Lost In A Stallion's Arms. Deborah Fletcher Mello
take hers. She says it’s important.”
Luke raised a curious eyebrow. Vanessa Long was an old family friend by virtue of her long-time friendship with their brother Mark. There had been a time when the whole family had been certain that Mark and Vanessa would end up in wedded bliss, but shortly after high school Vanessa had come out of the closet, announcing her preference for women. Mark’s very best friend had suddenly become his very best lesbian friend.
There was nothing unusual about Vanessa calling the office or their home, but usually she was calling Mark. Rarely did Vanessa call any of the others. If she spoke to any of them it was usually by default, Mark being unavailable. Luke couldn’t help but notice the look that crossed Matthew’s face, his brother suddenly seeming anxious. He couldn’t keep himself from prying. “What’s Vanessa calling about?” Luke asked, curiosity flooding his face.
Matthew shrugged, ignoring his brother’s question. “Carol, tell her I’m in a meeting with Luke and I’ll call her back as soon as we’re free, please.”
“Yes, sir.”
The intercom’s soft hum quieted as the woman in the exterior office severed the connection. Matthew turned his attention back to his brother.
“And to answer your first questions, yes, I do think you sometimes take your wealth for granted. But that’s because you don’t have any memories of when we didn’t have money, not like the rest of us do. It’s all you know. Plus John and Mark spoiled you. You’ve always had everything you needed and most things you wanted.
“But no, you are not selfish. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, I have a ton of work to get through, and I’m sure you have a long list to complete yourself. I’ll see you at the house later,” Matthew said, dismissing him.
Luke smiled as his brother moved back to his desk and sat down. Matthew was good, but he wasn’t that good. He’d evaded Luke’s question, but curiosity was a strange beast, always intruding where it was least wanted. The younger man persisted. “So, you’re not going to answer my last question?”
Matthew focused his gaze on the pile of papers atop his desk, feigning interest in the stack of manila folders. “What question was that?”
“What’s Vanessa calling you for?”
Matthew looked up, tossing his brother an easy smile. “I guess once you leave I’ll be able to call her back and find out, won’t I?”
Luke laughed, heading toward the door, his brother’s smug expression following him out the exit.
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