Medical Statistics. David Machin

Medical Statistics - David  Machin

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Non‐Normal Distributions 7.6 Degrees of Freedom 7.7 Points When Reading the Literature 7.8 Technical Details 7.9 Exercises

      12  8 Comparing Groups of Binary and Categorical Data Summary 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Comparison of Two Independent Groups – Binary Outcomes 8.3 Comparing Risks 8.4 Comparison of Two Groups of Paired Observations – Categorical Outcomes 8.5 Degrees of Freedom 8.6 Points When Reading the Literature 8.7 Technical Details 8.8 Exercises

      13  9 Correlation and Linear Regression Summary 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Correlation 9.3 Linear Regression 9.4 Comparison of Assumptions Between Correlation and Regression 9.5 Multiple Regression 9.6 Correlation is not Causation 9.7 Points When Reading the Literature 9.8 Technical Details 9.9 Exercises

      14  10 Logistic Regression Summary 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Binary Outcome Variable 10.3 The Multiple Logistic Regression Equation 10.4 Conditional Logistic Regression 10.5 Reporting the Results of a Logistic Regression 10.6 Additional Points When Reading the Literature When Logistic Regression Has Been Used 10.7 Technical Details 10.8 The Wald Test 10.9 Evaluating the Model and its Fit: The Hosmer–Lemeshow Test 10.10 Assessing Predictive Efficiency (1): 2 × 2 Classification Table 10.11 Assessing Predictive Efficiency (2): The ROC Curve 10.12 Investigating Linearity 10.13 Exercises

      15  11 Survival Analysis Summary 11.1 Time to Event Data 11.2 Kaplan–Meier Survival Curve 11.3 The Logrank Test 11.4 The Hazard Ratio 11.5 Modelling Time to Event Data 11.6 Points When Reading Literature 11.7 Exercises

      16  12 Reliability and Method Comparison Studies Summary 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Repeatability 12.3 Agreement 12.4 Validity 12.5 Method Comparison Studies 12.6 Points When Reading the Literature 12.7 Technical Details 12.8 Exercises

      17  13 Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests Summary 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Diagnostic Tests 13.3 Prevalence, Overall Accuracy, Sensitivity, and Specificity 13.4 Positive and Negative Predictive Values 13.5 The Effect of Prevalence 13.6 Confidence Intervals 13.7 Functions of a Screening and Diagnostic Test 13.8 Likelihood Ratio, Pre‐test Odds and Post‐test Odds 13.9 Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve 13.10 Points When Reading the Literature About a Diagnostic Test 13.11 Exercises

      18  14 Observational Studies Summary

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