Lost In A Stallion's Arms. Deborah Fletcher Mello
a gathering of teens who were watching them closely. She turned, tossing him a brash wink. “I know Miss Lake can’t handle a man like you. But I’ll be here if you want some real fun!”
Brenda laughed, her friends snickering with her, and Luke suddenly felt like he was the punch line at the end of a very bad joke. He frowned, his mood shifting ever so slightly. “Goodbye, Brenda,” he said, no hint of playfulness in his tone.
Joanne was standing inside the center’s reception area when Luke entered the building. His grin was full and wide, his excitement shining in his eyes when he saw her. “Good morning, Ms. Lake,” he said, tipping his head in greeting.
“Good morning, Mr. Stallion,” Joanne greeted, her own excitement spilling over in her voice.
“We’re being formal with each other again, Ms. Lake. I thought we’d gotten past all that,” Luke said teasingly as he leaned his elbows on the counter.
“You started it.”
Luke laughed. “I guess I did. Joanne.”
She tilted her head. “Luke,” she said, responding with his first name. “So, what brings you back here this morning?”
“I’m still searching for information. I was hoping to meet with your director, of course, and talk to more of your clients.”
Joanne nodded her head. “Well, Daniel’s not here yet, but we expect him shortly.”
Luke nodded, his eyes flitting back and forth across her beautiful face. “So, tell me again, what is it that you do here?”
The woman smiled. “Do you suffer from short-term memory problems, Luke? You don’t seem like a man who’d forget a detail like that so quickly.”
Luke chuckled. “I didn’t. I was just making conversation.” The coy look she gave him sent a shiver up and down his spine.
Joanne studied him momentarily, her gaze racing from the top of his head down to his feet. The man’s stare was unnerving, causing a rise of perspiration to bead across her brow and in the deep valley between her breasts. She fanned a hand before her face, turning quickly to keep him from seeing the expression that crossed it.
“You’re welcome to sit and wait, Mr. Stallion. Daniel shouldn’t be much longer.”
“Will you wait with me?” Luke asked, his tone hopeful. “We could…just…talk,” he said, suddenly stammering.
Joanne shook her head, still refusing to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry. I have to go head downtown to help some of our clients arrange payment plans for their utility bills.” She tossed him a quick glance over her shoulder. He was still looking at her intently. Joanne spun back around to face him. “Perhaps another time,” she said as she took a deep inhale of air and held it.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Luke answered, his deep tone promising. “So, perhaps when you get back?”
Joanne paused, warm breath seeping slowly past her lips. “I may be a while. You’ll probably be gone by the time I get back.”
Luke tossed her a quick wink. “Don’t count on it,” he said huskily. Their eyes met and held for a minute until Joanne broke the connection, turning away from him.
Crossing the room toward the front door, Joanne was acutely aware of him watching her side-to-side sashay with much appreciation. A slight smile pulled at her mouth as she fought to contain the rising anxiety, wanting to pretend not to notice. Behind her, Luke was still staring, unable to take his eyes off her.
Hours later when Joanne walked back through the doors of the center, Luke and Daniel Manchuck, the center’s director, were knee deep in conversation. Joanne peeked into the office where the two men sat, curious about the hearty laughter that echoed down the corridor toward the reception area. The two men sat on opposite sides of an old metal desk, legs and arms crossed comfortably in front of them. Conversation flowed between them like they’d been friends since forever. A leather portfolio sat in Luke’s lap, his large hand wrapped easily around an ink pen as he jotted notes into the margins of a note pad. He was firing questions at the other man as fast as they could be answered, clearly interested in what they were discussing.
The man was drop-dead gorgeous, Joanne thought, admiring the casual styling of his attire. Even with him sitting, it was evident that Luke Stallion was one well-built specimen of maleness. Having been given a sneak peek at what lay beneath his wardrobe only served to fuel some wicked thoughts in the woman’s mind. She closed her eyes briefly, imagining what it might be like to draw her palms across his broad chest and caress the dark chocolate lines of his sculpted back. Joanne gasped softly, her eyes opening quickly to see if anyone had seen her. The two men were still lost in conversation as she resumed staring. Joanne stood eyeing him for some time before either realized she was there.
As he spun around in his chair, Dan’s gaze swept across the doorway. He suddenly took note of her quietly standing in the entrance. Waving his hand in her direction, he gave her a bright smile. “Hey, Joanne! We didn’t see you standing there.”
Luke looked up just as Joanne lifted her hand in greeting, calling out both their names. “Gentlemen, good afternoon. I didn’t want to interrupt. You two looked busy.” A brilliant smile flooded her face. “It’s good to see you again, Luke,” she said directing that smile in his direction.
As if startled, Luke jumped to his feet, spilling half his papers onto the floor as he knocked over the chair behind him. A wave of heat flushed his dark face as he struggled to regain his composure. “Hi,” Luke finally managed to mutter. He knelt down to scoop up the documents that had dropped out of his hands, managing only to drop the balance of them instead.
Joanne laughed out loud at the sight of him looking so bewildered and nervous. “It’s just a hello,” she said giggling softly as she moved to help him pick up his papers.
Only slightly embarrassed, Luke laughed with her. “Not too smooth, huh?” he said, chuckling deeply.
Joanne’s eyes shimmered with amusement. “No. Not smooth at all.” She handed him his documents, her hand brushing gently against his as she did.
There was no mistaking the sudden current of electricity that passed between them, both pulling back as if they’d been burned. Surprised, Joanne stood quickly, taking a step away from him. Her own cheeks were suddenly bright with color.
Heat warmed Luke’s cheeks as well as he gestured with the papers in his hand. “Thank you,” he said, moving to pick up the chair he’d been occupying. A wide grin spread from ear to ear. “Dan, do you think you can help a brother out here?” he said with a deep chuckle.
“There is no saving you from that smooth move, guy,” Dan said, humor washing over his expression. He looked from one to the other. “Since you two are already acquainted, I’ll dispense with the introductions and get right to business. Joanne, why don’t you come take a seat. We were just discussing some of the new programs you were hoping to initiate here. Luke has some great ideas, as well.”
“Really?” Joanne said, her expression curious as she moved to sit down.
Luke nodded. “I was just telling Dan about Briscoe Ranch. We’ve initiated some great community programs for students to come out and work with the horses. I think a joint program between our two organizations might be beneficial to the kids here.”
Joanne nodded her head as she moved to take the seat beside him. She didn’t miss the stare Luke gave her, his gaze sweeping from her head down to her toes and back again. She was glad for her wardrobe choice that morning, having selected one of her own designs. The dress was a form-fitting wrap in a summer floral that accentuated her full bust line and fuller rear end. The dress draped her nicely, highlighting everything that was feminine about her. She felt herself smiling foolishly as she took in the appreciation that washed over her from Luke’s deep gaze.
Luke couldn’t stop himself from staring. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. Everything about her was screaming