’
Lizzie wanted to shout Hell yes that woman is controlling! There were so many similarities to her own mother. Even the last twelve or so hours Lizzie had felt constricted. Kelly was practically running the beach house as a guest house rather than letting it. As much as she appreciated her welcoming them, she didn’t expect her to be here with them all day today and do every activity with them. Then, Lizzie feared she was being a little harsh. It was Kelly’s son who was going through the trauma, and the reason why they were here. Maybe it was just her way of feeling useful in a crisis.
‘I suppose it’s hard to get a balance sometimes, and possibly it depends on the child and the dynamics of the relationship. I don’t think many teenagers talk to their parents about their problems. I know I didn’t,’ Lizzie laughed, ‘as you know.’
‘No. I didn’t share much with my parents, although Mum was, and is, a good listener. She would never have forced me to do anything I wasn’t happy doing.’ Cal flicked a mass of thick tresses from his face.
‘And, I suppose, what’s happened with Jack is extreme. Kelly didn’t have any idea and even if she did, what could she have done different?’
‘We can only do our best.’ Cal took her arm and twisted her round to face him, embracing her, knocking her off balance then, grabbing her waist, found her lips. Lizzie responded like a magnet instantly succumbing to its force. Blood rushed to her loins. It was so good to be wrapped again in his arms and kiss those lips. She truly felt she belonged to him and this blissful state was the crescendo of a long and beautiful symphony she could play time and time again. She and Cal and their little family. Quite possibly making more little additions to their family. She wished she could picture them all in their new home.
As if reading her thoughts as they prised themselves apart, Cal slipped his hand back into hers and said, ‘Maybe one day, when we make that old wreck of a house liveable, Jack can come and live with us.’
She glistened a smile knowing how much that would mean to him. Although, as a mother, she doubted he realised how much Kelly would abhor that idea. She would have to face it though if Jack was making plans. It could be a reality soon. She shuddered at the thought of Thierry leaving her one day.